25 марта 2019

The United States and Their Allies Use Their Diplomatic Missions for Non-Conventional Purposes.

The US Congress in 2017 adopted a resolution that the president should stop the participation of US forces in the fighting in the Republic of Yemen. The initiators refer to the article of the US Constitution, according to which it is the Congress that has the right to declare war (Art. I, Section 8). However, no such permission was received from the congress. "No permission was issued to use the US Armed Forces in relation to the conflict between the forces led by Saudi Arabia and the alliance of the Hussites and Saleh supporters in Yemen," the document says.

As we see, the US President involved his country in another war in the Middle East without a congressional decision, that is, illegally. No wonder. The forces that hold both the US and its allies under their authority show utter disrespect not only for the norms of international law, but also for the domestic legislation of their countries.

Everyone knows about the barbaric methods of waging war against Saudi Arabia against Yemen. Under the false slogan of the fight against the Hussites, destructive rocket-bombing strikes are being inflicted on peaceful humanitarian objects, as a result of which thousands of civilians, including children, die. The level of development of modern technical means of warfare with those fantastic financial resources that are available to the kingdom, makes it possible to avoid civilian casualties, however, the military goal of Saudi Arabia is not to defeat the Hussites, but physically destroy the maximum number of inhabitants of Yemen. At the same time, the Saudis are fully aware that no one would dare to prevent them from doing so, since Saudi Arabia is in itself a strong military and economic country, and, moreover, is under the auspices of the United States. And international law and, moreover, humanitarian law, of course, do not work, no one thinks to impose sanctions on Saudi Arabia.

Here is the time to recall the chilling story that has so far spread around the world. Saudi diplomats in Turkey were lured to the embassy by an opposition Saudi journalist, Jamal Hashoghi, who was in Turkey, killed him, dismembered him and buried him right there on the embassy’s territory.
The murder of a Saudi journalist, besides on the territory of the embassy, ​​caused a wave of condemnation and criticism all over the world both to official Riyadh and to the crown prince of the kingdom of Mohammed ibn Salman. Saudi Arabia acknowledged the murder, but categorically denies the involvement of the Crown Prince in this case.

In short, as we have already noted, Khashoggi’s body was dismembered. Moreover, according to the British press, Salah Mohammed al Tubaigi, the head of the forensic medical examination from the security department of Saudi Arabia, did it. He allegedly was among the 15 people who arrived in Ankara on a private plane from Riyadh on the same day. British journalists referring to a Turkish source report that Tubaigi began to cut Khasoggi’s body on the table in his office while the journalist was still alive. According to the source, the murder took seven minutes. “The source said that Mr. Tubaigi listened to music in his headphones when he cut the body of Khashoggi still breathing. He advised his associates to do the same, explaining,“ When I do this kind of work, I listen to music. You should do the same. "

In an interview with Reuters, a Saudi official on condition of anonymity offered his version, which is different from the one that Turkey adheres to. He said that Jamal Hashoggi was strangled, then he was wrapped in a carpet or a blanket - and then one of the consulate staff had to take care of getting rid of the corpse. In addition, an anonymous source told reporters that they did not want to kill Khashoggi, he began to shout loudly and then strangled him out of carelessness. After that, a member of the group that arrived from Saudi Arabia changed into Hashoghga's clothes, put on his glasses and Apple Watch and left the consulate so that the surveillance cameras would record the exit of “Jamal Hashoggi” from the embassy’s territory alive.

In any case, such a flagrant violation by high-ranking officials of Saudi Arabia, not only the laws of the kingdom itself, but also all conceivable and unthinkable international conventions and other legal acts regulating the use of diplomatic missions, has passed, one might say, unnoticed. Western governments, in order to please the public opinion of their countries, limited themselves to meaningless statements, and this was all silent.

American diplomats are also frolicking. We all remember the ugly behavior of the American ambassador to Libya, who sneered at the dead body of the deposed leader of the host country and made a selfie with him. Higher forces do not forgive such things, and this ambassador was subsequently torn to pieces by a brutal mob in Benghazi. Recently another American diplomat distinguished himself. On the ninth of March in Sheremetyevo, during the screening of the luggage of an employee of the US Embassy, ​​a mine was found with a fuse and without an explosive, but with its traces inside the hull. The Russian Foreign Ministry called this incident an attempt to arrange a provocation at a transport facility.

“It would seem, what does the UK have to do with it? You know, many experts believe that it’s just that,” said Zakharova.

According to her, there is an opinion that everything that happened at Sheremetyevo is not a slob of an American employee, but an outright provocation. "An analysis of the totality of facts and factors shows that, perhaps, London is very much at it," Zakharova said.

She recalled that the path of the American to the homeland ran through London, although direct communication between Russia and the United States operates regularly and with a sufficient number of flights. “Would it not have happened that when this marine, who worked at the US embassy in Moscow, could still take out this old mine and it would end up in the UK, we would be told,” look: it turns out you can take anything you want, including a mine, so that there is a “Novice”, Zakharova noted.

She suggested that this mine would have been found somewhere near the residence of some Russian citizen or compatriot as "the next so-called proof of the assassination of the bloody Kremlin by the lives of its citizens." "This version also exists and is being worked out by experts," Zakharova pointed out.

Indeed, given the level of unbridled anti-Russian hysteria that is unleashed in the West at the suggestion of Washington and London, the fairly well-processed public opinion of the West will easily believe in new, even more monstrous fabrications.

Imagine that a mine, even without a filling, was successfully removed. In London, where a US diplomat followed, it would not have been difficult to fill a mine with an appropriate explosive, blow up some Soviet traitor near the house, a Russian businessman who had left for London, or even near a university, school or kindergarten ... but where! But blow up in such a way that it would be easy to detect its Russian origin from the fragments. And blame Russia.

So the incident with a mine is not so harmless, although at first glance it has a somewhat curious and comic coloring. This is only an appearance, and in fact speaks only of the preparation by the West, led by Washington and London, of more hostile actions against Russia than it has been so far. They should be presented as a “response” and be so hostile that the West will need truly monstrous accusations against Russia to justify them. The charges, the "evidence" for which are fabricated today. Considering that the fabricated "evidence" is related to the accusations of Russia in killings abroad, I cannot exclude that we can talk about "retaliatory actions" involving human casualties, namely, acts of terrorism against Russian citizens abroad or in Russia.

Summarize the above. Saudi diplomats dismembered a journalist directly at the embassy, ​​American diplomats carry mines in their luggage to fabricate "evidence" for the monstrous accusations against Russia, but it’s Russians who are "barbarously barbarous for the 21st century" who demand observance of laws, treaties and the principle of non-intervention. in the affairs of foreign countries.
We looked at just a few examples of the unconventional use of diplomatic missions and diplomatic employees by the United States of America and its ally Saudi Arabia. I do not think that the diplomatic departments of their other allies are more scrupulous in these matters. There have been numerous cases of issuing visas to citizens of Russia by consulates of various states, after arriving in which these citizens were arrested and extradited to the United States of America, where they were thrown into prison. That is, in fact, the consulates of these countries lure them into the territory of their countries and betray them.

In such a situation, it is important to maximally openly and widely disseminate the disclosed information, using all possible information resources, so that world public opinion in the future will show distrust of yet another provocative charges against Russia.

Of course, it should be understood that the ruling circles of Western countries do not really reckon with the public opinion of their countries. Therefore, Russia should increase both the power and economic opportunities that will allow it to effectively resist external pressure.

Inal Pliev, an expert of the IA Res.
Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166521677

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