28 июля 2020

Negativeness Towards EU And NATO Membership Is Forming In Georgia

Since January 1st of 2020, 30,926 people have migrated from Georgia to other countries - qualified and able-bodied people and their family members. If we add to this number the quality of dead - 24 663 and subtract from the total number of births - 29 462, then we will see that the total population of Georgia has decreased by 26 126 people. This data is from the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The same source cites the rate of population decline in Georgia in 2020 - 126 people a day. For comparison, the growth of the population of Russia during the same period amounted to 34,226 people (165 people per day).

We see such a sad picture on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the restoration of Georgia's state independence, the Act of which was adopted on April 9, 1991 with the general rejoicing of the new rulers of the thoughts and a significant part of the country's population that fell under their influence.

What are the reasons that led her to such a disastrous state?

In this article, we will not consider the consequences of Georgia's military aggression against South Ossetia, although, first of all, of course, the great damage caused to the economy of the former Georgian SSR by Georgia's destructive military aggression against South Ossetia and Abkhazia is striking. As a result, both factories and factories and collective and state farms were destroyed or seriously damaged, not to mention catering facilities, services, etc., the lion's share of products and profits of which went to Georgia.

However, even greater damage was caused by the rupture of inter-republican economic relations, which Georgia happily forced in the hope of integrating into the international system of distribution of labor. First of all, in this context, we considered, of course, the countries of the Common Market, as well as the USA and Canada. A vicious hiss was met with a warning from a few daredevils that for Georgia the West is, first of all, Turkey. In those days, there was still a wary and arrogant attitude towards Turkey in Tbilisi. Everyone was waiting for the transformation of the country into Caucasian Switzerland, Caucasian Holland, Caucasian France, but not into Caucasian Georgia.

The 30-year-old South Ossetian newspapers, smelling of dust and printing ink, still retain feeble attempts to discuss our thinkers with representatives of the Georgian intelligentsia, who brought to the masses the idea of secession from the USSR and entry into the Common Market (later - the EEC, and then the EU) and NATO. Tbilisi opponents responded with arrogant moralizing slogans, as time has shown, completely unsupported.

I remember that in addition to the shock from the political and moral degeneration of Tbilisi, South Ossetia also experienced amazement: what are Georgia's hopes based on for a successful solution of issues related to the practical side of the matter? How to cut the friendly, fraternal ties between the peoples of the GSSR and the rest of the USSR, primarily Russia, intertwined for several generations in a lively way? How, with what means, in the conditions of a break in economic ties, to retrain personnel, enterprises, their re-equipment and reorientation to the West? It was immediately clear that the country as a whole, and the Georgian SSR as part of a single whole, were facing a terrible adventure, the far-reaching consequences of which would have led to unemployment and impoverishment, to thousands of deaths from the consequences of poverty and poverty, even without unleashing a war against South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Probably, the population of Georgia itself was no less shocked: after all, the course to the West was imposed on the people suddenly, without prior honest discussion by specialists. Only those who shared it and people with a dark past who began to be called "informal leaders" were allowed on television and radio, on the pages of newspapers and magazines. However, very soon these informal leaders became leaders and formal, the owners of very real power. Membership in NATO and the European Union became an obsession at the top, but this idea also needed to successfully infect the broad masses. This turned out to be just a matter of technique, as shown by the 2007 referendum held by Saakashvili, in which more than 70% voted for joining NATO. But things in this direction are bleak for Georgia.

The situation with visa-free travel to EU countries is also bleak. He was finally accepted a few years ago. But what did this give the citizens of Georgia? Is the right to work in Europe and receive salaries there - prohibitively high in comparison with Georgian ones? No, it gave only the right to travel to EU countries without visas and spend the money earned in Georgia there. That is, in fact, everything that the citizens of Georgia received was a penny saving on the cost of a visa and time to visit the consulate. A very low price for the destruction of their economy, the rupture of friendly relations with Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. It seems that from this it becomes clear the whole enormity of the deception that befell Georgia.

All the main theses and promises, which were widely and extremely obtrusively advertised in Georgia for 30 years, turned out to be empty. If the money spent on advertising for integration into the EU and NATO were given to businesses to open real production facilities, this would bring Georgia more benefits than the measures for its implementation. Thus, the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU gave some Georgian producers access to European markets, but this did not compensate for the country's losses from a sharp decline in trade with traditional partners in Russia and the CIS.

Georgia's foreign trade turnover with the EU countries in January 2020 amounted to about $ 197.3 million. And with the CIS countries - about 315.2 million. This is the 30th year of artificial reduction of trade with Russia and the CIS and artificial encouragement of trade with the EU!

But the main dream - to become a NATO member - continues to be a priority task of the Georgian elites for all 30 years. For her sake, the country sends its sons to shed blood and sacrifice their lives thousands of kilometers from their homeland, provide its territory for the military needs of the alliance, repeatedly participate in regular military exercises and maneuvers.

NATO is happy to use Georgia's services, but what is NATO's attitude towards Georgia? NATO is not giving Georgia the main thing that Georgia has been striving for for 30 years: membership in its ranks. The face of NATO for Georgia is not the distant United States, but the close Turkey. Historically, Turkey's cruel policy towards Georgia did not prevent Georgia from officially elevating Turkey to the rank of a century-old friend and ally of Georgia. Today, in economic terms, Turkey undividedly dominates Adjara and has an extremely strong position in Georgia. For many years now, geographic maps have been published in Turkey, on which Georgian lands find themselves within the borders of Turkey. Celebrations dedicated to the 97th anniversary of liberation from the "Georgian invaders" were held in the city of Artvin.

In his speech, the mayor of Artvin Mehmed Kocatepes said: "In the exile of the dushmans, the Turkish people showed great courage and patriotism, we also shed a lot of blood, defeating the dushmans, and Turkey will never forget the names of its heroic ancestors." The historical "friend and ally" of Georgia designated the Georgians with the term "dushmans", which means "enemies". At the same time, Turkey forbade (!) Georgia to celebrate the victory of David Agmashenebeli (Builder) over the Turks in the Battle of Didgori in 1121.

However, these are political traps, into which Georgia has driven itself, deliberately and purposefully ignoring the warnings that 30 years ago politely and delicately sounded not only from the mouths of representatives of the scientific intelligentsia of South Ossetia - historians, philosophers, professors and doctors of sciences ...

These facts can only serve as a frame for the main argument for confirming the erroneousness of Georgia's entire policy over the past 30 years in the interstate, interethnic and economic spheres. And the main argument, the main result, the main criterion is the dynamics of the population of Georgia, given at the beginning of the article. Orientation towards the EU and NATO destroys Georgia, deprives it of its population!

Therefore, the socio-political mood in Georgia has changed significantly since 2007. More and more Georgian citizens do not want the country's integration into the EU and NATO. Georgians do not want to live in a country made poor by Western-oriented politicians. A negative attitude towards the prospects of further integration into the EU and NATO is being formed in Georgia.

As you can see, this is quite natural.

Inal Pliev, political observer of IA "Res"
Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166531294

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