The United Nations, created at the end of World War II
to prevent serious international conflicts in the future, for the time being
remained an authoritative, albeit initially ineffective, platform for international
However, in the last thirty years, after the collapse of the USSR and the world socialist system, it has become only a decorative organ, fulfilling the whims of the world hegemon, which has become the United States of America.
Meanwhile, Russia continues not only to reckon with
this major international organization, but also to show trust and respect for
the alarm signals coming from its leadership. So, after UN Secretary-General
António Guterres, in May 2022, expressed concern about the difficult food
situation in the world, Russia agreed to sign a “grain deal” to provide the
poorest countries with Ukrainian agricultural products.
The noble act of the Russian leadership was dirtyly
used by Ukraine and its Western patrons to commit a terrorist act against ships
and vessels of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. Despite the
obvious use of the world-important "grain agreement" for a military
attack on one of its parties, none of the parties expressed their condemnation
of the Ukrainian authorities.
So what and why is a deal needed?
Ukraine's advantage here is obvious. But how it can be
beneficial for Russia. There is only one moment - the lifting of the imposed
sanctions. In addition, there is no benefit for the Russian Federation in the
Fertilizers and grain will be freely exported from
Russia. The sanctions imposed by the West have been lifted. Thanks to this, the
profit of Russian agricultural producers can reach more than two tens of
billions. Grain will be sold for $14 billion, and fertilizers for $12 billion.
However, it should be noted that regardless of the
conclusion of the “grain” deal, the Western sanctions will be lifted. There is
no choice, because otherwise a huge mass of people from poor countries, who will
be left without food, will flood into Europe. They simply won't have a choice.
These are the consequences of the imposed sanctions.
Thus, developed European countries can receive grain
from Russia and Ukraine. In this case, the inhabitants of poor countries will
not be left without food. And they will not besiege trading establishments in
Europe. And besides, the EU countries will receive grain from Ukraine as
payment for the weapons supplied to them. This grain can be sold.
However, do not expect Russia to do something just
like that. Times have changed a lot. And our country no longer intends to
support anyone just like that, out of friendship. No one has ever answered us
kindly for kindness. And at the present time, half the world is openly opposed
to us. Enemies will not see any help, we will not act to our detriment.
But what role is prepared for the UN, which has
recently been sharply criticized for the lack of transparent decision-making
mechanisms and lobbying the interests of Western countries.
10 million tons of agricultural products were exported
from Ukraine through the grain corridor (in total, about 20 million tons are
planned to be exported), while in the 2022/23 season, the volume of world trade
in grains and oilseeds will be 467 million tons (of which 191 million tons of
wheat) . Ukrainian volumes are a drop in the sea of world
trade, their absence on the market would simply cause speculation with grain
prices, but it would have little effect on the world balance. The volume of
world reserves at the end of the year is estimated at almost 900 million tons.
Also, it will not help those for whom it was created,
this can be judged from the official report of the Turkish customs authorities.
In particular, according to them, out of 10 million tons of exported Ukrainian
grain and oilseeds, Spain (1.75 million tons), Turkey (1.375 million tons),
Italy (827 thousand tons), as well as China, the Netherlands and Egypt. That
is, Europe accounted for the most - over 62% of grain, Asia - almost 20%, Africa
(including not quite poor Egypt) got 13%, and the Middle East only 5.3%. Despite
the fact that developing Indonesia and Bangladesh, which were among the top 10
importers of Ukrainian grain last year, received nothing.
“Public policy is a special relationship, not
everything can be openly voiced. However, we, ordinary people, may well talk
about what is happening without any diplomacy. What goals were pursued at the
conclusion of the "grain deal". Europe does not need Ukrainian grain.
The EU countries themselves produce it in sufficient quantities and export it. However,
this year the drought will interfere with getting the necessary harvest. More
precisely, it will be reduced by 6 million tons. The European countries
themselves will be provided with grain, but it will not be left for export. Therefore,
they needed a deal in order to resell grain from Ukraine to the countries of
the “third world”. In this way, they will be able to secure their borders from
millions of hungry people from these states, and they will also receive money
for the weapons they supplied. But there is a drought in Europe. They will not
be able to export grain. But Russia and Ukraine will be able to do this, ”the
Witnesses of Sanctions channel writes on Zen.
But the author Andrey Perla, in an article on the
website of the Tsargrad television company, writes that the grain deal is a
shame for Russia:
“The grain deal continues to be at the center of
public attention. Russia wins, loses or stays on track? The answer to this
question is much more complicated than it might have seemed a few days ago.
Bombing cannot be signed. The deal is a shame for Russia.
Russia's return to the grain deal - that is, the
actual permission to export grain from Odessa and supply it with various
(formally - except for military) cargo by sea, caused an ambiguous reaction in
Russia, to put it mildly. Very many experts spoke in the sense that the
leadership of our country is making a big mistake. The benefits of the grain
deal are doubtful, and the shame is undoubted - this is how one can summarize
the position of a very significant part of Russian society.
Such different views exist around this important
issue, which is one of the important problems of today's international current
politics. But the fact remains that the UN played an unseemly role in this
Pliev, IA "Res"
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