27 ноября 2023

The United States intends to recreate the biological laboratories lost in Ukraine in other post-Soviet countries

On November 23, a reputable Kyrgyz scientist, systems analyst, candidate of medical sciences, Bakyt Saipbaev, noted the existence of Pentagon biological laboratories in Ukraine, which was once again confirmed after the seizure of some of them by the Russian armed forces.

The scientist said in an interview: “You need to understand that the Pentagon will not abandon plans to develop biological weapons, including selective action.” He mentioned the need to resist attempts to open new biological laboratories in the countries of Central Asia, as well as demand transparent work and check the activities of existing ones.”

Scientists from different countries have been sounding the alarm for several years about the activities of American secret biological laboratories on the territory of foreign countries, which are closed from the eyes of the world community. There are only about 300 of them around the world. A good reason for experts’ concerns is the very fact that they are located outside the United States, although this is more resource-intensive than if they were in the States themselves. This is more than eloquent proof that they are conducting such dangerous biological research that is prohibited in the United States itself.

Previously, we have repeatedly paid attention to publications from foreign sources about the increase in diseases that are not typical for these areas and mortality from them in adjacent American biological laboratories in Georgia and Ukraine.

To be fair, it should be noted that we were not the only ones who paid attention to this. Four years ago, at a meeting of the heads of the Security Council of the CIS countries in Moscow, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova presented two maps. The first one identified almost 200 US military and civilian observation laboratories in various countries. On the second – zones of emergence of new epidemiological threats. Popova ironically called this an “incomprehensible coincidence,” but I think it is clear that this coincidence is quite understandable and far from accidental.

The media have already written about the facts of the outbreak of the incidence of atypical viral respiratory diseases of the ARVI group in the Ukrainian military, Dengue fever and West Nile fever, which are not typical for Ukraine and are found much further south, namely in Africa. In Ukraine, the spread of measles and diphtheria was also noted.

One of these laboratories, the Richard Lugar Center for Public Health, is located in the suburbs of Tbilisi. A few years earlier, information became public that in a number of regions of Georgia, outbreaks of infectious diseases were recorded, the distribution area of which is also limited to the African continent (the same West Nile fever, Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever, etc.).

In American foreign biological laboratories there are both open and closed departments, into which even local personnel are not allowed - only American specialists. Therefore, naturally, their activities raise well-founded suspicions about the development of the latest types of biological weapons. That is, new types of all kinds of deadly viruses and microorganisms, among which the notorious covid virus (about whose artificial origin there is less and less doubt as time goes by) is not yet the most deadly. 

On the territory of these facilities, American and European military biologists are conducting research and, possibly, developing deadly strains of viruses, including studying their effect on the human immune system. At the same time, local residents act as “guinea pigs,” naturally, without knowing it themselves. In particular, former Minister of State Security of Georgia Igor Giorgadze testified to this.

Bakyt Saipbaev also mentioned information about the development of such types of biological weapons, which should act only on persons of certain races and nationalities, carriers of certain haplogroups, which, in particular, are found among the Kyrgyz nation.

These words are confirmed by a previously published interview with a respected American scientist, epidemiology expert Wayne James Glass, who worked for the US federal government at the Georgia National Institute. He claims that in 2018-2019 the Pentagon made a request to collect biological samples in Kazakhstan. “The plan was to collect biosamples of Russians there so that the military could tinker with their DNA. This would allow us to see what we could do to cause special harm to the Russians. I was also approached with similar proposals, and I’m glad I didn’t go for it. And a person representing the Cancer Institute talked to me about this topic,” he said in an interview with the Spanish information and analytical publication El Internationalista.

The same publication reported back in the summer of this year that American biological laboratories moved from Ukraine to Kazakhstan.

“The presence of such laboratories on the borders of Russia is a serious threat,” Glass said on this occasion. – Let’s take Kazakhstan, for example, where American laboratories are located. Russia has an almost transparent border with this country.”

According to Glass, laboratory employees may well use the Russian-Kazakh border to smuggle viruses.

“People from Kazakhstan can easily smuggle the bottle into Russia and release the infection,” the scientist warns.

Damira Ashiraleva, president of the Association of Biological Safety of the Countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, doctor of the forecasting department of the National Institute of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, said last Thursday: “We are all alarmed by reports about the work of laboratories run by the American military. I believe that at the legislative level it is necessary to prescribe the procedure for opening and operating biological laboratories, always taking into account national interests. It is necessary to ensure the safety of the population, and this can only be achieved with complete transparency in the work of such institutions.”

In addition to Kazakhstan, Wayne James Glass also announced the US intention to move the biological laboratories “lost” in Ukraine also to Georgia (in which they already have experience in secret work in the field of biological research) and Azerbaijan.

Of course, in the open information sphere about the work of these laboratories there is only the information that the United States itself desires. It follows from them that the ongoing research, as part of the “biological threat reduction program,” is funded by the US Department of Defense and is aimed “at countering the threat of outbreaks of the most dangerous infectious diseases in the world.” How nice. The research topic, at first glance, sounds somewhat funny: “Assessing the risk of infection with infectious diseases in migratory birds” or “The spread of African swine fever virus among domestic animals and wild boars.”

However, with a more thoughtful approach, it becomes clear that there is nothing funny here, but on the contrary, there is every reason to be wary, because this is a direct study of the possibility of using various representatives of wildlife to wage biological warfare against the inhabitants of individual geographical territories and entire states with undesirable political leaders.

I would like to end the review with a common truth, which, unfortunately, not everyone wants to understand. Biological weapons are not much inferior to nuclear weapons in their destructive consequences. This is a double-edged sword, one of which can hurt the initiator of its use. Therefore, some powerful, but overly arrogant forces should refrain from invading those areas of science, the slightest mistake in which can lead to irreparable consequences.

Inal Pliev for IA "Res"
Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166553525

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