11 февраля 2021

Georgia's Policy Towards South Ossetia Remains Aggressive

When the Georgian authorities get tired of the accumulating internal state problems, from internal enmity with rival parties, from the actions of disobedience of citizens exhausted by the anti-popular policy of the government, they turn their hungry eyes to South Ossetia.

The idea of seizing a part of Ossetia with a parallel expulsion of the Ossetians has not seemed inhuman to official Tbilisi for a long time, especially against the background of NATO support. Georgia, which takes an active part in the wars of the bloc, already de facto, without signing formal papers, not in words, but in fact, can be considered the same NATO country as many of its formal members. Some Georgian officials in the past even compared the participation of a number of NATO countries in the wars of the bloc against Muslim peoples, and from these comparisons it turned out that Georgia's participation is more active than the participation of full members of the alliance.

Such support inspires great hopes in Tbilisi, and it no longer thinks about building any kind of relations with the Ossetian people. His position and image of the future in relation to South Ossetia after achieving the desired is little different from what we observed in the worst times, before 2008, when Georgia had the opportunity to pursue its policy in South Ossetia.

On the Internet, pro-government websites of Georgia and websites of Western international organizations publish various documents praising various aspects of Georgia's policy.

The report of the European Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy released this month states that “Georgia has steadily continued along the European path ... the country remains committed to the implementation of the Association Agreement. European human rights standards .... " The report deals with government reforms in a number of areas, including "strengthening democracy and electoral law, human rights, justice, fighting corruption and organized crime, economic development and trade, health care, agriculture, education", etc.

However, there are also strokes leaking through which one can see the real picture, the real consequences of more than 30 years of the policy of hatred and chauvinism towards Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. This real picture shows us to what extreme despair the citizens of Georgia have reached in the grip of unemployment reigning in Georgia, the closure of industrial enterprises (not counting the widely advertised branches of foreign TNCs), poverty and misery.

Thus, residents of Telavi this month saw public transport in their city for the first time. And this is after an 11-year hiatus! One gets the impression that not South Ossetia, but Georgia was in the grip of the blockade.

The people of Georgia driven to despair are forced to obtain money and means for a decent life by all means, including, unfortunately, criminal ones. Criminal groups from Georgia have become a real scourge of European states, which, as they say, fought for, and ran into it. So the other day, in the first ten days of February, 45 Georgian citizens were arrested in various European countries, including Italy, France and Greece. They are accused of having links with the so-called "thieves' world".

They actively committed criminal acts in Italy and the EU as a whole. The investigation established that the citizens of Georgia robbed apartments in Northern Italy, and with the proceeds from the sale of stolen things, they tried to start a legal business in Italy. They actively used fake data and documentation, are accused of forming a criminal group, theft and money laundering. And in several cities of France, a thief in law of Georgian origin and 17 Georgian citizens who were carrying out criminal activities in the EU countries were detained. They were charged with repeated theft of trade objects by an organized group, participation in criminal groups, sale / purchase of property acquired by criminal means and illegal trade in smuggled tobacco.

Georgian statesmen and politicians often forget about the Georgian reality, which is pushing people onto the path of crime, including international crime. From time to time, now one, then the other of them no, no, and will make, in his opinion, a captivating statement about the Ossetians. However, for the rest of the period, both the media and the same politicians call South Ossetia separatist, occupied, and if not!

Hatred for everything Ossetian in Georgia has long penetrated into the Georgian Orthodox Church. It got to the point that even the head of the Department of External Relations of the Patriarchate of Georgia, Metropolitan of Zugdidi and Tsaishsky Gerasima (Sharashenidze), sent a letter to the Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk and Archbishop of Vladikavkaz and Alanian Leonid. The letter contains an angry protest that priest Sergius on Christmas Day performed a service at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tskhinval. Georgian clergy argue that this is unacceptable. That is, without the permission of Ilia II, South Ossetians do not even have the right to pray to God. And this is the official position of a religious organization calling itself a follower of Jesus Christ who preached good and love.

