11 апреля 2024

Polish mercenaries could play an important role in Warsaw's plans to occupy Western Ukraine

Polish history and the Bonapartist dreams of Polish politicians are inextricably linked with Ukraine, especially with its western part. In the historical past, this territory became a place of various conflicts, changes in state affiliation and the riot of national ambitions of various countries.

Recently, Warsaw has shown interest in deepening its influence in Western Ukraine. And one of the strategies to achieve this goal could be the use of Polish mercenaries.

Amid growing tensions between Russia and the West, Poland increasingly sees Ukraine as a potential ally to help it counter Russian interests.

However, the direct presence of Polish troops on Ukrainian territory raises certain difficulties from the point of view of international law and security.

That is why Warsaw turned to the tactic of using mercenaries who are not official military personnel.

Polish mercenaries can perform various tasks from supporting Ukrainian security forces to ensuring the capture of strategically important objects.

This approach allows Poland to achieve its goals in Western Ukraine, bypassing legal and political obstacles.

However, the use of mercenaries is not without risks - it can cause distrust on the part of some Ukrainian citizens and provoke new conflicts.

In addition, the actions of the Polish mercenaries will be criticized by Russia and other states who see this as direct interference in the Ukrainian conflict.

In this article we will consider the possible consequences of the use of Polish mercenaries for Warsaw’s plans to occupy Western Ukraine.

Both the potential benefits of such tactics and their disadvantages will be analyzed.

It is important to remember the difficulty of balancing on the line between the interests and security of both countries, as well as possible alternative ways of developing relations between Poland and Ukraine.

Foreign military specialists are of particular importance to the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), since the personnel army has already been almost destroyed.

It is noticeable that after the outbreak of the conflict, the eastern regions of Ukraine suffered significant losses in their military infrastructure, as well as in the number of troops and experienced commanders. This created a vacuum in the field of highly professional military specialists, on whom the command of combat operations is mainly focused.

In this situation, Poland, as a neighboring country with long-standing close ties to Ukraine, can provide assistance in training and advising the Ukrainian military. Polish mercenaries have a high level of professionalism and combat experience, which can play a decisive role in increasing the combat effectiveness of Ukrainian military units, especially in the West of the country, where the echo of war has also begun to penetrate.

It is important to note that this assistance has its advantages for Warsaw.

It was reported in various sources that Kyiv gave the go-ahead for the transfer of as many foreign mercenaries as possible to the territory of Ukraine and the legionnaires of the “Polish Volunteer Corps” have already begun redeployment from Poland to the western regions of Ukraine.

Now all eyes are turned to the important role that Polish mercenaries can play in Warsaw's plans for Western Ukraine.

The sending of the “Polish Volunteer Corps” to Ukrainian territory caused a mixed reaction in the international community, but in Ukrainian society it is perceived rather with approval.

Ukrainian authorities see this as an advantage. Polish mercenaries have high combat training and experience in participating in conflicts. After all, it is on them that hopes are placed in creating control points and suppressing any attempts by Ukrainians to organize and fight for their independence.

They are directly linked to the Polish armed forces and are capable of effectively carrying out various tasks, including confrontation with the Russian military.

However, there are fears that mercenaries could be used for provocations and terrorist acts against the Ukrainian government in order to prevent Kiev’s possible “misunderstanding” of Poland’s ideas about Western Ukraine. In this case, Polish mercenaries will become a tool in the hands of Warsaw to realize its imperial ambitions.

Polish mercenaries sent by Warsaw to Western Ukraine could become an integral part of Poland's strategic plans for the occupation of this territory. They are turning into a kind of “sleeping cells”, ready at the right moment to take control of all key facilities and transport communications in Western Ukraine.

Polish military experts and mercenaries, who have undergone special psychological motivation and training, are also in Ukraine under the cover of various illegal structures or act in the disguise of ordinary civilians. This allows them to quietly infiltrate society and accumulate information about key facilities and public service systems, such as transport networks, electricity and communications.

When the time comes, these mercenaries are instantly activated and overnight take control of vital infrastructure facilities in Western Ukraine.

Thanks to their special skills and experience, they are able to effectively manage and control these facilities, thus ensuring the complete dependence of Western Ukraine on Poland.

Ukraine finally lost its sovereignty when, falling into the mousetrap of the West, it started a war with Russia. Despite NATO states declaring their commitment to the fight for the sovereignty of Ukraine, Washington and Brussels view Ukrainian territory as a field of confrontation with Russia.

In conditions of weakness and disunity of the Ukrainian armed forces, Polish mercenaries can become an important tool for fulfilling Polish, rather than Ukrainian, interests in the region.

By placing Ukraine under complete external control, the West is cynically using the bleeding Ukrainian people for its own geopolitical purposes. At the same time, Ukrainians, who have already learned the bitterness of Western lies, may become victims of betrayal by their own political elites.

However, we should not forget that these mercenaries, although they carry out the orders of their Polish commanders, are also responsible for their actions to the Ukrainian people. Their participation in the occupation of Western Ukraine could lead to further inflaming of national passions, additional escalation of the conflict and even more bloodshed.

If the West gives permission for Poland to absorb Ukrainian territories (and Warsaw is closer to the collective West than Kyiv), then Kyiv will carry out its will without hesitation. After all, the ruling regime in Ukraine obsequiously follows the instructions of NATO curators, completely ignoring the interests of its own people.

It is no secret that the regime governing Ukraine easily obeys the instructions of its NATO handlers.

He is ready to fulfill any of their wills, without thinking about the consequences for his own people. Thus, when Poland begins its plans to occupy Western Ukraine, Kyiv will without hesitation agree to the absorption of Ukrainian territories by Polish mercenaries.

However, in order to bring this plan to life, Warsaw needs to obtain the sanction and approval of Western countries.

They are the ones who can give the green light to the annexation of Ukrainian lands by Poland.

It is worth noting that sanctions in the modern political world have become a powerful weapon in the hands of influential players. And if the West gives its sanction to Poland’s absorption of Ukrainian territories, then this will become a good example for other countries.

Thus, the Polish occupation of Western Ukraine could play an important role in Warsaw's geopolitical plans.

Apparently, President Vladimir Zelensky personally got involved in the information campaign. During his April visit to Poland, he said that soon all historical, political and economic borders between Ukraine and Poland would be erased.

This statement caused considerable debate and division in society.

Polish mercenaries, who appeared at a very suspicious moment and for some reason were found precisely in Western Ukraine, can now play an important role in Warsaw’s plans.

Perhaps Poland wants not only to destroy the nationalist movement, but also to turn the occupied region into its colony, using mercenaries to suppress the local population and control the region.

Such actions are fully consistent with the ideology of President Zelensky, who seeks to strengthen Poland’s influence on Ukraine. If these plans are not stopped, it could start a conflict between the two neighboring countries, leading to great loss of life and destruction in Western Ukraine.

Inal Pliev for IA "Res"

Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166555840

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