19 февраля 2019

NATO military preparations threaten the legitimate interests of the people of South Ossetia

Recently, statements by NATO high-ranking representatives on topical international political issues have increased. Meanwhile, NATO is a military organization under the leading role of the United States of America, and it is clear that it cannot have its own point of view, which differs from the position of official Washington.
It is naive to believe that these statements are made without prior approval from the US representatives. Why does the United States charge these statements to its subordinated military organization? At present, 29 countries are members of NATO. The military expenditures of all NATO members together account for more than 70 percent of the global total. There can be no two opinions: the goal is to intimidate Russia, to force it to fulfill favorable US conditions.

Here I would like to remind that during the negotiations on the unification of Germany an agreement was reached that foreign (non-German) troops would not be stationed in the territory of the former GDR and, presumably, an oral agreement on non-expansion of NATO to Eastern Europe. After the treacherous expansion of NATO in March 2004, when 7 countries joined the bloc at once: Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Estonia, at the NATO summit in Bucharest in April 2008 it was decided to admit Croatia and Albania to NATO. In 2017, Montenegro was accepted, and Macedonia was not adopted due to the veto of Greece imposed due to disputes over the name of the country.

A bit earlier, another dangerous event took place: especially for this summit, the two post-Soviet states, Ukraine and Georgia, "showed the political will for membership." The then President of Ukraine Yushchenko, Prime Minister Tymoshenko and Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) Yatsenyuk wrote a so-called “letter of three” on January 11, 2008, in which they asked NATO to give Ukraine the MAP (Plan for NATO membership). But the delivery of this Plan to Georgia and Ukraine was postponed, in particular, Germany and France. On April 2, 2010, Viktor Yanukovych liquidated the Interdepartmental Commission on the preparation of the country for NATO membership and the National Center for Euro-Atlantic Integration.

NATO headed for the overthrow of Yanukovych. For a number of years, forces closely connected with the West have been engaged in ideological processing of the population in the spirit of the need for European integration and membership in NATO. In December 2013, riots were organized in Kiev. On February 21, 2014, against the backdrop of NATO pressure, Viktor Yanukovych signed an agreement with the opposition to resolve the crisis in the presence of diplomatic representatives from Poland, Germany and France. Immediately, the opposition began to seize government buildings. Yanukovych was overthrown. The protesters of the West were brought to power. After the change of power, Ukraine resumed its movement to NATO. In December 2014, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a bill submitted by President Petro Poroshenko, which canceled Ukraine’s non-aligned status, and in June 2017 introduced amendments to the legislation: NATO membership was proclaimed one of Ukraine’s foreign policy priorities. In the autumn of 2018, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the first reading approved the draft law on amending the country's constitution, enshrining the strategic course for obtaining full membership of Ukraine in the European Union and NATO.

Georgia’s integration into the NATO military system is no less active. The relationship between NATO and Georgia began in 1992, when Georgia, which gained independence, joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (renamed the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council in 1997). With the accession of Georgia to the Partnership for Peace program (1994) and to the Planning and Analysis Process program (1999), this cooperation has deepened and expanded. In 1997, Georgia ratified the Status of Forces Agreement and since 1999 has been sending its peacekeeping units to the Kosovo Force (KFOR).

Since 2001, multinational military exercises have been held in Georgia under the Partnership for Peace program. In 2002, Georgia declared its desire to become a member of NATO and its intention to develop an Individual Partnership Action Plan with NATO (IPAP). In 2003, at the summit in Istanbul, the leaders of the NATO countries, paying particular attention to the strategically important regions - the Caucasus and Central Asia - decided to establish the post of special representative of the NATO Secretary General for the Caucasus and Central Asia. After the expulsion of Shevardnadze and the seizure of power by Mikhail Saakashvili, Georgia began to seek to strengthen ties with NATO, with the prospect of joining this organization.

On September 15, 2008, the NATO-Georgia Commission (NOG) was established to direct assistance to Georgia in rebuilding its military infrastructure, as well as assisting in advancing Georgia to NATO membership, which began at the NATO summit in Bucharest. In October 2010, the NATO Communications and Liaison Office was opened in Georgia.

For a long time, without a formal entry into NATO, Georgia participates in the wars that this organization is waging. In particular, Georgia is involved in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, and in 2010 it supported the NATO Operation Active Endeavor to conduct a maritime surveillance mission in the Mediterranean. In 2014, Georgia agreed to host a joint training center of Georgia and NATO on its territory.

The incoming information clearly shows that the United States is intensively arming and seriously preparing its NATO satellites for real military operations against Russia.

