17 мая 2019

Syria: Building Peace Takes Effort

Despite the completion of the main part of the operation of the Russian Federation in the Middle East by the request of the legitim leadership of the Syrian Arab Republic, Russian troops are stay in the country. They support the advancement of the Syrian forces and strike at clusters of armed terrorists to curb their activity.
The Syrian Arab Army, in turn, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is deployed in the north of the province of Hama. The operation was launched on April 30 in response to numerous terrorist acts in the Idlib terrorist de-escalation zone. The terrorists launched a counterattack against parts of the CAA, but they were completed for them a major military setback.

Terrorists attack the civilian population. Greek information online edition of "Orthodoxy. Info" (https://orthodoxia.info) say, that in the city of Selevkupolis (in Arabic, al-Sukaylabiya), where lives both Greeks and Orthodox Syrians, extremists of terrorist organization  Al-Nusra had open fire on the Orthodox church. As a result of this crime, eight Syrian Orthodox children where brutally killed.

The Syrian Arab army is full of braveness maintain order in Syria, including with support of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Today it became known that Russian aviation during the next pinpoint strikes on Al-Nusra’s positions destroyed the leader of the terrorist organization Jaysh al-Izzh named Riyadh Salih.

According to the Federal News Agency, "Jaish al-Izz" is one of the groups of the "Free Syrian Army" (SSA), which previously received significant support from the United States.

This was proof that, despite all the defeats of the terrorists, a great deal of effort was still needed.
IA "Res" has its hand on the pulse of events in friendly Syria.

Inal Pliev, 
expert of IA Res

Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166522661

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