21 июня 2021

The struggle for historical truth requires great effort

June 22 marks the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the bloodiest war in the history of mankind - the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. It was an extremely fierce clash of two diametrically opposed ideologies - communism, which proclaimed the ideas of humanism and care for the weak members of society and fascism, which proclaimed the ideas of extreme rationalism, the destruction of sick members of society, the disabled and "lower" nations and races.

The Ossetian people from the first minutes of the war stood up for the Fatherland. The war unleashed by an insidious and cruel enemy threw the demographic and development of the Ossetian people hundreds of years ago. But it also allowed him to show unprecedented examples of dedication and heroism in the name of our common mighty homeland. Both the numbers of losses and the number of heroes have been published many times, so we will not repeat. We want to draw attention to the relentless attempts to devalue the feat of the Soviet people, all the peoples of the USSR, and above all the great Russian people and the Ossetian people, who were and remain faithful to the historical ideals that formed the basis of the unity of our peoples.

Moreover, we see that we are talking about the complete replacement of the real history of the war in a hurry, "on my knees" with a comic book, justifying the unworthy, misanthropic actions, AO and the entire policy of their governments during the war.

Of course, the common denominator is the silence or even open denial of the decisive role of the Russian people and the USSR as a whole in the defeat of the fascist coalition. Even on the question of fascism, they manage to cast a shadow on the net, claiming that only Italy was fascist, and Germany was not fascist, but Nazi, and so on and so forth. But we, the descendants of the victors, know what fascism is, how the fascists behave, what they say and how they try to cover up and justify their fascist actions. Unfortunately, we still see their bloody handwriting in different countries of the globe, their fascist marches and torchlight processions.

Behind them are influential financial forces that, through crises and pandemics, want to turn the whole world into occupied Europe in 1939-1945. They do not need examples of the cohesion of peoples, heroism and self-sacrifice in the struggle for freedom. Therefore, it is necessary to give them a firm and reasoned rebuff in memory of the heroes and veterans of the war. It is necessary to expose their heinous lies, to explain to people the true facts, events, causes and meanings of certain steps of the Soviet government, which, for all its known shortcomings and mistakes, still proved to be the only force in the world able to coordinate and lead international efforts. military defeat of fascism. Scientific historians should not stay away from the facts of falsification of the history of war.

Much of the struggle for the historical past takes place in the pages of school and university textbooks. “Some textbooks for schools and universities try to reconsider the fundamental conclusions about the results of the war and their impact on the fate not only of European countries, but also of world development in general; Increasingly, there are suggestions about the need for a "new" reading of the history of World War II and the Great Patriotic War in order to answer questions: who provoked and started the war, who played a decisive role in defeating Nazi Germany… The foreign policy side of this "cold" war was led by the United States. gradually became a world leader not only in scientific and technical terms, but also in the moral and ethical decomposition of modern society ", - says in the article Bauer VP and Sukhovetskaya E. Yu." Current issues of falsification of the history of the Great Patriotic War "in the collection scientific articles of the interuniversity scientific-practical conference "Historical heritage of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945): assessment methodology and significance for the training of future officers of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia."

There are many such facts. But the main ones are just a few. They have been repeated so stupidly and mechanically from year to year for 75 years, which has long been clear: articles, books and films designed to substantiate and fix them in people's minds are glued to the same patterns, created to order from the same sources, so there are forces that do not spare them money. And this is understandable - because the price of the issue is to undermine the faith of the peoples of the world in Russia, and thus - the suppression of their will to resist the digital and financial fascism of today.

Among the most frequently used falsifications are the accusation of the USSR of starting a war, the exaggeration of cases of cooperation with the enemy, the exaggeration of the role of Anglo-American supplies, and the spread of lies about the "Soviet occupation" of fascist-liberated countries.

Of course, these dirty insinuations have nothing to do with reality and can easily be refuted if there is a genuine interest in learning the truth.

After all, if the USSR was guilty of starting the war, it would not be the troops of the fascist coalition, but the Soviet troops would be on the other side of the border, if the number of traitors and collaborators was as large as the enemies broadcast, our country could not win. As for the lease, for all its importance, it could not replace the courage and heroism of the Soviet people, the deprivation and suffering of the Soviet people in the fight against the enemy. And only the outright liar can call the Soviet presence in the liberated countries an occupation, because during the actual occupation the occupiers exterminated thousands of the population of these countries, destroying their infrastructure, while during the Soviet presence they reached the apogee of their development, which even locals remember today. with great nostalgia and hatred for their governments, distorting the truth about the Soviet Union and Russia.

The interest of our modern society in defending the historical truth creates a serious obstacle to the spread of this lie. Some in Ossetia are outraged that Georgia's lies about the events of 2008 are still circulating in high-ranking international offices. And the lie about the events of 1941-1945 has been going on for 80 years. As we can see, the struggle for historical truth requires great effort and a long time and requires serious, painstaking work of domestic historians and politicians.

Inal Pliev,
political observer of IA "Res"


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