14 мая 2022

The ICC and the ECtHR have exhausted their credibility – objective authorities are needed

Not so long ago, as you know, Russia withdrew from the Council of Europe. There is talk of creating an analogue of the ECtHR in the CIS countries. Member of the Human Rights Council under the President of Russia Alexander Brod, in an interview with the Telegram channel Radiotochka NSN, said: “Now, due to the fact that Russia has withdrawn from the Council of Europe and the Convention on Human Rights has been annulled, Russians are deprived of the right to apply to the European Court on Human Rights (ECtHR). Naturally, the question arises of an alternative international judicial institution, where Russians will be able to apply if they go through all the judicial instances in the Russian Federation and, in their opinion, do not achieve legality and justice. To create a new institution, it is necessary to reach an agreement between the CIS countries and develop regulations for this department,” he explained.

The need to create a new, more objective and authoritative institution that will enjoy universal confidence is more than ripe. This is due to the bias, bias and political bias of the International Criminal Court and the European Court of Human Rights.

In order for our readers, who still find it difficult to understand international abbreviations, not to get confused in their ideas about international organizations, let us recall the differences between these two international judicial bodies.

ECHR (European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg Court, ECHR, some social media users confuse it with the Hague International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, but these are completely different courts). The ECHR is an international judicial body whose powers extend to all states that are members of the Council of Europe (here, too, confusion reigns in the minds of some, they confuse it with the European Union - EU) and have ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR). It's easier here: you can't confuse it with the UN International Convention - the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (especially after reading this article).

The ECtHR considers complaints from individuals and legal entities only regarding violations of their rights under the Convention, exclusively by the state, state bodies and officials of a state that is a member of the Council of Europe and/or has accepted the Convention

But the ICC is the first permanent international body of criminal justice, whose competence includes the prosecution of persons responsible for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, as well as crimes of aggression (since 2008).

Despite the serious name, the International Criminal Court actually appears to be a grand scam. The chief prosecutor in it is the Gambian lawyer and statesman Fatou Bensouda, who, under the dictator Yahya Jamm, worked as the Attorney General of the Gambia. Yaya Jammeh. He began hunting for persons suspected of "witchcraft". Thousands of Gambians were killed in torture and torment due to the whims and paranoia of a cruel dictator who believes in magic, witchcraft and other nonsense.

Therefore, it is necessary to treat with understanding a number of countries that fundamentally object to the very idea of the ICC as limiting the sovereignty of states and giving vaguely wide competences to the court; among them the USA, China, India, Israel and Iran.

The most ardent opponent of the activities of the ICC is the United States. Although the US government signed the Rome Statute in 2000, it withdrew its signature in 2002.

The ICC and the ECtHR are known in South Ossetia for their extreme anti-Ossetian and Russophobic stance, their focus on ignoring the crimes of Georgia and blaming South Ossetia and Russia. This is largely due to the presence in their governing bodies of various caricatured, tragicomic characters, such as Fatou Bensouda, and too many people, in the past or present, associated with the Soros Foundation, whose attitude towards Russia and its allies is more than known.

The European Center for Law and Justice is a serious organization, albeit a non-governmental one. Her research has shown that of the 100 judges who served on the European Court of Human Rights between 2009-2019, almost a quarter (22) have close ties to the George Soros Open Society Foundation or to NGOs such as Amnesty International. (Amnesty International) and others funded by a billionaire. For example, the Open Society Foundation has donated $100 million to Human Rights Watch since 2010. Here is the Bulgarian Yonko Grozeva, before being elected a judge of the ECHR as the leader of the Open Society Judicial Initiative, defended the case of Pussy Riot against Russia back in 2018.

Today, the ICC and the ECHR remain silent on the numerous crimes of the Nazis in Ukraine. Some observers and analysts deny the presence of Nazism and fascism in Ukraine, while members of various structural units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine openly display on their clothes the symbols and emblems of the armed structures created by the Third Reich on the temporary part of the Ukrainian territory occupied in the 1940s. SSR, as well as a flag similar to the flag of Nazi Germany.

However, the ICC and the ECHR are indifferent to this, and they remain silent about the revival of not only symbols, but also methods of combating the dissent of Nazism and fascism.

And it didn't start in 2022.

Hieromonk (monk with a priesthood) Feofan recalls how he was tortured by the special services of Ukraine in 2015. He spent a little over a month in captivity. The man says that faith in God gave him strength at that time. Hieromonk calls the Ukrainian military "a new type of fascists."

“They beat me with a bat on my arms and legs. Then they beat me on the head, on the neck with such boxing blows ... Such a large fighter sat down on top, squeezed me with his legs from both sides. And, in fact, they put a rag on his face and began to pour water. This water torture is called.

In the settlements where the structural units of the Security Service of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine were in charge, mass graves with dead bodies with signs of torture, severed heads, bodies without heads and other parts of the body are found here and there. Currently, work is underway to exhume and fix the crimes committed.

In numerous videos, civilians talk about how the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed their houses; in recent days, videos have been circulated in which residents of Mariupol accuse Ukrainian army soldiers of shooting a group of children playing in the courtyard of their house.

However, neither the ICC nor the ECtHR are interested in these facts, just as in 8 years they have not been interested in the murders of civilians in the LPR and DPR, the tragedy in Odessa on May 2, 2014, thousands of disappearances of people throughout Ukraine...

The ICC and the ECtHR have outlived themselves. They are trusted by fewer and fewer people. All the behavior of the ICC and the ECtHR is clear evidence of the dishonesty of these organizations. In fact, these are politicized structures designed not to fight for justice, but only to legitimize and justify the evil done in the name of the “new world order” and hush up atrocities against those who want to remain human and fight for their lives and dignity against the colonizers and enslavers of the modern era.

Inal Pliev

Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166543485

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