The Georgian Orthodox Church will always find both the strength and the time for Ossetian phobia, despite the fact that it itself is shaken by terrible scandals. The meeting of the Holy Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church (GOC) is scheduled for February 11, 2020, according to the message released today by the Georgian Patriarchate. Traditionally, the Holy Synod of Georgia meets twice a year - after Easter and during the Christmas fast, but this schedule has long been disrupted. The last meeting took place on October 31, 2019. He was appointed shortly after the scandal caused by the statement of one of the most influential clerics of the GOC, Archbishop Iakov (Yakobashvili). He accused the Prime Minister of Georgia, as well as other high-ranking officials of trying to overthrow Ilia II, and high-ranking clergymen of planning an assassination attempt on the Patriarch.

But Yakobashvili's sensational statement faded into the background, Metropolitan Petre (Tsaava) of Chkondidsky was excommunicated from the administration of the diocese and membership of the Holy Synod "for repeated insults and slander" addressed to Ilia II and other members of the governing body of the GOC. The Georgian website "Georgia Online" quotes Petra (Tsaava): "The unclean sodomite Patriarch has already gone beyond the law ... We must consider the issue of my illegal punishment and reinstate Metropolitan Peter as unjustly and unlawfully punished by the order of the unclean Patriarch. Then there should be a question the excommunication of the Patriarch is obligatory, not the removal. For the Holy Synod of the Georgian Church cannot be ruled by a false patriarch with such a grave sin appointed by the KGB. This is a shame on the nation".

As you can see, the situation in the Georgian Orthodox Church is such that it is time to invite external mediators between the warring clergy.

After all, international mediators were involved in the reconciliation between the authorities and the opposition. One of the documents that reflects this is the already cited Report of the European Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. It says about the conflict between the government and the opposition parties of Georgia, which has already reached the international level: "Despite the generally competitive environment in which the elections were held, there were a number of shortcomings that undermined the credibility of the process, since the opposition parties boycotted the first meetings < ...> The post-parliamentary environment shows the need for further democratic consolidation, including taking into account the final OSCE / ODIHR recommendations, through inclusive dialogue and timely local elections in October 2021. In the short term, an inclusive political agreement between the majority and opposition parties is needed to enable was to work in parliament on the agenda of important reforms. In general, the regulation of polarization in Georgian politics and media remains a priority".

The country cannot establish a mutually acceptable dialogue within one ethnic group, neither on the political agenda, nor on the religious one, and at the same time claims to the territory of a foreign state.

For the thirteenth (!) Year Georgia has refused to sign a legally binding document of non-resumption of hostilities against South Ossetia. This is no longer rhetoric, but a real policy that devalues all rhetorical techniques and political eloquence of Georgian propaganda. The territory of South Ossetia Georgia needs without the Ossetian population. This is clearly seen on the example of the former places of compact residence of Ossetians on the territory of Georgia.

Let's refer to the data of the USSR State Statistics Committee and the National Statistical Service of Georgia. Thus, according to the results of the 1989 All-Union Population Census, 164,055 Ossetians lived on the territory of the Georgian SSR. Of these, 65,233 are on the territory of the South Ossetian Autonomous Region, and 98,822 are on the territory of Georgia outside South Ossetia. According to the results of the 2002 census of Ossetians in Georgia, 36,918 people remained outside South Ossetia, and according to the 2014 census - 14,385 people.

Thus, a total of 84,437 people or 85.44% of the Ossetians who lived in Georgia outside the South Ossetian Autonomous Region in 1989 were expelled from the territory of Georgia. Of course, this is the result of the purposeful Ossetianophobic policy of the Georgian government, and cannot be an accident or economic migration, as the Georgian propaganda is trying to assure.

Of course, if, God forbid, Georgia achieves its goal, the population of South Ossetia will suffer the same fate. This speaks of the insincerity of all the kind words and promises of Georgia, and more convincingly than any argument shows the loyalty of the policy pursued by Russia and South Ossetia.

Inal Pliev, 
political commentator

Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166534756

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