So, as early as May 2018, in Bulgaria and Romania, up to 30 tanks, over 50 armored combat vehicles and over 1,500 military personnel were deployed from the US and Polish armed forces. A battalion tactical group (nine tanks, more than 20 armored combat vehicles, three field artillery guns, about 400 people) is deployed from the 1st mechanized division of the US Army in Bulgaria in the military town of Novo-Selo.

The formation of the US Marine Corps is deployed in Romania in the military town of M. Kogelnichanu. In addition, there are two company tactical groups from the 1st Mechanized Division of the US Army (20 tanks in total, 25 armored combat vehicles, more than 650 people). In the city of Craiova there is a company tactical group from the 17th Mechanized Brigade of the Army of Poland (more than ten armored personnel carriers, up to 300 people). A helicopter group from the 1st Brigade of Army Aviation of the United States (five helicopters, 50 people) is based on Avb M. Kogalnichanu.

In the interests of protecting the airspace of countries that do not have the necessary number of air defense fighters, an operation is being carried out by the NATO Air Force Allied Polising. Air patrols of Romania and Bulgaria (Southern er polising) are carried out from May 1, 2017. The airfields of Graf-Ignatievo (Bulgaria) and M. Kogelnichanu (Romania) are used to deploy tactical aircraft of the air forces of other countries of the alliance.

To control the airspace of Ukraine, the E-ZA command of long-range radar detection (DRLO and U) is used by Avaks-NATO and E-3D aircraft (United Kingdom). Flights were performed over the territory of Romania. Their intensity in 2017 amounted to 16 sorties per month.

The strategic reconnaissance aviation aircraft RC-135 of the US and British Air Forces, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) RQ-4B Global Hawk of the US Air Force carried out an average of more than 30 reconnaissance flights per month near the western borders of the Russian Federation.

Above the Black Sea, airplanes of the American (P-8A Poseidon) and Turkish (CN-235MP) naval forces were systematically involved in patrolling the airspace (10-30 departures per month).

In the interests of conducting joint combat training and reconnaissance activities, regular groups (including mine-sweeping forces) of the All-Union Naval Forces Alliance, as well as individual ships of non-Black Sea alliance countries, including reconnaissance, regularly visited the Black Sea. In 2017, there were 20 such visits, in 2016 - 17. The forces of the US fleet (seven) and France (three) showed the greatest activity. In the Black Sea zone in 2017, exercises such as "Breeze", "Poseidon", "Sea Shield", "Sea Breeze", "Spring Storm", "Trident Poseidon" were organized. The ships visited a number of ports of the Black Sea countries, including: Constanta (Romania), Varna and Burgas (Bulgaria), Odessa (Ukraine) and Batumi (Georgia).

Measures to increase NATO’s combat capabilities in the Black Sea region include: deploying anti-ballistic missile defense facilities in accordance with approved plans, forming a headquarters for the South-East multinational division (Bucharest, Romania), creating alliance advanced coordination centers (MCCs) in the countries region, the preparation of the necessary infrastructure in the interests of the deployment of reinforcement troops and the creation of stocks of material resources, an increase in the intensity of combat training activities of the armed forces of the bloc.

The NATO missile defense system in 2016 has been brought to the level of initial operational readiness.

The ongoing militarization of the NATO member countries of Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and the NATO partners of Georgia and Ukraine represents a serious threat to the security and legitimate interests of the people of South Ossetia and Russia.

Suffice it to recall provocative statements by NATO officials. On March 18, 2015, on the day of the next anniversary of the Eredva tragedy, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said that "NATO does not recognize the agreement on alliance and integration signed between South Ossetia and Russia" and attacked it with unbridled abuse: "This so-called agreement is also one step of the Russian Federation, which impedes the efforts of the international community to strengthen security and stability in the region. It violates the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia and flagrantly contradicts the principles Russia’s principles, OSCE principles and international commitments. It does not contribute to a peaceful and long-term resolution of the situation in Georgia. South Ossetia and Abkhazia are integral parts of Georgia. Georgian regions - South Ossetia and Abkhazia - as independent states and withdraw their troops from Georgia. "

The fact that in the event of the withdrawal of Russian troops, Georgia will immediately begin the extermination of the Ossetian population, Stoltenberg prefers not to speak. No one hides that Georgia and Ukraine want to use the military might of NATO against Russia to seize the territories of South Ossetia, Abkhazia, the LPR and the DPR. The United States and its subordinate NATOs themselves willingly go to confrontation with Russia, without thinking about the consequences.

What is happening again shows the irresponsibility of the rulers of NATO member countries and their satellites, who are turning their people hostage to their inordinate ambitions and dreams of world domination.

Inal Pliev, IA "Res"

Source: https://inal-pliev.livejournal.com/113327.html

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