17 августа 2020

USA Supports Terrorism In Various Regions Of The World

12 years after Russia put things in order in this corner of the Caucasus, where, after forcing Georgia to peace in 2008, for the first time since 1989, blood stopped shedding and the long-awaited peace began, the United States and its seven military allies again demanded that Russia withdraw its troops from South Ossetia and to allow Georgia to continue the policy of terror that it has pursued here for 19 years.

Prior to that, the United States had consistently supported Georgia's terror against the people of South Ossetia. American officials, including the presidents, have repeatedly expressed support for Georgia, which they called the "citadel of democracy" and received other compliments, despite the shelling of Tskhinvali and other peaceful Ossetian settlements by the Georgian army, despite the horrific torture and torture of captured civilians in South Ossetia by armed structures Georgian government.

The United States does not remain aloof from the situation in Belarus either. They want to plunge her into the abyss of war, chaos and terror. After the Central Election Commission of Belarus announced the victory in the presidential election in the country of Alexander Lukashenko, the US authorities said that the elections in Belarus, allegedly, "were not free and fair."

The State Department has issued a statement by its head Michael Pompeo, who accused the Belarusian authorities of severely restricting candidates' access to ballots and banning the presence of local "independent observers" at polling stations. There were also accusations, usual for the United States, against those who were undesirable, such as "tactics of intimidating opposition candidates", "detention of peaceful demonstrators", etc.

The State Department also called on the Belarusian authorities not to restrict the right of citizens of the country to free assembly. Several US senators have called on the Belarusian authorities to renounce violence.

Reading the statements of the American officialdom, one gets the impression that they were written by representatives of a country in which an exceptionally impeccable and impeccable example of democracy reigns, and even more so - electoral democracy. Meanwhile, we know that in the United States there is not even a presidential election in the only sense acceptable to our ideas. Presidents there are not elected by millions of voters, but by a much smaller, limited circle of so-called "electors", and ordinary voters cannot influence them in any way.

But this is not so bad. Accusing the authorities of unwanted countries, in this case, Belarus, of using violence and intimidating opponents, the United States forgets that in matters of domestic policy, and even more so in matters of foreign policy, they willingly and in abundance use much more cruel and large-scale violence, intimidation , that is, all forms and methods of terror available to them.

This US policy did not begin today, and not yesterday. It has long roots. US President Theodore Roosevelt, while still vice-president, in 1801 speech at a fair in Minnesota quoted the West African proverb: "Speak softly, but hold a big club, and you will go far", implying the active use of brute military force to achieve your tasks. Since then, the aggressive US foreign policy has been called the "big stick policy."

However, not all goals can be achieved by direct military intervention. Therefore, the United States often resorts to methods of terror against unwanted persons, political, social or national or racial groups, and even entire states.

The most recent example is Ukraine, the result of a coup d'état prepared and carried out under the leadership of the United States, in which the murder of objectionable public and political figures, terror and intimidation against the forces that did not support the coup, which led to the loss of a significant part of the territory and population.

The terror against the civilian population of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics with the support of the United States continues to this day, no one has been held responsible for the death of thousands of people.

If you look through the thick years of the vast expanses of Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and the Arab Maghreb, you can see how, after the US intervention, terrorist organizations began to flourish in a variety of countries in which governments objectionable to the US came to power. "Contras" - in Nicaragua, "dushmans (mujahideen)", and then "Taliban" - in Afghanistan, "al-Qaeda" - in Iraq, "igil" - in Syria, and so on and so forth. Who in these countries heard these names before the US intervention? But no matter how far these countries were from each other in geographic and cultural relations, the methods and forms of "work" of terrorist organizations were the same everywhere and everywhere: the murder of government officials, civilians, the destruction of economic infrastructure, undermining the foundations of the state to please USA.

In a more distant historical retrospective, let us recall the terrorist organizations that operated in different European countries in the 70s of the 20th century. It is witty that some of them publicly acted under leftist slogans in order to create the appearance of some kind of involvement of the USSR in their activities, but in reality they kidnapped and killed European politicians who stood in the way of a rough American expansion who tried to resist the transformation of Europe into a powerless US colony. A prominent representative of these European politicians was the Italian statesman Aldo Moro, a "professional minister" who at various times headed five cabinets and the author of the concept of "historical compromise" hated by the United States, the essence of which was to allow official communists to participate in the work of the government in exchange for the actual refusal of the Italian Communist parties from all revolutionary ideas. Moreau is killed by one such terrorist organization, the Red Brigades. The political secretary of the Christian Democratic Party, Piccoli, and the deputy head of the Interior Ministry, Zamberletti, said after their resignation that "Moro paid with his life for an attempt to free Italy from the bonds of" supervised freedom "in the US orbit."

Terrorist organizations created by the United States in foreign countries call themselves fighters for independence, but in fact they commit a betrayal of their morals, their countries, which, as a result,, on the contrary, find themselves in exclusive slavish dependence on the United States, which we clearly see in the example of Afghanistan.

During the Soviet operation in the DRA in 1979-1989, the Soviet military received irrefutable evidence of American military assistance to radical Islamists. Our planes were shot down by rockets fired from the American portable anti-aircraft complexes "Stinger". Dushman mujahideen in Pakistan were trained by instructors from the USA. In the West, they have never really hidden this.

After the departure of "Shuravi", as the Soviet troops were called, the terrorist organization "Al-Qaeda" created by the Americans strengthened its positions. It was generously reinforced and reinforced by the CIA. However, they did not appreciate this and made a fusion on the twin towers. At least that's what Washington said.

In 2003, the United States attacked Iraq and destroyed its statehood. The terrorist group ISIS appeared and rapidly strengthened on the territory controlled by the USA. It was the US activities in Iraq that led to the creation of this monstrous terrorist structure. Former US President Barack Obama admitted this.

The Russian military, who liberated almost all of Syria from ISIS, often found abandoned ammunition and equipment with US markings. Strengthening ISIS in 2011-2014 - the result of the actions of American politicians and special services.

It's no secret that creating such powerful paramilitary formations requires the coordinated work of thousands of specialists in a wide variety of fields and colossal financial resources that only a large militarily powerful state can have.

Of course, these facts do not exhaust the creation and support by the United States government of terrorist organizations around the world. However, the above also gives a thorough understanding of the blatant inconsistency of their unfounded peace-loving and democratic declarations with the real policy in international affairs.

Inal Pliev,
political columnist for "Res"

Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166531665

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