06 марта 2022

The policy of double standards is the road to nowhere

Recently, the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, condemned the special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, accusing Russia of "refusing to attempt a diplomatic solution to security problems in Europe, since it originally planned to conduct a special operation."

It is amazing how this most experienced politician, who was still negotiating with one of the greatest diplomats of our time, the famous “Mr. No!” Andrey Andreevich Gromyko, "did not notice" the eight years of vigorous efforts by Russia, which at all the highest political and diplomatic levels made truly titanic attempts at a peaceful settlement.

Western countries that do not miss the slightest opportunity to declare their democracy and adherence to the principles of freedom of speech and pluralism of opinion instantly forget all their beautiful words when it comes to their very prosaic consumer interests. They do not even consider it necessary to hide them. The former Secretary of State (in our opinion, the Minister of Foreign Affairs) of the United States, Madeleine Albright, openly declared them back in the late 1990s, under the conditions of Yeltsin's rule, writing off Russia and its ability to rebuff the far-reaching appetites of the United States and the collective West as a whole. 

She is credited with the phrase "There can be no talk of any world justice as long as such a territory as Siberia is owned by one country." However, she did not say so. The head of American diplomacy spoke more ornately: “The gap between Russia's needs and resources must be bridged not by foreign injections, but by foreign investments ... We must remember that Russia has huge wealth inherent in it. But it attracts minimal outside investment where it should be a bonanza... One of the hurdles is Russia's inability to pass relevant legislation on production sharing agreements. The impediment is Russians' assumption that receiving foreign investment means selling out their country. President Clinton and I are fighting to prove that this attitude is dangerously shortsighted." 

As they say, the difference is small. Will an investor extract natural resources in order to transfer them to Russia? No, they will no longer belong to Russia. Isn't this a sale of your country? So the short phrase attributed to her contains the main idea of ​​her actual long statement. Just an unknown well-wisher translated it from diplomatic to generally understandable. 

In different historical periods, already in our memory, some other political functionaries of the United States and other Western countries made similar statements. If desired, the reader can independently find them on the Internet. 

So, the purpose of the West is clear and understandable. Especially in the context of the global crisis of hydrocarbons and other energy carriers, which puts the world in danger of stopping millions of production capacities and over 99.9 percent of the entire vehicle fleet of the planet. 

There is oil and gas in Siberia, but it belongs to Russia, you have to pay for them, and prices are rising every year. This means that it is necessary to achieve a military or political collapse of Russia, to plant your own government in Moscow and seize these riches. 

The manifestation of the double standards of the US and the West in relation to South Ossetia and other issues has already been considered and analyzed in some detail in journalism, now let's consider the situation on the example of Ukraine. 

As you can see, Western forces chose Ukraine in the past to attack Russia. Relying on age-old fraternal feelings, Russia missed the time that Western "former partners" used to mentally reformat the Ukrainian people, especially young people. For 30 years since 1991, the “image of the enemy” in the person of Russia has been advertised in Ukraine so widely and jewelryly that even the Goebbels’ propaganda of the Third Reich, which was quite effective in its time, seems rude and unconvincing against its background. 

The case ended with a coup d'etat, the overthrow of the legitimately elected President Yanukovych in 2014 with the direct participation of the foreign ministers (!!!) of the major states of the European Union. The new authorities needed to isolate the eastern regions from the political process, which posed a threat to them in the next elections, as they voted for more balanced, state-minded politicians. To this end, they declared their demands for federalization illegal (although before that they themselves advocated federalization), and they themselves were declared separatists, although the inhabitants of the former South-East of Ukraine, and now the sovereign states of the DPR and LPR, advocated only the observance of the Constitution and formally the then current legislation. Illegal armed structures were introduced into these areas - nationalist battalions, copying the names of the collaborator battalions created by the Nazis during the Second World War and their symbols. Then the regular army of Ukraine was thrown against the civilian population. More than eight years of shelling began, or rather, a cold-blooded, prolonged execution of the civilian population of the hardworking mining Donbass, as a result of which more than 15,000 people, including more than 150 children, were brutally killed. 

Ukraine mockingly treated Russia's persuasions and exhortations, Russia's proposals to sit down at the negotiating table. Thus, at the negotiations in Minsk, Ukraine was represented by politician Medvedchuk, who not only did not have any political influence, but was subsequently subjected to persecution, deprived of property and placed under house arrest. But even the very sparse Minsk agreements were not deigned to be fulfilled by the Kyiv authorities at any point. Neither Minsk-1, nor even the even more scanty Minsk-2. Although the implementation of these agreements ensured the preservation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, Ukraine did not comply with them out of a desire to kill as many "Muscovites" and "separatists" as possible, and thereby humiliate Russia in the international arena. At the same time, Ukrainian propaganda called people "Colorado beetles", and the killed children - "Colorado larvae" in order to mentally deprive them of human sympathy. This is reminiscent of the approach of the African “Thousand Hills Radio”, which in the Hutu language propagated hatred of the Tutsi people and called for them to be killed. Just so you know, the Hutu and Tutsi peoples speak the same language. This is one people, like Russians and Ukrainians. In this way, in 30 years the West has reduced the once richest and highly educated, highly developed Ukraine - the breadbasket of Russia - to the level of Liberia - an ultra-backward African country, mired in poverty and the horrors of tribalism. 

Just the other day, Ukraine officially announced its intention to recreate nuclear weapons, and information about the supply of components and components for it from the United States became public. On social networks, representatives of Ukrainian nationalist circles, close to law enforcement agencies, did not hide plans for military intervention against Russia and the seizure of its territory up to the Kuban and the North Caucasus, as declared, with the military support of the Georgian Army trained and generously equipped by NATO. At the same time, in Russia itself, according to the plan of its enemies, the internal opposition should have become more active, causing paralysis of power, the processes of disintegration and disintegration should begin, opening the way for the West to the coveted riches of Siberia. 

Neither the US nor its allies and satellites would tolerate such a state of affairs for a minute. Russia tolerated these antics for eight years. But everything comes to an end. 

What is striking about this story is that the United States of America, which has opened bases around the world, occupying states and overthrowing governments at will thousands of miles from its coasts, condemns Russia for steps to ensure its own security. 

The policy of double standards of the United States, its satellites and allies in their approaches to key issues of international relations is a remnant of the Cold War, which must be abandoned, and relations between peoples and states based on the principles of mutual respect and indivisible security! 

Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166541828

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