The low fall in ideas about morality and law in the camp of the Western elite gives confidence in the correctness of the path chosen by South Ossetia. The newspaper "Izvestia" recently published an article by Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev "Points of no return".
Medvedev in his article gave an
assessment of the events concerning South Ossetia.
“Points of no return can be considered two dates. The first is the autumn of 2008, when the Western world supported Georgia's aggression against the Ossetian people and lifted to the skies the idiot, drug addict and adventurer, who was later rejected not only by his own country, but also by a foreign one, where he cowardly fled. The aggressor was then given a quick and firm rebuff. The second turning point was the spring of 2014, when the people of Crimea expressed their will in a legal referendum, returning forever to their historical homeland. In the Western world, this caused a frenzied, impotent hysteria, which continues to this day.
And here I would like to remind you
once again that the position of the West regarding the free expression of the
will of people whose position it does not like testifies to its duplicity. This
is especially evident in the example of South Ossetia. American senators and
congressmen, deputies of the parliamentary assemblies of NATO, PACE, etc. came
here to forget about democratic rights and freedoms, about the sacred right of
nations to self-determination, to put pressure on the leadership of the
republic and force them to abandon friendship with Russia. They were especially
indignant at the banner “Putin is our president!”
By launching in 1998 the mechanism
for the dismantling of Yugoslavia and calling on the ethnic groups inhabiting
it to "self-determination", the United States, even before the
secession of Kosovo, created a precedent for establishing control over parts of
an objectionable state under the guise of their sovereignty. At the same time,
external signs of sovereignty and democracy are successfully imitated, as in
the practice of a cargo cult. But just as cargo planes cannot fly, the
cargo-democratic institutions in such pseudo-states cannot function. Democratic
rights and freedoms are in distress. The standard of living of the bulk of the
working people - the creators of material wealth - is steadily declining. More
or less capable of making ends meet are service workers and local activists
from Western foundations.
The deception lies in the fact that,
while hypocritically acting before the world community as a defender of the
noble right of nations to self-determination, the United States and its allies
and satellites do not recognize this right for those nations that do not agree
to dance to their tune.
Among them is South Ossetia, which
systematically built its own state - a small, but serious and solid, with a
democratically elected government that recognizes freedom of speech and
political associations, criticism and self-criticism as the driving force for
the development of society and statehood, and has been working on the
recognition of its own sovereignty for almost 20 years .
The parallels drawn between South
Ossetia and Kosovo are perceived in the West very painfully. Western
politicians argue that Kosovo has more grounds for recognition of independence,
because the institutions of statehood were helped to create the West. However,
does not South Ossetia stand at a higher level, if only for the reason that it
created all its democratic institutions and institutions of statehood, as well
as the political and legal system, on its own, on the basis of studying and
systematizing world experience and national democratic tradition, without any
outside help?
Europe should not throw stones at a
neighbor's garden while living in a glass house. Indeed, under the glaze of its
external well-being lies a lot of the same artificially frozen
“self-determining” processes. These are the Basques, divided between Spain and
France, and the Catalans, who tolerate Spanish domination only under fear of
arms, and the Austrians of the Italian South Tyrol, and the Swedes of the Åland
Islands of Finland, and citizens with Bulgarian self-consciousness in North
Macedonia, which denies its Bulgarian nature. And, of course, the division of
the original Hungarian territories between its neighbors after the First World
War is completely unfair.
Let us also recall the territories
alienated as a result of various wars, territories that underwent ethnic
cleansing, such as the Czech Sudetenland, some territories of Slovakia, Poland
and other EU countries “cleared” from the indigenous civilian German
population. Transylvania has always been the original territory of Hungary. The
infamous Count Dracula lived here. But Transylvania, together with the
population, was transferred to Romania. The Hungarians, who have found
themselves on the territory of Romania and a number of other countries without
leaving their homes, want to reunite with their historical homeland, but only
the danger of a forceful reaction stops them. Any European state can find its
“skeleton in the closet”, for example, Poland, for example, has an ambition to
build Greater Poland “from sea to sea”.
Greater hypocrisy could not have
been imagined, but the “enlightened West”, reveling in its Russophobia, sank to
the point that it allowed itself to reconsider the earlier decision of the
international court on Georgia’s attack on South Ossetia in 2008. After 14
years of crude imitation of a non-existent investigation, the aggressor ...
turned into a victim. Particular cynicism is given by the fact that this action
was led by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou
Bensouda, when she was the Attorney General of the Gambia under the crazy
dictator Yahya Jammah, bloody repressions against ... “sorcerers” unfolded in
the country, as a result of which at least 1000 people were killed. As you can
see, such bloody obscurantists do not rule, but simply wag Europe today in a
vain attempt to give the crimes of its henchmen some semblance of legality.
What a cruel mockery of law and common sense!
But what about international norms
and the right of a nation to self-determination? Recognizing the imaginary
sovereignty of their puppets, while denying the legal rights of truly sovereign
states, the United States and European countries prudently pursue only their
own interests, and the fate of artificially created states and their peoples,
of course, is indifferent to them.
Inal Pliev, IA "Res"
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