06 июня 2019

The Initiator of the Construction of the Berlin Walls is Georgia Itself

The natural process of strengthening the state border of our country with its southern neighbor, which emerged after the start of Georgia’s policy of state terrorism against South Ossetia, and especially after the full-scale military aggression of 2008, rejects the Georgian side. This is due to the fact that under the conditions of the existing, well-fortified border, the inviolability of which is ensured by the Russian Federation, the implementation of Georgia’s next armed invasion of South Ossetia with the
aim of exterminating or expelling its people is much more complicated.Being unable to take any serious measures to prevent the natural course of things, members of the government, politicians and politicized public figures of Georgia drive around to all international conferences in Europe and try to attract foreign politicians to public activists who carry out their activities on Western grants or awards or material and other assistance of Western states allocated in one form or another.

At the same time, the Georgian representatives pretend to oppose the division between people as such.

For example, Ketevan Tsihelashvili, State Minister for Reconciliation and Civil Equality of Georgia, said at the high-level international conference “Estoril Conferences - Global Challenges, Local Answers”, which was held in Portugal in May: “Thorny fences erected in Georgia by Russia wall".

Here we see the insolent exploitation of the negative image of the Berlin Wall, which divided one nation, in one country, in one city, against its will. Meanwhile, today, almost 30 years after the destruction of the Berlin Wall, more and more people in the former GDR consider the Berlin Wall not to be evil, but to be good. Comparing their living conditions before and after the destruction of the Berlin Wall, former East Germans, who advocated the unification of Germany, broke the wall on that ill-fated night, they see that the comparison is not in favor of the reality that came after the loss of sovereignty of the German Democratic Republic. The despotic laws of Germany severely restrict democratic rights and freedoms, and, above all, freedom of speech. The poor Germans, who can only open a weary heart to a foreigner in a confidential conversation, have no choice but to proudly die in the deadly embrace of capitalism.

Nevertheless, a negative image has developed at the Berlin Wall, and the Georgian side, our foreign opponents are actively using this. Representatives of South Ossetia are not invited to these conferences, and nothing prevents the Georgian delegations from reaching to the utmost degree of sophistication and frenzy, without skimping on the most chilling thoughts about South Ossetia and its policy.

The session with which we started our article was attended by the former President of Latvia and the current President of the World Leadership Alliance - Club de Madrid, Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Aleksievich. Of course, they have nothing to do - go into the details of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

The State Minister of Georgia spoke about the difficulties that occupation and artificial barriers create for the population of Georgia. I saw the challenges that both the population in the occupied territories and those living along the division line had to cope with and noted that the barbed fences would be overcome by peaceful politics and international efforts, ”writes the Georgian press.

Georgian propaganda first wrote about the occupation of Georgia in 1988. Every single day since she accuses Russia of occupying Georgia. But only a narrow circle of people who have been following the development of events for more than 30 years knows this. And a large mass of consumers of broadcast information products of Georgia and Western countries do not know such subtleties. But if they were more informed, they would hardly perceive the statements and simple demagogic tricks distributed by Georgia with confidence.

Moreover, knowing who first in South Ossetia undertook to restrict the free movement of civilians back in 1989, blocking the roads. And this was the Georgian side - illegal armed groups with the support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the GSSR. Were these checkpoints, which were preserved until March-April 1990, were not Berlin walls?

Were not the Berlin walls fortified positions of the Georgian police, which reappeared in 2004 on the borders of Ossetian villages in the conflict zone? In these positions, which persisted until 2008, the Ossetian population was subject to personal inspection, people were taken food, which was forbidden to be transported to the Ossetian villages. Georgian police pulled out of the hands of Ossetian children even half-eaten chocolate bars and sweets, and this is not a figure of speech, but a reality. Due to this policy of the Georgian leadership, in less than five years - from 2004 to 2008 - about 20 Ossetian villages have become deserted or almost completely deserted.

Despite the fact that the implementation of blockades in the conflict zone was a gross violation of the previously signed agreements recognized at the level of the OSCE and the UN, the “international community” did not say a word of condemnation to Georgia.

Or wasn’t the construction of the Berlin Wall by Georgia around South Ossetia the prohibition by Georgia of motor transport communication with South Ossetia by order of the authorized President of Georgia? Thus, Georgia itself is the initiator of the construction of the Berlin walls.

Neither Alexievich nor other participants spoke about this issue: Portuguese President Marcel Rebelu de Soza, Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, former Slovenian President Danilo Tiurk, former Bolivian President Carlos Mesa, former Prime Minister of Belgium Guy Verhopstadt, former Prime Minister Minister of Portugal and former President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso et al.

Blaming Russia and South Ossetia for the creation of the Berlin walls, Georgia is making intensive diplomatic efforts at the hands of the United States so that representatives of South Ossetia will not be granted entry visas to European states, and even public figures who at all times enjoyed broader rights and peculiar immunity . State and political leaders of the sovereign states of Europe are subjected to merciless information pressure, threats, blatant blackmail and intimidation in order to force them to pursue a more Russophobic policy. Europe has not known such unbridled psychological terror since Hitler's time.

Georgia is trying to present the situation in such a way as if there had been no conflict in South Ossetia until 2008, and suddenly Russia suddenly sent in troops and occupied South Ossetia.

Several years ago, well-known EU and UN experts in international law invited by the International Co-Chairmen themselves, and not Russia or South Ossetia, were invited to the next round of the Geneva discussions. Step by step, they defeated all the “arguments” of the Georgian and US delegations that Russia allegedly occupied South Ossetia. It was officially at a high international level, in the presence of representatives of high states, unions of states and international organizations, it was found that in South Ossetia there is not one of the internationally recognized signs of occupation.

Today in Europe there are many states, the border between which is not demarcated or marked symbolically - with paint or multi-colored asphalt tiles, but there are no armed border guards and more serious signs of border fortifications.

Despite the fact that the political and legal relationship between Georgia and South Ossetia was interrupted (at the initiative of Georgia!) As early as 1991, and then Georgia waged an open and hidden war against South Ossetia for 17 years, South Ossetia hoped that the border with Georgia would be as open and transparent as in a number of places in Europe.

However, as already noted, the policy of state terrorism of Georgia against South Ossetia (which was then officially announced by the then minister of the Georgian government on television), and especially the full-scale military aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia and Russia in August 2008, left us no other choice.

Our people have survived too much to question their safety in favor of some tragicomic characters in distant countries who are not even interested in the real state of affairs.

Inal Pliev, South Ossetian expert
Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166523156

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