01 февраля 2021

Turkey's Double Standards in Karabakh, Cyprus and Syria

In the last months of the last year, the situation in the zone of the unresolved Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has rapidly worsened. Namely, on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and the adjacent territories of Azerbaijan, occupied by the Armenian side as a result of the war in 1994.

As a result of fierce and bloody battles, Azerbaijan has established control over the territories lost 26 years ago. This was preceded by a large, long-term, serious and thoughtful work to build up modern weapons, train personnel and comprehensively strengthen the armed forces. Azerbaijan's victory was also facilitated by an advantageous geopolitical position - access to the sea, unlimited communications with all countries. Here you can safely add unlimited access to seafood, mining and trade in hydrocarbons. And Armenia, poor in minerals, has land connections with other countries only through Georgia and Iran, and besides, Tbilisi all these years under various pretexts constantly created difficulties for Armenian vehicles passing through the territory of Georgia.

In its struggle, Azerbaijan relied on the support of its natural ally - Turkey, while Armenia systematically destroyed relations with the only and natural serious ally - the Russian Federation, at least with anti-Russian slogans and the burning of the Russian flag at mass events. The anti-Russian vector intensified after the Russophobe Pashinyan came to power. In particular, former Armenian President Robert Kocharian and CSTO Secretary General Yuri Khachaturov were arrested.

"Peace and tranquility will return to the region when Armenia immediately leaves the occupied Azerbaijani territories," Erdogan said.

Azerbaijan and Turkey in this conflict acted as defenders of international law, namely, the territorial integrity of states within their internationally recognized borders.

“We felt Turkey's support from the first hours of the Patriotic War. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan supported the just cause of Azerbaijan from the very first hours. His open, unambiguous and categorical statements made the people of Azerbaijan happy, ”said Ilham Aliyev, speaking at the Victory Parade.

At the same time, on May 26, 2018, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made a statement on Graduate Day at ADA University, which was not given the importance that it deserved.

“The factor of power is coming to the fore in the world today. We see this every day. For our part, we will take further steps in this direction. The funds that we invest in military development testify to the correctness of our policy. Therefore, we will continue it, ”the Azeri Internet publication Media.az quotes the president.

However, while verbally defending the internationally recognized borders of states, Turkey itself illegally occupies the northern part of a small island state - the Republic of Cyprus.

Turkish troops invaded Cyprus back in 1974, after a military coup on the island, under the pretext of restoring constitutional power. In fact, the forceful action led to the division of the island. The island of Cyprus was divided into the North, where the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was proclaimed, and the main part of the country - the Republic of Cyprus.

The Republic of Cyprus is recognized by the international community (with the exception of Turkey) as a sovereign state. The authorities of the TRNC reject the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus over the entire territory of the island, and call it “the Greek authorities of Southern Cyprus”. Accordingly, the Republic of Cyprus and the international community, with the exception of Turkey, do not recognize the TRNC, and designate it as “territories occupied by Turkish troops”.

Now the most interesting thing: Turkey, which, as we have seen, on the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh presents itself as the defender of internationally recognized borders, on the issue of Cyprus takes a diametrically opposite position. She does not recognize the existence of the Republic of Cyprus. On November 10, 2013, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, during his visit to Poland, among other things, said: “There is no country called Cyprus. There is a local administration in the south of Cyprus. But there is also northern Cyprus and the green line between them. "

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is officially recognized by Turkey and is a member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation as an observer. Turkey maintains its embassy on the territory of the TRNC, the TRNC in Turkey - an embassy and consulates. The diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are located in several states. In other countries, the interests of the TRNC are represented by Turkey. In 1983, Pakistan and Bangladesh recognized the TRNC, but after UN Security Council Resolution 541 and international pressure, they had to withdraw their recognition.

Agreements have been signed between the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Turkey, which, in particular, give Turkish troops the right to use all Cypriot harbors, move around the island and operate Turkish air force flights over the entire territory of Cyprus.

The fate of Famagusta deserves special attention. In the 1960s, it was one of the most famous entertainment and tourism centers in the world. Local architecture combined the heritage of the British colonial period with modern influences. The most modern buildings were built in its suburb of Varosh. The city also became a major transport center, through which up to 83% of the island's cargo traffic and 49% of the passenger traffic passed (1973). With a population of 7% of the population of the entire island, Famagusta in 1974 provided up to 10% of the industry, the production of food, beer, tobacco, clothing, plastics, transport equipment and others was concentrated in it. Famagusta was also the administrative center of the region of the same name.

During the second phase of the Turkish invasion on August 14, 1974, Turkish tanks entered the Mesaoria plain and two days later the Turkish army occupied Famagusta. The Greek population was completely expelled from the city, many Greeks fled after the bombing carried out by Turkish aviation. Dozens of people, including tourists, were killed.

Unlike other occupied territories, the Varosha quarter was immediately closed by Turkish forces and remains in this state to this day. The Greeks who inhabited the quarter were ordered to leave the city within 24 hours and take with them only what they could carry with them. Until now, refugees from Varosha are prohibited from returning. Until the 1990s, journalists were prohibited from entering.

Soon after the closure, the quarter was plundered, first by the Turkish military, who took furniture, televisions and dishes to the mainland, and then by residents of nearby streets, taking away everything that the soldiers and officers of the occupation army did not need.

In 1974, there were 109 hotels in Famagusta with 11 thousand beds. Some of the hotel complexes in Varosha are still legally the private property of citizens from 20 countries. One of Varosha's hotels was put into operation three days before the city was abandoned by residents.

Accusing Armenia of occupying Azerbaijani territory for 26 years, Istanbul itself has occupied part of the Cypriot territory for almost half a century, declares non-recognition of the internationally recognized Cypriot government, does not respect the internationally recognized border of the Republic of Cyprus, and does not allow for 26, but 48 years Greek and other non-Turkish refugees from Famagusta and other regions of Northern Cyprus to their own homes, from which they were expelled in 1974.

Turkey takes a similar position in Syrian affairs. Illegally occupying part of the internationally recognized territory of another sovereign state - the Syrian Arab Republic.

Such an extensive excursion into history was needed to demonstrate Turkey's commitment to double standards. Where it is profitable for her, she declares respect for the nomes of international law, and where it is not profitable for her, she says completely different things.

Inal Pliev,
political commentator for IA "Res"


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