03 апреля 2021

What Georgia Lost From Russophobia and Aspirations to the EU and NATO

Recently, Georgia solemnly announced the next transfer of arms to it by the United States of America to stimulate pro-NATO sentiments. Georgian politicians and mass media rejoiced and praised the overseas patrons.

Passenger trains, rusting for 30 years at the Tbilisi railway station, symbolize the dead-end path of Georgia's development
Passenger trains, rusting for 30 years at the Tbilisi railway station,
symbolize the dead-end path of Georgia's development

Meanwhile, ordinary citizens of the country have many reasons to express their bewilderment about this joy. Why be happy if, as a result of confrontation with Russia and the choice of a pro-Western path of development, Georgia not only suffered a crushing defeat in two wars, lost colossal markets in Russia, but also dealt a crushing blow to its economy. She destroyed industrial enterprises not only in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but also on her own territory, where there was no war. By an illiterate and predatory policy, it has turned into ruins dozens of its factories and factories, hotels, tourist complexes, etc., of which only a few crumbs have been restored in 30 years. Today, official propaganda is trying to justify the disastrous economic situation of the Georgian population by the spread of a new coronavirus infection. and related restrictive measures. Moreover, satisfaction is even expressed with the collapse of relations with Russia.

The propaganda website Georgia Online wrote a year ago: “Russian tourists, exports, economic relations, which in the very recent past, just a couple of months ago, played the role of an instrument of Moscow's pressure on Tbilisi, have collapsed by themselves. Tbilisi's fear of Moscow - "We must behave well, otherwise Russia will close the market and tourism for us" - died happily for natural reasons. "

While official propagandists cannot rejoice at the collapse of ties with Russia, tens of thousands of owners and employees of enterprises exporting to Russia, their forwarders, truckers, owners and employees of hotels, holiday homes, souvenir shops, guides, drivers, etc., and etc. count the losses and look into tomorrow with tears in their eyes.

Official Tbilisi wants to pretend that it is not interested in restoring economic ties with Russia in order to make Russian politicians and businessmen more accommodating during future negotiations.

Tbilisi does not reckon with the sentiments of ordinary citizens who have long passed the stage of simple disappointment and today experience only hatred and contempt for their leaders and other apologists of the West, especially the United States. They hoped that for their treacherous historical betrayal of Russia they would receive unique benefits and privileges from the United States.

But everyone needs traitors only for narrow purposes, so the Americans prudently limited themselves to a set of eulogies, refused to buy Georgian wines, tea, mineral waters and simply did not waste money in Georgia, unlike the USSR. Smart Americans know that Moscow littered, but that did not help it win the heart of the Georgian people. So Washington does not want to follow in Moscow's footsteps.

Opened with fanfare, the Museum of Soviet Occupation in Tbilisi is empty. It is interesting only to rare tourists from the Russophobic countries of Europe.

After the end of Saakashvili's rule, it became clear that during his reign, the external debt increased by 3 times and amounted to 31% of the country's GDP. This money must be given away, but where can I get it?

Great construction projects have mostly turned out to be props. In the city of Gori, neighboring to South Ossetia, only Stalin Avenue has been restored. It is necessary to move a little to the side, and plaster falls from the dilapidated walls, people were sitting at home in their jackets in winter - prices for heating "bite". How can one fail to recall the winter of 1991, when Georgia prepared for the South Ossetians death not only from bullets, but also from the cold, turning off electricity and gas for the blockaded and shot city in the severe February frosts. It cost the residents of Tskhinvali forty-two people who froze to death, including 12 old people at a nursing home and two babies in a maternity hospital.

Georgia has effectively spent 30 years of its independence on more and more insults, insults and hostile actions against Russia. Moreover, her behavior defies any logic.

Since 1988, Georgian politicians were outraged that South Ossetia was part of the Georgian SSR. And now they are outraged that she is not there. Since the mid-90s, they have demanded to introduce a visa regime with Russia, and now they are outraged that a visa regime exists. In 2019, the president of Russia was insulted, and then they are outraged that the tourism business of Georgia incurred losses in the amount of $ 60 million in just one month. These are examples that came to mind offhand, but Georgia made such steps every year, and every year the situation of its people only worsened.

Of course, in Georgia, from time to time, there are some insignificant steps to improve the economy, small enterprises are opening. But it is hardly possible in your right mind to compare the income from the opening of a Turkish enterprise for 400 people and the losses from the loss of the sales market by dozens of enterprises, each of which employed more than a thousand people.

Propaganda tricks do not help either. It became fashionable to go to Georgia and talk about the absence of Georgian Russophobia at some point. Well-known TV presenter Vladimir Pozner flaunts the fact that for the last three years he has been celebrating his birthday in Georgia, until he returned from there after protests, illustrating whether there is Russophobia in Georgia or not.

Despite the multimillion-dollar infusions from the West, the rate of the Georgian currency is slowly but steadily falling. If on January 1, 2015, one lari was given 36 rubles 42 kopecks, today it is already 22 rubles 20 kopecks.

However, how can the description of the economic damage from the anti-Russian policy and the choice of the pro-American way of development clearly show what Georgia has lost? No and no again. The main tragedy of Georgia is that it betrayed its savior, betrayed the fraternal peoples, ruined the sincere friendship and goodwill of Russia, and lost the opportunity to look directly into the eyes of its great neighbor.

Inal Pliev,
political commentator for IA "Res"

Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166535614

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