20 марта 2020

NATO Exercises for Georgia - Another Opportunity To Sell Their Russophobia

In Georgia - another attack of obscurantism. With the blessing of the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Elijah II, representatives of the clergy consecrated water in the Holy Trinity Cathedral - Sameba in order to combat the coronavirus on March 18. From there, several groups of priests on off-road vehicles went to different parts of the city to consecrate the streets. In addition to the consecration of the streets, clergy call believers to prayer. In addition, a decision was made after each service to consecrate the places around the churches and the surrounding area with holy water. We will not predict how the activity of priests will help in the fight against a pandemic, but in Georgia, according to official data from the Georgian government, 40 cases of coronavirus have been recorded to date. One patient recovered, more than a thousand people are in quarantine, and another 64 are under the supervision of doctors. 
With demonstrative religious actions, Georgia wants to show how it believes in Jesus Christ and how faithful to His commandments, however, specific cases make one convince completely of the opposite. 

Although Georgia is not formally a member of NATO, both it and this aggressive military-political bloc with all their appearance show that they are not confused by formal moments, and they see Georgia as a full member of the alliance. 

Therefore, Georgia will take an active part in the large-scale military exercises of NATO Defender Europe 2020 (Defender Europe 20) in April and May 2020. The maneuvers, which will cover another 10 countries in Europe, according to the “voice of America”, will involve 20,000 US troops, 9,000 US troops already deployed in Europe and 8,000 NATO troops, which will be the largest US military presence in Europe for last 25 years. 

The US European command states that the exercises will be aimed at "increasing the military readiness of the alliance and deterring potential opponents." 

The 2020 teachings of Georgia’s policies are already touted as recognizing its geopolitical significance, and political forces that express doubt about their expediency are immediately declared “pro-Russian,” thereby accusing it of being unpatriotic in advance. These accusations, of course, are replicated from the filing of American media broadcasting to Georgia. 

During the upcoming exercises, the parties plan to work out joint offensive operations and launching missile attacks on the positions of a potential enemy. So, Tbilisi not only does not exclude the outbreak of hostilities, but also expresses readiness for an offensive operation. 

The current situation recalls the events of 2008, when Georgia, with the approval of NATO, launched a war against South Ossetia. 

On March 19, Secretary General of the Alliance Jens Stoltenberg said at a press conference that in connection with the coronavirus pandemic in NATO, the scale of the Defender Europe 20 military exercises had been scaled down. The extent of this reduction is not yet known, but it is obvious that after the victory over the virus, Georgia and NATO will more than make up for what was lost. 

Thus, although Georgia at this stage pays more attention to soft methods of influencing South Ossetia, the military component is by no means written off. Tbilisi is not going to stop at all on the "soft" methods of capturing Tskhinval. The nature of the upcoming exercises serves as evidence of his aggressive intentions: among them is the development by the Georgian troops of an offensive in mountainous terrain. 

That is, Georgia needs NATO to capture South Ossetia and enslave South Ossetians, to return to the time of tsarism, when there were Georgian landowners and Ossetian peasants oppressed by them, when there were no hospitals in South Ossetia, there were only two small, impoverished, symbolic schools . When Georgian landowners forced Ossetian peasants to breastfeed their puppies from thoroughbred dogs, and Ossetian children were abducted and sold into slavery in Turkey (the last such case was recorded in 1824). Where is the place for Christian love? 

Of course, today there is nothing to be afraid of South Ossetia - it is reliably protected by the Treaty with Russia, but Tbilisi’s military plans radically diverge from demonstrative and ostentatious religiosity, another example of which we saw on the streets of Tbilisi just on the day of March 18. We do not accidentally focus your attention on this date. 

On March 18, the Georgian Orthodox Church could devote to prayer repentance, rather than a mass event, more like a modern European flash mob. 

Indeed, on that day in 1991, the soldiers of Georgian armed groups blessed by Ilya II committed a villainous, heinous crime - after atrocious tortures and tortures, peaceful Ossetian citizens who were captured in the village of Yered were buried alive. 

And in this regard, quiet words come to mind from a letter from the late His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II to His Holiness Catholicos Patriarch Iliya II and the Believers of Georgia of February 20, 1991, full of sincere pain, Christian meekness, humility, wisdom, but most of all - love: "One Moscow priest who died several years ago, when asked what you shouldn't eat by fasting, admonished:" You don’t eat people ... "How can one enter a fast, get closer to the Chalice of Christ, creating or justifying violence ?! And today it’s South Ossetia and the streets of Tskh "Iveria is the land of the Mother of God. But She cannot bless those who are blocking, depriving the most necessary of a city of many thousands, which is also populated by Orthodox Christians!" 

Although South Ossetia and its capital since August 2008, thanks to Russia, are no longer in a blockade, in the light of the anti-Christian essence of Georgian politics, the words of Alexy II remain quite relevant. 

Georgia, the US and NATO argue that the exercises are defensive in nature. But who does Georgia want to defend against? From Abkhazia? From South Ossetia? From Russia? According to Georgian legend, Russia just wants to capture Georgia. But why does Russia need a problem region, which also has to be fed at its own expense? No reason. Georgia does not need Europe, too, for 30 years leading it by the nose with deceptive visa-free travel. It’s time for Georgia to come to terms with the fact that nobody needs it anymore. The only thing she can still somehow sell is her Russophobia. 

And these large-scale NATO exercises provide it with a good opportunity. 

Inal Pliev, 
political observer IA "Res" 


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