02 февраля 2019

Results of the President’s visit to Latin America should serve as a guide to action – an expert

President of the Republic of South Ossetia, Anatoly Bibilov, after participating in the solemn inauguration of the legally elected President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, has met with President of the Republic of El Salvador, Salvador Sanchez.

This message from the media learned all those interested in politics. However, not many people know that Salvador Sanchez was elected president of El Salvador in 2014, having won a victory over his opponent in the most difficult election campaign. Sanchez is a representative of the Farabundo Marti National liberation Front, the pride not only of the Salvadoran people, but also of the whole Latin America. . It was under the brave leadership of Farabundo Martí in 1932 that the first communist uprising occurred in the Western Hemisphere - 40 thousand peasants led by Farabundo Martí rose against the bloody regime of the then-war dictator Hernandez Martinez. The uprising was crushed by cruel repression.

Salvador Sanchez is a very educated person, a teacher. He worked as a teacher in rural and urban schools. In 1965, he became one of the founders of the National Union of Teachers of El Salvador, which today is the largest association of Salvadoran teachers.

The two presidents have a lot in common.

Like Anatoly Bibilov, Salvador Sanchez, before being elected president, worked as a minister, highly appreciates culture and art and strongly supports their distribution among the population.

Like Anatoly Bibilov, Salvador Sanchez is distinguished by great personal modesty and, above all, concern for the welfare of the people. For example, in July, Sanchez opened his official residence to be visited fortnightly by everyone as an art gallery. He himself is not going to use the residence during his term, since he intends to live in a private house.

These and other numerous similarities in the character of the presidents and in the historical path traversed by South Ossetia and El Salvador could not go unnoticed.

"We have a lot in common," Anatoly Bibilov said at the meeting, " including the struggle of El Salvador and South Ossetia for their freedom and independence. In this struggle, of course, the people of El Salvador have earned great respect. I hope that our acquaintance will grow into friendship, not only between us as presidents, but also between the peoples of El Salvador and South Ossetia."

Salvador Sánchez, for his part, has noted that the Republic of El Salvador is developing contacts with friendly nations and pursuing such a policy towards all countries of the world.

"Our policy is open to all countries of the world. We believe that the development of all mankind can only be based on friendship. This first meeting with you, is very important for us. We hope that our contacts will continue and we will find mechanisms how to continue these contacts, "said President of El Salvador.

It seems that a good way to maintain and develop mutual relations, bonds of friendship and fraternal partnership between nations would be a dialogue in the language of culture and art.

Already two Spanish-speaking countries have recognized South Ossetia. The third president showed goodwill. It seems that the time has come to make Spanish as popular in South Ossetia as English and German. It is necessary to open on the spot Spanish classes, and send our young specialists to practice outside the country. This will facilitate the dialogue between our peoples.

El Salvador, like Nicaragua and Venezuela, which have already recognized South Ossetia, can boast excellent literature in Spanish.Spanish-language light is very bright. Spanish is spoken by 437 million people. However, the talented son of the small country of Nicaragua is the best poet, a pearl of all the world Spanish-language literature. This is the great Latin American poet Ruben Dario, the beloved Swan of admirers of Spanish-language literature.

But we have not touched on science, education, the media, music, painting, cinema, theater, youth policy, etc.

So the size of states in terms of their contribution to the world culture and art does not matter. The same can be said about Ossetia, the Ossetian people, and, in particular, of course, about the Republic of South Ossetia.

During his visit, the President carried out the necessary work at the highest political level in a qualified and qualitative manner. Now the word - for the relevant ministries and departments. It seems that with a thoughtful, competent approach to interstate relations, South Ossetia and the progressive countries of Latin America will have a great future, no end of work!

Inal Pliev, an expert of IA" Res"

Источник: http://cominf.org/en/node/1166520500

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