02 декабря 2024

The Riots in Georgia Are Inspired by the West with the Aim of Starting a War Against Russia

We are closely following the events taking place in neighboring Georgia. We see a very large group of close-knit, aggressively-minded people, many of whom have (and use, as can be seen in the video footage) various weapons, or, let's say, objects that can be used as weapons, that is, used to damage buildings and structures, cause injury or mutilation.

We are talking, among other things, about Molotov cocktails, high-powered firecrackers or fireworks launchers, and so on. They are firing at both security forces and government buildings, and when a burning firecracker or fireworks rocket flies into an office, causing a powerful fire there, the raging crowd in the square under the windows of the building lets out a mad roar of jubilation.

Although the same technologies that took place during the last Ukrainian Maidan are being used, we noticed that in Tbilisi the level of aggression flared up almost instantly. The anti-government forces almost immediately resorted to violent actions. This did not happen because they have weak nerves, or are so sensitive that it was unbearable for them to “put up with injustice.”

No, in politics they are only an instrument, and an instrument is allowed to have only the feelings that the one who owns this instrument, who pays the money, orders. And since those who pay the money ordered them to immediately begin with forceful actions, this says two things.

First: The forces opposing the Georgian government have no reason to believe that the people of Georgia will support them, and they want to quickly overthrow the government of the “Georgian Dream” in order to present the people with a fait accompli.

Second: The true organizers of the anti-government pogroms in Georgia are well aware that the West and pro-Western forces inside Georgia have lost the electorally significant trust of the Georgian people, and the only way to keep Georgia under Western control is to forcibly overthrow the Georgian state power and then install a puppet pro-Western government.

Although this is obvious to everyone who is watching what is happening, we will simply note here, because it must be said: what is happening is eloquent evidence of the undeniable fact (especially in recent years) that, despite all the long-term assurances, howls and incantations about democracy, the West actually does not value democracy at all, and actively uses all available methods for its own purposes, including the most anti-democratic, anti-people and criminal ones.

What we have today: the people of Georgia elected their country's parliament in their parliamentary elections. Naturally, as everywhere, there were violations, but the measures provided for by law were taken against them. In general, the official bodies of state power, called upon to monitor the voting process and control the legality of the electoral process, have approved the results of the expression of the will of the Georgian people.

Neither the West nor the East have any legal grounds to interfere in the purely internal political processes of Georgia and impose on the Georgian people the political leadership that is beneficial to them, and not to the people of Georgia.

For almost half a century, the West has verbally assured Georgia of its endless love. But in reality, it denies the Georgians even the right to elect their own government, and wants to overthrow the government that the Georgian people elected in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Now we see the methods by which the West is trying to ensure its denial of Georgia's independence and the right to free development.

In the old days, if someone wanted to conquer another country, they sent their troops there. They seized government buildings, killed or expelled the current leaders and brought to power loyal people who fulfilled all the wishes of the aggressor country. But since a certain historical period, the methods of foreign aggression have changed. Along with traditional military aggression, military coups or "popular unrest" and "rebellions" inspired from abroad (mainly from the United States) have begun to be used. Let's recall the coup in Chile in 1973, the unrest in the Philippines in 1986, the events in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc. literally before our eyes, etc.

So, once again. During military aggression of one state against another, the armed forces of the aggressor country create conditions in which it is impossible to implement the political will of the government of the country that has been subjected to aggression. Instead, they ensure the implementation of government and governmental powers in full by those citizens who agree to move strictly in the wake of the policy of the state that sent these very troops.

However, there are situations when the use of armed forces is fraught with political and other costs. In these cases, armed intervention is carried out under a false flag. In this case, under the guise of internal forces dissatisfied with the current government. It is no secret that both Ukrainian and Georgian pro-Western activists maintain close ties with each other. It is also no secret that they are trained in the same Western institutions in methods of forceful struggle. The example of Ukraine shows us that within the state - with financial support from outside - a powerful strike force was formed, combining not only purely forceful, but also informational, financial, organizational, and other components necessary for seizing power in the country with the aim of subsequently ensuring the strict implementation of a policy pleasing to the West in all aspects of both domestic and foreign policy. Exactly the same goal is pursued by those who are currently carrying out forceful opposition to the Georgian government. Namely, the disavowal of the electoral choice of their people, realized through the appropriate legal democratic procedures, and the imposition of foreign domination against the will of the people of Georgia and to the detriment of their most important vital interests.

Thus, what is happening is a very large-scale planned, prepared, pre-paid foreign military action against Georgia and the Georgian people. It differs from direct military aggression only in the presence of Georgian citizenship among the attackers (although it is far from certain that all of them do) and the absence of a military uniform of a foreign army. But these are very small and insignificant differences, given the ideological content of the pogromists, their sources of funding, their goals, as well as the consequences of their actions both at this hour and in the long-term forecast. I think it is not superfluous to talk about the hybrid war of the West against Georgia.

The stumbling block in relations between Tbilisi and the Brussels-Washington axis is the refusal of the Georgian government to open a second front against Russia. The "rebels" want to overthrow the "Georgian Dream" government and bring to power people pleasing to the West, who will start a war with Russia. Considering the scale of modern wars and the power of the incredibly lethal and destructive weapons used in them, it is easy to foresee that this will lead to the destruction of entire cities, the death of a huge number of people, and first of all - the residents of Georgia. Therefore, the actions of the "rebels" are national betrayal, this is treachery and blatant high treason.

The Georgian government has given the aggressive minority the opportunity to prove themselves, to show their true face, and no one will reproach them for using any harsh measures to restore order in the country.

Aggressive pro-Western participants in the rebellion in Georgia, opposing the peace-loving position of Ivanishvili and Kobakhidze, who enjoy the trust and support of the people, deny the Georgian people the right to life, they want war, destruction and death for them. These are Georgia's enemies, and the Georgian people must treat them as enemies.

Inal Pliev
Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166560072

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