06 июля 2020

The path to the revival of Ukraine lies through the rejection of Russophobia

On June 9, the IMF decided to grant Ukraine a loan under the new stand by program in the amount of about $ 5 billion. Contrary to the optimistic speeches that are usually accompanied by the allocation of IMF loans, the fate of the countries that received it is extremely unenviable. Ukraine is no exception, for which this tranche means only deepening the debt hole.

This year marks six years since the rapid expulsion of Viktor Yanukovych and from the post of president of Ukraine, and from his country as a whole. Currently, he is reportedly living in the Rostov region of Russia and is not heard of his continued interest in politics.

The forces that succeeded him in power set a course for close integration with the West, which meant a reduction in trade and economic cooperation with Russia. Over the past period, commodity circulation, tourist exchange and cooperation in the field of culture and art between the two countries have significantly decreased, and joint projects in various industries have been completely stopped.

On the one hand, although the Ukrainian subsoil contains oil and gas, they are not enough there to be considered as serious fuel and energy resources. The country is forced to import them, which cannot but affect the standard of living of citizens. However, it should be noted that before the “revolution of pride” the authorities could provide a three times higher standard of living for their citizens in such conditions.

What is the reason for the disastrous socio-economic situation in Ukraine? Of course, in the breakdown of traditional trade and economic ties with Russia. The ineffective, and mostly part, overtly wrecking in relation to their own country governance of Ukraine during the usurpation of power by Turchinov and the presidency of Poroshenko played a major role in the deplorable state of the Ukrainian economy. This also includes the extremely radical Russophobic policy of the new Kiev, the sanctions of Ukraine against Russia and the forced retaliatory measures.

These and other reasons led to a decrease in real incomes of the population of Ukraine and a drop in living standards. Of these, the most negative value was the cessation of export to Russia of a number of industrial goods and food products produced in Ukraine. It should be noted that Russia does not pursue a policy of sanctions in the relations of absolutely all goods and products produced in Ukraine, but only responds to the measures taken by the Ukrainian side against it. This is evidenced by the fact that on the shelves of shops and Russia you can see Ukrainian goods.

But the increased corruption and theft are also of no less importance, and in addition - the diversion of significant material resources and part of the working population to the war against the people's republics of Donbass.

The standard of living did not fall suddenly, but was a process stretched out over time, which has been going on since 2014. If before the overthrow and exile of Yanukovych there were already separate signals to this, then after they already became a fact.

Far from a complete list of industrial enterprises that have ceased to exist in Ukraine, causes a rash.

After the last Maidan in the industry of Ukraine, a real genocide of industry began. The rocket giant Yuzhmash, the Antonov aircraft concern, the only full-cycle aircraft manufacturing company in Ukraine, the Nikolaev Shipyard ceased to exist, the Zaporizhzhya Automobile Plant is being closed, the car assembly and steel mills in Kremenchug have stood up. The entry of Ukraine into the Customs Union could save them, but she wants to join the EU, where she is not accepted.

After 2014, Azovmash was also buried, which included the Mariupol Heavy Engineering Plant, Azovelectrostal, Mariupol Thermal Plant and Poltavkhimmash. Now in Ukraine, no one makes railway freight cars and platforms, tankers, truckers, metallurgical, mining and crane equipment. After all, the main sales markets were in the former republics of the USSR. It is clear that the economic salvation of Ukraine lies in the eastern, not western, vector of its development.

Back in September 2016, Verkhovna Rada deputy Oleksandr Vilkul said directly from the rostrum that “in 2017, Ukrainian citizens will receive the lowest official salaries in Europe.” He recalled that in 2013 the average salary of Ukrainians was three times higher.

He called the country's budget for 2017 the budget of genocide. The minimum pension in Ukraine from December 1, 2016 increased by 10% and amounted to 1247 hryvnia. This is only $ 48 - also the lowest in Europe. At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities continued the policy of reducing benefits and social benefits, as well as increasing tariffs, hiding behind their obligations to the International Monetary Fund.

In May 2019, the World Bank recognized Ukraine as one of the poorest countries in the region. At the current economic growth rate, Ukraine will need about 50 years to catch up with Poland in terms of living standards. The minimum wage in Ukraine is $ 150, pension is $ 53. According to experts, the country in terms of per capita GDP is at the same level with Moldova, Armenia and Georgia.

According to the draft US military budget for the next fiscal year, prepared by the chairman of the Committee on Armed Forces of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Adam Smith, Ukraine will be allocated $ 250 million. One fifth of this amount is allowed to be used only on lethal means of defense. It would be better if they gave funds for the development of the economy. But - no, nobody gives money to Ukraine for economic development. Meanwhile, the decline in living standards in this country continues.

Even such an odious person as the former Georgian dictator, war criminal, and now the head of the National Reform Council of Ukraine Mikhail Saakashvili, who openly predicted the country's famine due to the economic crisis, cannot fail to recognize this. According to him, at present Ukraine is on the verge of an economic disaster. Saakashvili this month, broadcast on the program “Visiting Dmitry Gordon,” said he had come to this conclusion after reading the next report of the International Monetary Fund.

“We don’t have to pretend that nothing threatens us. It threatens. And a certain number of Ukrainian families are threatened by hunger,” he said, adding that even after the restrictive measures introduced because of the coronavirus were lifted, Ukrainians risk being left without savings. At the same time, they will not succeed in making money in Europe, since in the conditions of the crisis "jobs for Ukrainians will appear there last".

Saakashvili said that in three months there will be a budget crisis, followed by a political crisis. “We need to tell people that there will be difficult times ahead,” he said.

Sincerely disturbing the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine on the state of industrial production. In April 2020, industrial production in the once prosperous country fell by 16.2% compared with 2019 and by 12.8% compared with March 2020.

Against the background of what is really happening, even the "pessimistic" cabinet script seems like a happy fairy tale. "

Since the trend of a landslide reduction in industrial production in Ukraine lasts a whole year, this means that its causes should not be linked to quarantine or the global economic crisis. This is a consequence of both the difficult legacy Zelensky inherited from the previous President Poroshenko, but also the sad circumstance that he does not want to put an end to the conscious and deliberate de-industrialization policy of his country.

Only a radical revision of the entire vector of Ukrainian domestic and foreign policy, the rejection of corruption and Russophobia can put an end to the protracted disaster and start the recovery and rebirth processes.

Inal Pliev, observer of the IA "Res"

Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166530893
Full text: https://inalpl.blogspot.com/2020/07/blog-post.html

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