13 июля 2020

US Continues to Destabilize Countries And Regions

The other day, a British court legitimized the arbitrariness of its government, which blocked the legitimate leadership of Venezuela from accessing the gold reserves of the Bolivarian Republic held by the Bank of England. The court transferred control of gold to the right-wing opposition leader Juan Guaido, who in 2019 proclaimed himself head of state. The United States and its allies immediately recognized him as president of Venezuela without any election. Obviously, they want to overthrow the legitimate president Nicolas Maduro and bring the country under undivided US control. The French newspaper "Humanite" characterizes Juan Guaido as well as possible: a corrupt official, a US protege and head of terrorist groups.
Prior to this, the United States began an economic blockade of Venezuela, organized riots, an attempt to invade Guaido troops from neighboring Brazil. The Venezuelan government, with strong public support, has successfully resisted destabilization.
And now the power of Venezuela, legally elected by the people, will be shaken ... with his own money. Destabilization is once again used by the States as one of the methods of capturing the country. If the government of a state refuses to sign enslaving agreements with the United States, allowing them to export natural resources for nothing, the United States accuses them of "violating human rights," "infringing on democratic freedoms," etc. They impose sanctions, organize “popular protests”, various color revolutions, bribery of security forces through their special services with the help of paid local agents, so as not to interfere with the “revolutionaries”. And if this already does not help, then - an armed invasion.
Only in the last thirty years has this tactic been used against such "naughty" countries as Yugoslavia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria and some others. They only wanted to determine their own fate and participate in the international division of labor in a way that was beneficial to their people, at their discretion disposing of their natural and labor resources. It is no coincidence that all these countries joined the Non-Aligned Movement.
No matter how far the victims of the United States stand, they intervene everywhere and create serious foci of destabilization. Wherever a civil war breaks out, an armed or “peaceful” coup, it’s easy to see the silhouette of Uncle Sam.
The United States always accompanies its aggressive intervention and destabilizing lives by the most benevolent rhetoric, but the fruits of their actions are diametrically opposed, and, frankly, very deplorable.
It’s no secret that the wars in the Soviet and post-Soviet republics began after, when the USSR was formally still alive, in Moscow and the capitals of the Union republics, pro-American elements in the leadership of party, Soviet and law enforcement agencies, in the state security system strengthened.
One more confirmation of this is the tragedy of Ukraine, where the war began immediately after the US coup d'etat. But the United States controls every step of the country's leadership, as, incidentally, the previously captured Georgia, Moldova, the Baltic countries, etc.
In most post-Soviet republics, destabilization (the demolition of a stable structure of political and social life, the closure of enterprises, the impoverishment of the population, etc.) occurred after the transfer of political power to pro-American forces on the ground. This was facilitated by the preliminary long-term anti-Russian propaganda in the occupied post-Soviet countries. She made it impossible to realize the saving role of Russia, the realization of the need to join forces with her in order to defend the interests of her peoples in the face of the "velvet" overseas invaders.
It would seem, what is the interest in destabilizing the situation in an already captured country? This is necessary to create the image of the enemy, a constant nervous, extreme situation, to prevent the local peoples from realizing the true enemy and to combine their efforts in the name of achieving freedom.
To successfully pursue its policy of destabilizing and seizing countries while formally preserving their sovereignty, the United States needs, first of all, its people, agents of influence in the countries designated for the sacrificial altar. The forms and methods of their work have been repeatedly described in many articles. Acting as accusers of injustice, they discredit representatives of the President, Prime Minister, any politician or politicians, parties that are objectionable to the States, depending on the form of political government.
The fall of such once-strong and self-sufficient countries that ensured a high enough standard of living for their peoples like Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, and a number of others began with the speeches of "dissatisfied civil activists" and "peaceful protesters". Then suddenly weapons appeared from somewhere, tanks that, as announced, they needed to protect, but as a result of its use not only separate houses of civilians were destroyed, but entire cities and even regions.
It is clear that in these cases could not do without betrayal in the security agencies, law enforcement agencies, armies of these countries. The only exception: the example of friendly Syria, which Russia is actively helping, gives an example of steadfastness and fidelity to the oath to our native people. But the healthy forces of other countries destabilized by America, shocked by the betrayal of those who had to defend them, were scattered, paralyzed and incapable of any kind of resistance.
One of the first areas of the weakening USSR republics, which included the United States, is the media. It is more correct to call their information policy after transition under American control information terror. As a result, the States managed to achieve such a distorted perception of reality that the majority would sooner put up with the continuing decline in their level and life expectancy since 1991 than agree to increase them on condition of equal cooperation and good relations with Russia.
Already in a number of republics the understanding is ripening that they possessed sovereignty only as part of the USSR, which is also evident from a comparison of living standards then and now. Yes, it is far from dominant. Irreversible changes have already occurred. The lost freedom cannot be returned without active actions. Their example should be a science for all who do not want for their country the bitter fate of destabilized, destroyed and de facto captured by America countries.
We finish the article by Venezuela with which we started. The paint had not had time to dry on the decision of the British court, as news arrived that on the night of July 8, the Venezuelan military shot down an aircraft with an American registration number in its airspace, which was issued to a private person and carried drugs.
Nevertheless, the US constantly makes unfounded accusations that it was not their citizens, but the government of Nicholas Maduro, allegedly, related to the drug trade. This is done to discredit the enemy. In fact, it is known who is involved in drug trafficking in Latin America, and in Afghanistan, and in the Asia-Pacific region ...
However, the US government does not particularly intend to hide this: a strong army allows them to avoid responsibility for any crimes. It is clear that the United States does not intend to abandon the policy of destabilizing the situation in certain countries and regions, in cases where they will have reason to believe that this will help establish control over them.

Inal Pliev, observer of the IA "Res"

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