10 июля 2021

In the face of a deadly threat, it is better to vaccinate with Russian vaccines

Russian vaccines against coronavirus have confirmed their effectiveness and safety

From the very beginning of the pandemic, the development of a vaccine against coronavirus has become a priority in all developed countries. According to the WHO, more than 60 vaccines around the world are already undergoing clinical trials. More than 170 more are being tested in animals. The main - final - phase of testing has already passed or are undergoing 22 drugs.

Sputnik V is the first COVID-19 vaccine registered in Russia. Immunization against the disease is an effective means of preventing it, scientists remind. All vaccines registered in Russia have shown high efficiency, so we will consider them in more detail.

What do all Russian advances against coronavirus have in common? Each of them is introduced in two stages. This is necessary in order to - to achieve reliable protection. The second step is an additional dose. It is also called a booster. There is no workable virus in these vaccines, which means that there is not the slightest danger of getting infected from vaccination. A person who has received a vaccine against a coronavirus infection can be a potential source of it, only if at the time of vaccination he was already sick with COVID-19.

In all other cases, any possibility of "contagion" is excluded. Indeed, during vaccination against COVID-19, it is not the virus itself that enters the body, but only its "spare part" - the protein (we are talking about "Sputnik V"). It is able to trigger an immune response, but it can neither multiply nor become a source of infection. Danger awaits if you do not follow the requirements between the introduction of the first and second doses.

Now there is a debate about the duration of the immunity that these vaccines give. But a period from one year to several years is assumed.

The Sputnik V vaccine (developed by the Gamaleya Center) is the first vaccine in the world to go into free circulation and has already passed the third phase of trials. Its action has been most well studied. She was registered in August 2020. IA "Res" has already written about it. This vaccine is a vector vaccine. It is based on two adenoviruses that are harmless to humans at once, into which a small section of the Sars-Cov-2 virus genome has been inserted. Proven efficiency - 91.4%, it has already been found out that its use allows you to avoid the development of a severe form in 100% of cases.

"Sputnik V" is used not only in Russia, it is already registered in 30 countries, and this number is growing. Sputnik V is recommended for adults from 18 to 60 years old, as well as for the elderly. Studies have shown that the likelihood of complications in a group of older people, even in case of infection, is not higher than in other groups. Side effects include pain at the injection site, in exceptional cases - an increase in temperature up to 39 degrees, weakness, muscle pain.

The second registered Russian vaccine was EpiVacCorona. Unlike "Sputnik V", it was developed by employees of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center "Vector". It relates directly to Rospotrebnadzor. It was registered in October 2020, and it is based on synthetic analogs of viral protein regions, peptides. What does it mean? It completely lacks biological carriers of the virus, which makes it safer for people prone to allergies. The human immune system recognizes the "pieces of antigen" that immunity targets. Although this vaccine also has side effects (fever, pain at the injection site), they are not serious and go away quickly. Therefore, this vaccine is already confidently recommended for persons aged 18-60 years. But for older citizens it is better not to do it, because the tests on a group of older people have not yet been completed.

In third place is the KoviVac vaccine (developed by the Chumakov Center). It was registered only on February 20 of this year. This vaccine has a fundamental difference: it is based on the "killed" SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. We put the word “killed” in quotation marks because viruses do not originally have the gift of life. We meant that the virus in this vaccine is so ineffective and weak that it can be called “killed”. However, the body recognizes it as a danger and rapidly begins to arm itself, that is, to produce antibodies to it. Most vaccinations work the same way. As conceived by the developers, "KoviVac" should provide the greatest protection and a full-fledged immune response, because the body will get to know the whole virus, and not just its fragment. CoviVac provides the human immune system with a complete set of coronavirus antigens, which in turn will produce a complete set of antibodies. Although the immunological activity of the vaccine is estimated at 85%, this applies to the period of 28 days after administration.

Another vaccine - Sputnik Light - is one of the variants of the well-known Russian vaccine Sputnik V. Unlike the first drug, this variant is considered easier. Its peculiarity also lies in the fact that after the first vaccination there is no need for

Another vaccine - Sputnik Light - is one of the variants of the well-known Russian vaccine Sputnik V. Unlike the first drug, this variant is considered easier. Its peculiarity also lies in the fact that after the first vaccination there is no need to re-administer the drug. The vaccine was officially registered by the Ministry of Health on March 29 this year. The drug was developed by scientists of the Research Center of them. Gamalei. This drug is intended for rapid immunization, as well as to protect people who have previously had coronavirus but have fewer antibodies. The injected vaccine after the disease will help to strengthen the immune system at the proper level.

Of course, there is no medicine or vaccine without side effects. However, it should be borne in mind that all currently available Western counterparts either have more side effects or a shorter period of effectiveness.

Therefore, in the face of a deadly threat, it is better to be vaccinated with Russian vaccines.

Analytical department of IA "Res"

Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166537444

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