03 октября 2019

The Growth of Extremism in the Caucasus Is Inspired by the West

In recent years, an integral feature of socio-political and ideological processes in the states of the Caucasus is the ongoing slow but steady strengthening of the positions of extremism and terrorism. Various subjects of the political process (state, political parties, interest groups, individuals) often have to reckon with the opinions of extremely radical adherents of certain ideas in carrying out their activities. These ideas continue to be actively introduced into the daily information agenda using both social networks (to a greater extent) and traditional media (to a lesser extent).

They are being incorporated into the national-sovereign mythology of these states.
At the same time, there is an alarming increase in the influence of radical groups, public organizations, political parties or radical factions within political parties, which poses a threat to dangerous ideological and political changes, fraught with violent actions in the states of the Caucasus or the South Caucasus, as they like to call themselves. This is presented as a response to a very high level of corruption, which, after the collapse of a single union state, changes in the political system and the prevailing ideology, falls on the shoulders of wide sections of the population with an increasingly heavy burden.
The radicals offer to get rid of it with simple and radical measures, however, as the results of the color revolutions in Georgia (in 2003), in Ukraine (in 2004 and 2014) and, especially, in Kyrgyzstan (in 2005 and 2010) showed, the revolution unable to solve the problems that made them possible.
I draw attention to such a general point that after the revolutions in the Western scenario, on the contrary, as a result of the sharply increased antagonism between socio-political groups, it became possible to kill adherents of certain political views that previously peacefully coexisted with each other.
The sharp increase in political extremism and antagonism after the color revolutions led to an increase in terrorist activity on the part of the victors in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan, which also led to human casualties.
The general consequence of the color revolutions is that so radical forces professing extreme political views came to power that they were not able to continue a peaceful dialogue with political opponents, they started wars without regard for the victims (Georgia - South Ossetia, Ukraine - Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics, Kyrgyzstan - the Uzbek national minority in the Osh region).
Thus, the antagonism, radicalization of socio-political and religious (GOC - Georgia, PCU - Ukraine ...) positions, extremism and terrorism come from the West.
It is too early to draw conclusions about Armenia. If the new leadership of Armenia analyzes the reasons for the failure of reforms and the growth of radicalism in other post-Soviet republics, then there is a chance of a more successful achievement of the stated goals. There are good analysts in Armenia.
At the same time, it should be noted that at this stage the effectiveness of the efforts of the authorities of the Transcaucasian republics in the fight against the radicalization of their societies, in strengthening the principles of tolerance and mutual tolerance towards the opinions of representatives of other political points of view, is hardly noticeable. This applies both to questions of the internal state system, and the relationship of their countries with foreign countries.
As a result, we are witnessing the emergence of a paradoxical situation when it is the voters who push the governments to take more and more irreconcilable positions in foreign policy issues, the lack of political flexibility even in the face of the threat of war, from which the civilian population, in the first place, suffers more and more these voters themselves.
After eliminating the main obstacle in the form of the USSR, Georgia and Azerbaijan became the arena of active activity of foreign religious Muslim preachers of various religions up to the Aum Shinrikyo, the Moon sect, Baha'is, Scientologists and so on, Islam, including the militant, trained in Islamic educational institutions Japan, South Korea, India, USA, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt. One of the reasons for the rapid spread of religions and religious movements unusual for this region was material assistance from a number of foreign goodwill.
The current socio-political situation in the Transcaucasian region and the dynamics of its development are decisively influenced by the fact that the Caucasus occupies an advantageous geopolitical position. The collapse of the Soviet Union was seen by some countries of the West and East as a historical chance to spread its influence in this region and, accordingly, weaken the presence of Russia in it. The best way to do this is to destabilize the situation, primarily in the North Caucasus, but to a large extent in the Transcaucasus. As for neighboring states, the weakness of state institutions in the Transcaucasus suits them well to expand their expansion into Georgia and Azerbaijan. This, in the first place, and not humanitarian considerations, explains the generous investment in charity and some sectors of the economy.
Unfortunately, the authorities of large Transcaucasian states do not provide convincing grounds for asserting that they are concerned about the harmonization of human relations and relations between different groups of the population in their societies, whether religious or political.
The fight against radicalism and terrorism concerns them exactly to the extent that they can threaten their power, their political interests or the economic interests of the financial groups behind them. It seems that they prefer not to notice that modern terrorism and the associated migration of well-armed and trained militants, arms smuggling, drug trafficking, religious extremism, as well as the prevailing system of means, forms and methods of influencing consciousness in the West, moral standards and social relations, make the situation in their countries and in Transcaucasia as a whole difficult and explosive.
Thus, the spread of extremist and terrorist ideology in Transcaucasia is inspired by the West and is used by it to destabilize the situation and create new hotbeds of tension. This is in the hands of the West, which then easily picks up prey weakened by civil strife.

Inal Pliev

Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166525628

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