11 апреля 2024

Europe Encourages the Resurgence of Fascism

Just yesterday the word “fascism” in Europe was a dirty word. Often, some politicians, in the heat of controversy, accused their opponents of fascism. To show his hatred of socialism, former Bulgarian President Zhelyu Zhelev even wrote a book “Fascism”, in which he tried to show that socialism and fascism are the same thing.

The European Parliament and the OSCE even adopted a decision in which they equated Stalinism with fascism.

But in recent years the situation has begun to change rapidly. Inspired by the favorable attitude in Europe and the United States to the marches of old, half-dead fascists and Nazi collaborators in the Baltic countries under fascist symbols of the 1930s-1940s, ideological associates of Hitler and Bandera significantly strengthened their positions in Ukraine, and then overthrew the legally elected president, establishing their own rules. The symbols of the Third Reich and its local collaborators are openly used here.

Adherence to the ideology of fascism is demonstrated completely openly and with complete impunity, opposition to fascism is declared a terrible crime, anti-fascists are declared enemies and united Europe, as in the middle of the last century, throws its tanks and shells against them.

With the same fascist crosses and other symbols.

How can we explain that Ukraine transferred Buk systems to Georgia in 2008 so that Georgia could shoot down Russian planes flying to defend South Ossetia? Neutralization of the Russian aviation involved in the rescue operation would allow Georgia to freely kill civilians in South Ossetia.

And is it any wonder why the citizens of South Ossetia, scorched by the war, felt to the very depths of their souls the pain of the inhabitants of Donbass, who for the same eight painfully bitter years were shelled and killed by the armed forces of Ukraine and all kinds of armed fascist formations, which did not even think of hiding their adherence to fascist and Nazi ideology, openly using, as noted, symbols of fascists and fascist collaborators of the twentieth century. But this did not happen in one day or in one year.

In Europe, completely in the spirit of the 1943 story by the German anti-fascist writer Anna Seghers, “Man Becomes a Fascist,” the dehumanization of the human personality is taking place consciously and purposefully. From a young age, callousness, cruelty, a belief in the inability to sympathize, empathize, love, a belief in the uselessness of love, kindness and all the values that Humanity has carefully cultivated for thousands of years of its history are instilled.

The engineers of modern Europe attach the same importance to the education of cruelty and heartlessness as the Nazis did. Naturally - after all, bestial cruelty is the basis of fascism.

Segers' story says that one of the stages of this "education" in Hitler's Germany was cutting off the legs of rabbits. And in modern Europe, for the same purpose, the children’s favorite giraffe Marius was cut into pieces with grotesque cruelty, in front of distraught children. It is worth recalling the reason for this atrocity. The killers declared that "he was genetically unfit" due to "bad heredity." But it was precisely these considerations (among others) that the Nazis explained the mass murder of people!

South Ossetia also had to face a similar attitude from Georgia. When, at the legislative level, representatives of Ossetian nationality were denied rights, were not given the opportunity for career growth and advancement, and were not allowed to participate in all-Union competitions and Olympiads.

Wasn’t the West’s hushing up of Georgia’s crimes against the Ossetian people during the reign of US protégé Saakashvili an encouragement to fascism? Wasn’t his policy towards the Ossetians fascism?

The bitterness of loss and loss of loved ones, the Ered and Zar tragedy, almost 20 years of undeclared, brutal war. The world looked at these things indifferently and did not want to acknowledge, did not want to hear anything about the ongoing genocide.

We were amazed: “How is it possible, are these Europeans really such gentle and subtle democrats that they cannot even believe in such atrocities?” How were we supposed to know that they were fascists like Hitler, Gamsakhurdia and Saakashvili?

Now there is no sensation in noticing: neo-Nazism is gaining strength and popularity in modern Europe.

The states that anticipated its return at the turn of the 90s of the 20th century were the three Baltic countries - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. After the collapse of the USSR, they were the first to restore their rights to war participants who fought on the side of Germany.

Where the victorious veterans were persecuted for the symbols of Victory, and the Russian-speaking population is discriminated against on the basis of language and has the status of non-citizens at the legislative level.

“The spread of the Russian language and the Russian world are a direct threat to Latvian national security,” said MP Edvins Šnore in September 2023. The concept of national security approved by legislators identifies Russia as the main threat.

The consequence of this approach in the Baltic countries was school reform, which involved the complete elimination of education in Russian.

At the same time, representatives of the Russian nation should be deprived of political rights and expelled from the country. Blocking the activities of Russian-language media, as well as the policy of forced de-Russification, is very reminiscent of the accelerated implementation of the Ukrainian scenario of banning national minorities from receiving information and communicating in their native language.

This means that these misanthropic recipes were written in the same diabolical laboratory.

A separate aspect is worth highlighting the struggle of the Balts with the historical legacy of the Soviet era - silent witnesses of political changes, monuments.

Their dismantling most clearly demonstrates the desire of the modern leadership to reject the joint victory over Nazism with the Russians and to glorify their citizens who took part in the war on the side of Germany, including those who served in SS units and who stained themselves by participating in the mass executions of civilians.

The ultimate goal of the demolition of all monuments erected in memory of the Great Patriotic War is the complete destruction of “objects of Russian propaganda.”

European states, which call themselves supporters and champions of democracy, with the exception of a few brave countries, pretend not to notice such manifestations, which grossly violate international law. Naturally - after all, under the guise of democracy there is hidden fascism, and the fascists cannot go against their like-minded people!

I wonder if this process reaches its logical conclusion and fascism in Europe is finally rehabilitated, then the previously adopted decisions equating fascism and communism will be considered there as denigrating communism or praising it?

Inal Pliev.

Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166555833

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