31 августа 2024

Deepening Cooperation Between Moldova and NATO Violates Its Neutral Status

We recently celebrated the Day of Recognition of the Independence of the Republic of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation. This is a significant date not only in the history of the Ossetian people, but also in the entire world, as it marked one of the most important milestones on the path from a unipolar world to a multipolar one.

For the first time in history, South Ossetia, as a subject of international law, established diplomatic relations with the greatest power on our planet. One of the fraternal republics that supported our country in moving towards this great achievement is the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

Tiraspol, like Tskhinvali, has experienced all the pain and bitterness of armed aggression from its former republican center, Chisinau, from its own bitter experience. And this is despite the fact that the people of Transnistria consist mainly of three nations - Russians, Ukrainians and Moldovans, who from the very beginning do not support the nationalist rhetoric of Chisinau and its Euro-Atlanticist aspirations. It is not without reason that the word "Moldavian" is in the name of the republic.

There are many parallels between our two states. Unlike Georgia, Moldova, fortunately, has shown more pragmatism and has not fallen into the swamp of ethnic strife, although it has never given up territorial claims, the policy of economic blockade and minor provocations.

This autumn, which is already knocking on the window, in addition to the Independence Day of the PMR on September 2, brings new trials.

And here again the parallels with South Ossetia begin.

In Georgia, which previously declared its desire to join the EU and NATO, but recently made it clear that it would not mind revising its attitude towards these structures, parliamentary elections will be held.

Nationalists will also participate in them – followers and supporters of the pro-Western ex-President M. Saakashvili, whose name is associated with the bloody aggression against South Ossetia in 2004 and 2008, not to mention the constant provocations against South Ossetia and Russia.

The war unleashed by Georgia in 2008 was also a military aggression against Russia. An important fact that some try not to mention once again. They only led to the death of a large number of people on both sides, and brought Georgia a crushing military defeat and moral shame.

The current government of Georgia understands the destructive course of orientation towards the West and confrontation with Russia. For this, the West has already taken a number of offensive, hostile steps against Georgia, from sanctions, including against individual officials (and what is especially immoral – even against their children) to outright threats to kill the leader of the Georgian state, Prime Minister Kobakhidze.

Against the backdrop of assassinations and murders of political figures undesirable to the US, including heads of state and government, these threats, unfortunately, are not just empty words. Everything is very serious.

Saakashvili's supporters, supported by Western hawks, have already declared their intention to use a forceful scenario against Abkhazia and South Ossetia if they come to power. In simple terms, if they win, Georgia will unleash a war again.

A similar challenge is facing Transnistria. This conclusion can be made by looking at the aggressive policy pursued by M. Sandu against Transnistria. She is not stopped by the fact that a significant proportion of the population of Transnistria are her consanguineous ethnic Moldovans.

However, Western agents have no nationality, just as terrorists have no faith and nationality. In Moldova, presidential elections will be held this autumn, combined with a referendum on the country's accession to the EU.

The next step is planned to be an association with the North Atlantic Alliance, which completely contradicts the constitution - the Basic Law of Moldova, which prescribes at the legislative level the refusal of the country to join military blocs.

Sandu's American curators, in order to subordinate Moldova to their bloody aggressive interests, "free of charge" provided the "neutral state" with small arms and military equipment.

We deliberately put the word "free of charge" in quotation marks, because, as can be seen from the examples of Georgia, Ukraine and other countries, the "free" US aid with weapons is very, very expensive.

This is done with the aim of transferring the units of the national armed forces of Moldova to a single standard of NATO troops.

The United States also initiated the joint military exercises “Rapid Response 2024” in 2024 to achieve, as stated, “interoperability with alliance units.”

That is, what we said. At the same time, officials from the Moldovan Defense Ministry do not hide the fact that the maneuvers scenario assumed a response to aggression from the Russian Federation.

The average person may quite reasonably ask why the United States is pumping up a peaceful state with weapons, the security of which they act as guarantors along with Russia?

Over the previous five years of M. Saidu's presidency, the country's economy has fallen into the abyss. The once developed agrarian state, which received more than 50% of its GDP from agricultural exports, is currently unable to fully provide itself with food.

The logistics chains in the food and light industries, which had been in operation for decades, have been lost. Moldovans are literally fleeing from such a terrible, truly cannibalistic economic policy!

Let's look at the numbers. Just the other day, the World Bank (WB) published another economic report on the countries of Europe and Central Asia, dedicated to the problems of migration and the "brain drain".

According to the document, about 1 million people have left Moldova over the years of independence, which is 24% of the country's population.

Last year alone, more than 100,000 people fled! Moreover, 40% of those who left Moldova had higher education.

Thus, Moldova supplies its educated personnel to other countries - mainly Russia, Portugal and Italy, which account for more than 83% of the Moldovans who emigrated.

In terms of the number of migrants with higher education, Moldova ranks second after Bosnia and Herzegovina, where this figure is 55%.

There are concerns that Maia Sandu is deliberately underestimating the standard of living of Moldovans in order to stimulate military mobilization of the population with miserable cash handouts after the outbreak of an aggressive war.

Moreover, wanting to please the West, the government of the Republic of Moldova provides its territory for the transit of military cargo from Romania to Ukraine. The issue of the acquisition of the country's only river port, Giurgiuleppa, owned by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, by a Ukrainian oil company is actively discussed on the pages of the Moldovan media.

The latter does not exclude forced strikes on it by the Russian armed forces, which will expose the citizens of the republic to unjustified risk.

The West, and the United States in particular, acted in a similar manner in 2008, pushing the Georgian leadership to open military operations against South Ossetia.

Over the past 16 years, the pattern of their interference in the internal affairs of independent states has not changed. But having solved their strategic tasks, they forget their sweet fairy-tale promises, leaving behind turmoil and chaos, crippled destinies and broken lives.

The fate of their former vassals is of no interest to them.

The example of M. Saakashvili confirms this.

Inal Pliev

Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166558398

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