23 февраля 2021

The United States Continues To Steal Syrian Oil

When, on the eve of Georgia's full-scale military aggression against South Ossetia and Russia in August 2008, a poor old woman was buying herself a bag of flour in a village, US Georgian dictator Mikheil Saakashvili (then President of Georgia) and members of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, senators and congressmen visiting South Ossetia moaned, wringing their hands, and shouted, "Smuggling, smuggling!"

Today, US troops are illegally occupying part of the territory of sovereign Syria, shamelessly plundering its natural resources, and producing millions of tons of Syrian oil. And all Western institutions remain dead silent.

We will be silent about how successfully for the enemies of Syria began their "protest" movement terrible criminals, a blind weapon of destruction in the hands of others, poisonous seeds, from which later emerged hateful terrorist organizations ISIS, Jebhat al-Nusra and others. They covered themselves with indelible shame in the face of the entire world community by eating the hearts of Syrian army soldiers and officers, brutally killing people, including children.

It is no secret who is behind them - those who financed and sponsored terrorism, who brought here the waste of the human race from around the world, who struck at the legitimate Syrian army fighting terrorists.

International terrorism is rightly considered one of the major challenges facing modern humanity. All this is said, but its roots lie to a large extent in the field of accounting. Insufficient attention is still paid to exposing and blocking its funding. The reason for this is the sad fact that there are countries for which the war on terrorism is only an opportunity to get rich.

Let's be realistic: it hardly makes sense to hide that the emergence of the "armed opposition" was inspired by US ruling circles who wanted to overthrow the legitimately elected Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, put a protege in his chair and do the same with Syria as with Iraq and Libya. and other countries, explicitly or implicitly under their control.

Fortunately, Russia has not allowed the United States to occupy Syria at the hands of ISIS and other lesser-known terrorist organizations. However, the US and its allies continue to control large Syrian oil-rich territories from which the invaders illegally export and, frankly, steal Syrian oil.

It has long been said at many international levels that the United States is illegally pumping oil from Syria and smuggling it to other countries. When Donald Trump was still president of the United States, he stated the "necessity" of the presence of the American occupiers in the area of ​​Deir er Zor, where Syrian oil and gas fields are located. These fields were previously under the control of ISIS terrorists, and then under American control came under the control of Kurdish gangs. They provide oil transit.

The oil extracted in the fields of the eastern regions of Syria has not been legally exported for a long time - the exporter in this case is not Syrian companies or state corporations, but various "dark forces" that, with the support of the US military and intelligence services, smuggle black gold out of the country. This was clearly proved by the Russian Ministry of Defense, citing images from space satellites at its disposal. Satellite images prove that the targets of the military presence (rather, US military intervention) in Syria are not so noble - they do not protect the fields, but the smuggling routes through which oil is exported outside Syrian territory.

The United States is trying to justify its military presence in Syria by protecting oil fields, ostensibly to keep oil from falling into the hands of "ISIS terrorists." Well, maybe that's the case - oil does not go to terrorists, but only to to fall into the hands of smugglers, who are engaged in its export from the country, with the support of the US military, "- wrote the Iranian newspaper" Resalt "a year ago in the article" Robbery on the highway: how Americans export Syrian oil. " 

This robbery has been going on for years, and it has no end in sight. Smuggling of Syrian oil brings the United States about $ 30 million a month. A figure that clearly exceeds the cost of a bag of flour for a poor South Ossetian old woman, about whom the Americans moaned with such dramatic intonations with their satellites and puppets in the early 2000s.

Inal Pliev,
political observer of IA "Res"

Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166534965

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