18 ноября 2019

Russia's Success In The Middle East

If back in 2017, doubts could arise, “what is the Middle East for Russia: success or is it still a trap?” (1), then today, two years later, in November 2019, the answer is more than obvious.

Moreover, it is not only about successes directly in Syria, but also in the entire Middle East direction of Russian foreign policy.
Eugene Rumer, director of the Russia and Eurasia program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, writes in the American journal Foreign Affairs that "Russia is an irreplaceable country in the Middle East" (2).

In support of this conclusion, the author cites the following arguments: “Russia was on the wave of success in the Middle East. The Russian air forces saved the Assad regime from inevitable defeat. Now Turkey and Israel are obliged to put up with the presence of the Russian military at their borders. Saudi Arabia made a warm welcome to Russian President Vladimir Putin. And US President Donald Trump thanked Putin for his assistance in the operation to eliminate Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State. "Russia is increasingly participating in the affairs of this region as Americans move away from there, and even the success of the operation to eliminate al-Baghdadi cannot hide this trend."

Eugene Rumer also draws attention to the extensive economic contracts that Moscow has concluded with many countries in the Middle East region, including those with which a confrontation with which only yesterday seemed inevitable.

The Croatian analyst Vedran Obučina agrees with him, who in his article “Russia as a new powerful force in the Middle East” in the Croatian publication “Advance” dwells on this issue in more detail: “Russia has shown how significant its influence in the Middle East is when October 14 In 2019, for the first time in more than ten years, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Saudi Arabia and then traveled to the United Arab Emirates. ”

Russia deployed its troops in northern Syria, taking on the mission that the United States abandoned. However, the difference here is that the United States are uninvited guests and invaders, and Russia arrived at the invitation of the legitimately elected leadership of the Syrian Arab Republic.
In 2015, when Russia sent troops to Syria, Saudi Arabia supported the Syrian rebels. And now, thanks to Russia's military successes in Syria and thanks to classical Russian diplomacy in the region, Russia is strengthening ties with this country.

Between Russia and Saudi Arabia, more than a dozen memorandums of understanding have been signed. There are good prospects for cooperation in the profitable energy sector, especially in the gas industry. The Russian private equity fund has acquired thirty percent of the state-owned oil company Saudi Armaco. And the Saudis, on the contrary, bought the same stake in Novomet, the Russian supplier of oil equipment. They also signed an agreement that they will invest $ 600 million in Rosavialization. Saudi Arabia agreed and lift restrictions on wheat imports.

Thus, Russia and Saudi Arabia are taking their first steps towards each other in the name of strengthening economic ties.

Putin also visited the United Arab Emirates, which is also an important military and economic country in the Middle East. The result of his visit was the conclusion of agreements totaling more than $ 1.3 billion in the areas of energy, advanced technology and healthcare.

This visit was not made from scratch. Last year, Moscow and Abu Dhabi signed the Declaration on Strategic Partnership, which clearly formulated the goals of cooperation between the two states. Among them are both economic cooperation and the fight against terrorism.

The UAE is Moscow's largest trading partner among all members of the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council, and the trade balance between the two countries in 2018 reached $ 1.7 billion.

Last year alone, a million Russian tourists visited the UAE as tourists, leaving over $ 1.3 billion there. This is one of the first places among countries from which tourists visit this country.

Gazpromneft and Mubadala Petroleum are present in this country and participate in joint projects, developing fields in Siberia, and Lukoil received five percent in the gas concession Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. in the UAE. During Putin’s visit, the parties signed a total of $ 1.4 billion worth of contracts. Five cooperation agreements were also signed, new opportunities for partnerships in the field of the development of artificial intelligence and telecommunications were identified, and agreements were signed on the supply of Russian aircraft and helicopters to the UAE.

One cannot disagree with the completely fair assessment of the Director General of the Russian Council on Foreign Affairs Andrei Kortunov: “Russia, unlike, say, the United States, manages to act as a legitimate mediator, a mediator that almost all regional players are ready to work with: Sunnis and Shiites, Iranians and Saudis, Israelis and Palestinians, Turks and Kurds. It is more difficult to establish interaction with external players - Americans and Europeans, but they also recognize, albeit reluctantly, the leading role of Moscow in Syria. With relatively small initial investments in the Middle East, Russia has become perhaps the most influential player ”(3).

Thus, an analysis of Russia's steps in the Middle East after troops were sent to Syria - not only in the military, but also in the economic and diplomatic fields - shows the undoubted success of its foreign policy in the Middle East.

Inal Pliev,
political observer of the IA "Res"

1. The article “What is the Middle East for Russia: success or still a trap?” On the Military Review website dated November 28, 2017. Access Mode: https://topwar.ru/130598-chto-takoe-blizhniy-vostok-dlya-rossii-uspeh-ili-vse-zhe-lovushka.html

2. Eugene Rumer’s article “Russia is an indispensable country in the Middle East” in the journal “Foreign Affairs” Access mode: https://news.rambler.ru/middleeast/43093865/?utm_content=rnews&utm_medium=read_more&utm_source=copylink

3. The article “The successes of Russian foreign policy in recent months are undeniable. Five factors that make Russia so influential (and what's the catch) ”on the Medusa website. Access Mode: https://meduza.io/feature/2019/10/30/uspehi-rossiyskoy-vneshney-politiki-v-poslednie-mesyatsy-nesomnenny-pyat-faktorov-kotorye-delayut-rossiyu-takoy-vliyatelnoy-iv -chem-podvoh

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