(Strokes To The American Campaign To Discredit Russia)
The United States launched the
spacecraft Crew Dragon, which successfully docked with the International Space
Station. The head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, said that Russia was looking forward to further
cooperation with the United
States in the space sector, wished the NASA
team “successful completion of the reconstruction of its national space
transport system” and asked NASA director James Brydenstein to convey
congratulations to Ilon Mask and the team of MaskX-based SpaceX. Elon Musk
answered Rogozin: "Thank you, sir, haha. We look forward to mutually
beneficial and prosperous long-term cooperation." At the Rogozin record,
NASA Director James Brydenstein also answered. "Thank you! NASA is
grateful for our cooperation," he wrote on Twitter, noting that he expects
to continue to do together "great things in the field of space