15 мая 2021

Russia is Interested in the Settlement of International Conflicts

After the self-dissolution of the CMEA and the Warsaw Pact Organization, the destruction of the Soviet Union and the socialist community, the adsorption of the former socialist countries and the republics of the former USSR, the ruling circles of the United States and Western Europe were gripped by success.

They did not want to take into account that the victory in the Cold War came to them not thanks to a systemic victory over a geopolitical opponent, but only at the cost of the betrayal of the Soviet elite.

Believing in their uniqueness, in practice they showed their inability to cope with the challenges of the era. They showed that they can only multiply crises and conflicts, and not solve them. This is very dangerous in modern conditions, when the system of the post-war world order built following the results of the Yalta conference in February 1945 is bursting at the seams. This approach of the United States and its allied Western countries is fraught with serious threats to international security.

Stanislav Ivanov, a leading researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, writes in the article "Regional conflicts in the post-Soviet space and the role of Russia in their settlement": international relations with Iran, North Korea, Syria, their inability to resolve the issue of the vacuum of power in Somalia, to normalize the situation in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, to peacefully resolve the key problems of our time (Palestinian, Kurdish, Kashmir, Cypriot, etc.) in the conditions of acceleration scientific and technological progress and increasing the role of the human factor can lead to unpredictable catastrophic consequences.

The further spread of WMD, nuclear and other dual-use technologies throughout the world, their falling into the hands of the leaders of totalitarian regimes, not controlled by states of military-political groups, criminal organizations such as Al-Qaeda, individual terrorists, and mentally ill people is becoming more and more dangerous. The disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986 in the USSR and the large-scale terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in the United States have clearly demonstrated the vulnerability of our civilization to the actions of even a small group of people. "

Against this background, the role of Russia in the settlement of international conflicts has noticeably increased in recent years. This significantly improved the global security situation, which made it possible to save hundreds of thousands of human lives in different countries, in particular in Syria, where the hordes of international terrorists that have been pretty thinned out by Russia are no longer able to kill the civilian population of the Arab republic on the same scale.

As other serious examples, one can rightfully name the compulsion of Georgia to peace in 2008, the conflicts in Bosnia, in Kosovo (Serbia), and, of course, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which also does not allow itself to be forgotten. This is the most difficult conflict because it has been going on for many decades. And the most recent example: the introduction of Russian peacekeepers into the zone of the most lightning and fierce full-scale war in the past ten years for the possession of Nagorno-Karabakh and eight regions of Azerbaijan outside of it, which have been controlled by the Armenian side since 1994.

This speaks of the confidence of the parties to the conflicts in the Russian Federation. Here, of course, we are not talking about the trust of terrorist organizations, because in principle it is impossible to negotiate with them. However, when in the Syrian conflict it is a question of reconciliation with the government side of armed detachments disoriented by terrorist propaganda that have not stained themselves with too bloody crimes, the Russian Reconciliation Centers of the warring parties are very effectively coping with this difficult diplomatic task.

Zahra Soleimanipur writes in the article "The growing importance of Russia in the settlement of international conflicts" in the Iranian newspaper "Iras": "The serious approach and persistence of Russia in the settlement of international crises, which can be interpreted as a kind of implementation of the tactics of mediation war, demonstrate not only the importance of those countries in which these crises occur, but also the increased authority of Moscow at the global level.Analyzing various international crises and the role of Russia in them, it seems that its success in solving these problems depends entirely on its own international prestige. Russia in the late 90s of the last century. "

Russia's diplomatic role in conflict resolution is generally recognized. There are several reasons for this. But the most important of them are three: scrupulous research work precedes Russia's peacekeeping efforts. Russian experts study the history of the issue in its entirety. This is largely facilitated by the high-quality work of research regional and regional scientific institutions in Russia itself.

Then they study the real needs and requirements of the parties and the conditions for a lasting peace. And, finally, they offer the participants in conflicts a way out that would take into account the interests of all. It is precisely honesty, objectivity and a conscientious approach, the desire for a just settlement of international conflicts that underlie the success of Russian foreign policy and its high international prestige.

And most importantly, Russia is interested in settling international conflicts.


Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166536384

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