04 февраля 2020

Do European Nations Have Historical Memory?

An extremely outrageous statement was made by the presidents of Poland, Andrzej Duda and Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky that the Soviet Union launched the Second World War, did not leave anyone indifferent from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Of course, in Ossetia such statements cannot cause anything but contempt, because the Ossetian people lost more than half of their chosen youth who went to defend the Fatherland.
The total number of Ossetians who died during the Great Patriotic War, according to the roll-call count according to published lists, results in 24,148 people. Hundreds of families lost all five, six, seven sons. To this terrible demographic tragedy, the Ossetian people have not recovered to this day.
75 years have passed since 1945. All these years in Ossetia, at all feasts from weddings to funerals, the head of the table offers a separate prayer in memory of those who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The word "feast" may sound a little frivolous for people who are not familiar with the Ossetian realities, but in Ossetia such feasts are not entertaining in nature, but are a serious public event. In Ossetia, the events of those years are lively for everyone, and the tales of the fault of the USSR, as well as attempts to whitewash the Nazis, will not find a grateful listener.
Let us return to the realities of the pre-war and war periods. It should be remembered that the peculiarity of the 30-40s is that the pre-war period, although it is called the pre-war period, was in fact not one of the most peaceful. Against the will of the Austrians, Austria’s power Anschluss, barely covered with a fig leaf of alleged legitimacy, the annexation of the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, and then the tearing of Czechoslovakia by Germany and Poland with the connivance of England and France, which, like Poland, soon sank the tears of Czechs and Slovaks ...
The Soviet Union is reproached for the conclusion of the Nonaggression Pact with fascist Germany. However, the USSR was the last great European state to sign such an agreement, moreover, to sign it forcibly. And England, and France, and all other major players have long had such agreements with Hitler.
As for Poland, she had long-standing friendly relations with Germany. Hitler took part in the funeral of the Polish president Pilsudski, and Poland, entering into a military alliance with Germany, did not hide that she wants to take an active part in the division of the European pie of the defeated countries on an equal footing. However, Hitler and the fascist elite in Germany, distraught from the idea of ​​the inferiority of the Slavic peoples, of course, could not allow this and suffered the tricks of Poland for the time being hiding their sharp teeth.
When Germany outlined the first victim - Czechoslovakia, Poland was pleased to take part in the treacherous devastation of the fraternal Slavic country. 79 years ago, German and Polish troops launched aggression against a large European country.
For Czechoslovakia, this was a stab in the back. Poland annexed the Cieszyn region in the fall of 1938. Now in Warsaw they are bashfully silent about this shameful episode on the eve of the Second World War. But history remembers everything.
Thus, Poland has no right to blame the USSR for attacking it in 1939. The USSR was forced to send its troops into the territory of the German aggression, the long-term ally of the Third Reich, in order to stop the Nazi aggressors away from its borders.
As for the President of Ukraine Zelensky, he represents the forces that in the 1940s carried out the unparalleled in its brutality, barbaric and chilling soul destruction of a peaceful and defenseless Polish population. The horrors of the Volyn massacre still make even the most callous hearts tremble with pain. Surprisingly, instead of apologizing to the Polish people and taking effective measures to not repeat this tragedy, he perpetuates the names of the leaders of the executioners and the murderers of Poles and Jews (being himself a Jew by nationality!) In the names of streets and various institutions.
The ongoing phantasmagoria is incomprehensible to the mind. In these countries, for decades, there has been a massive information hysteria against the USSR and Russia, any crimes of Germany against Jews, Gypsies and even against their peoples are being whitewashed.
Today's Polish nationalist propaganda has been repeating for thirty years that "the Soviet occupation was worse than the German one." Similar theses were adopted by the nationalist propaganda of Ukraine. This is understandable, because here the United States works according to the same patterns as in Poland. It is no coincidence that among the pioneers of ideological reformatting of Ukraine were representatives of the former Polish anti-Soviet underground or Polish emigrant circles.
For the sake of hatred of Russia, the Poles are recommended to forget the Volyn massacre and accept the ideological heirs of Bandera and Shukhevych as their brothers. Hundreds of thousands of Poles are unhappy with such attempts and do not want a confrontation with Russia. However, unfortunately, the voice of true Polish patriots today is not very influential on Polish soil. The pro-American government of Poland persecutes them, like 70 years ago, throws them in jail. But they are bravely fighting for truth and justice, however, without much success. Further development of the situation will show whether the Polish people have a historical memory or can be manipulated in the interests of external puppeteers. It will show whether the European peoples as a whole have historical memory.

Inal Pliev

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