03 октября 2019

The Growth of Extremism in the Caucasus Is Inspired by the West

In recent years, an integral feature of socio-political and ideological processes in the states of the Caucasus is the ongoing slow but steady strengthening of the positions of extremism and terrorism. Various subjects of the political process (state, political parties, interest groups, individuals) often have to reckon with the opinions of extremely radical adherents of certain ideas in carrying out their activities. These ideas continue to be actively introduced into the daily information agenda using both social networks (to a greater extent) and traditional media (to a lesser extent).

ОДКБ разворачивает сотрудничество в области биобезопасности

С  обострением глобальных противоречий мировых центров силы всё ощутимее становятся вызовы, связанные с неукротимым желанием Запада прибегну...