02 июля 2019

The Riots in Tbilisi Were Planned in Advance – Expert Opinion

Protests against Russia continue in Georgia. Georgian media are sparing no effort adding fuel to the fire. They pretend that over the past 11 days they have already forgotten how State Duma deputy Gavrilov found himself in the chair of the Georgian parliament.

Independent expert Gocha Gvaramiya writes on the pages of the Georgia Online Online publication close to the National Movement of Mikhail Saakashvili: "The recent events in Georgia are clear (as in the source. - Ed.) That Russia had planned the provocative antics of Gavrilov beforehand".
The fact that Gavrilova as a member of the delegation in Tbilisi was invited by the Georgian side itself is not a word in the article. This suggests that Gocha Gvaramiya is untenable as an expert, because he conceals important details of the described events from the reader and imposes on him a deliberately misinterpretation of the event. However, he is not alone, because today in Georgia it is simply dangerous to write the truth even about such an obvious event that can be clearly seen on the video.

During a large-scale anti-government rally, the Georgian Interior Ministry used tear gas and rubber bullets against demonstrators trying to break into parliament. By midnight the action on Rustaveli Avenue began to disperse the special forces, water cannons were involved. A total of 240 people were injured at the rally, including 80 police officers.

In total, 31 journalists were injured by rubber bullets by the Georgian police. Moreover, it is argued that law enforcement officers fired not only with black rubber bullets, which are softer and do not cause fatal injuries, the police used orange ones, which are more hard and capable of killing at a distance of less than 20 meters. Georgian guardians of order in Gurama Muradov’s photographer, Civil.ge, released eleven rubber bullets; Tamara Bagashvili, a journalist with Rustavi 2, broke her shoulder, and needed an operation; he also needed emergency surgery. How can you not mention the vaunted Georgian democracy?

Subsequent events are well known, we will not dwell on them.

In this story, on the one hand, the lightning reaction of the anti-Russian forces is surprising. I am deeply convinced that their participants were warned in advance, mobilized and waited only for a signal. The opposition, the backbone of which is the United National Movement of Mikhail Saakashvili (regardless of who is formally listed as its chairman), blames Russia for planning this provocation. A number of government officials, including President Salome Zurabishvili, made the same statement.

The elementary logic prompts, the organizer of the provocation could not in advance not take care of their preferences as a result of it. The “punishment” of Georgia in the form of retaliatory measures of Russia seems to be too weak an argument.
Russia, by contrast, showed a comprehensive interest in warming and developing Russian-Georgian relations. This was reflected in the creation of favorable conditions for tourism in Georgia, for opening up the market for Georgian goods, and for cooperation in business, and for encouraging contacts in the church line, and, of course, in cultural cooperation ...

However, the external centers of power, which actually hold the reins of Georgia in their hands, as was repeatedly noted at various levels, even looked at these limited manifestations of mutual sympathy with caution.

Long before the June events, in 2017, the already mentioned Georgian expert Gocha Gvaramia wrote in the article “Russia's Foreign Policy Strategy - Georgia, Occupied Territories” (published June 28, 2019): “To achieve its main goals, Russia will continue its efforts to break the triangle regional strategic partnership Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey, which will result in increased tension between Azerbaijan and Georgia, as well as Turkey and Georgia, and at best - in the confrontation between them. "

Another Georgian expert, Egor Kuroptev, also long before the June events, wrote on April 30 of this year in an article in the same publication “The Kremlin’s election campaign began in Georgia”:

"Knowing the painful points of society, the Kremlin has already undertaken to mold (as in Kuroptev. - Ed.) For the Georgians" enemies "in the person of friendly Turkey and Azerbaijan, stressing in every way, exaggerating and developing through their media, politicians and quite official representatives and other public centers, the idea that the main enemy is not Russia at all, but other neighbors who are “closing down” the roads to churches, then “dreaming” of Ajaria to be taken away, then for what kind of gas they are raising the price. ”

There are many such articles from the Georgian media. If you regularly look through the Georgian media, it is striking that certain forces are ordering them in large quantities. Nevertheless, the main part of the population of Georgia sees the threat of Islamization and the strengthening of Turkish influence. However, now, at a relatively mild stage of the process, they are taking a wait-and-see attitude, active in defending their country, preferring passive trust in Russia.

It's clear. The only force that could save Georgia from destructive foreign cultural, economic and political expansion is Russia. Of all the states that Georgia has ever dealt with, which included (regardless of the specific names of these countries in different historical periods), only Russia is capable, having forgotten all the offenses, to selflessly come to the aid of the once fraternal Orthodox people.

That is why it is precisely relations with Russia that are the favorite target of those forces that, once dressed in the clothes of the guardians of Georgia, crushed their national identity and put themselves at the service of their narrow-minded purely material interests.

Alas, for the last thirty years, the patriotic tribune of Georgia has been occupied by external forces, in whose subordination it has completely reborn, having lost the slightest signs of rational thinking, pragmatism and genuine national interest. For this reason, and not in connection with the mythical "occupation", about which these "patriots" have been repeating since 1988, the Georgian politicians (who are no longer Georgian for their deep inner essence) will not agree to Russia for any concessions with her. No Georgian politician will simply be allowed to do this, and a sad example is the tragic fate of former Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania, who tried, at least in words, to defend the positions of realism and pragmatism in relations with Russia.

Until now, among a certain part of Russian politicians, there was hope that anti-Russian propaganda and processes did not affect the bulk of the Georgian people. However, the events of the past ten days have shown that the deafening, uncontested anti-Russian propaganda could not remain without consequences for three decades. Alas, despite the bright articles about Georgia’s love for Russians, which the liberal press has rushed to publish, the fact is obvious: a politically significant part of Georgian society, especially young people, is infected with Russophobia. The part that is able to defend their point of view in street battles with the police, and will not allow a different policy from their government.

It should be understood that the “apologies” made by some members of the anti-Russian orgy are insincere and are caused only by the fear of losing money.

Such a failure is also due to the fact that from the very beginning, in the late 80s - early 90s, there was no competent answer to the geopolitical challenge in the Georgian direction. To the rational and serious analysis of the processes taking place, we have chosen the disgraceful “hook policy” repeatedly beaten by us, and Georgia’s ungrounded gangster education was pumped up with resources and finances. As the South Ossetian representatives warned 30 years ago, Georgia did not appreciate such generosity.

It is impossible to blame everything on the intrigues of external forces. Russophobic propaganda had something to cling to in the hearts of the recipients. However, the voice of the people is the voice of God. They do not want to be friends with Russia, they want to be friends with Turkey and the United States is their right. We respect the right of neighbors to self-determination, to the independent choice of friends and allies.
But we want them to respect ours.

Inal Pliev,
expert of IA Res

Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166523719

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