In the village of Razdakhan, there is a checkpoint for the population across the state border between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia. Initially, African swine fever appeared precisely in those settlements over which flights of Georgian aircraft were recorded. The interest of the latter in such a biological sabotage is obvious. If this disease causes great damage to pig breeding even in large, developed countries, then in tiny South Ossetia it can completely destroy this branch of animal husbandry.
It should be noted that before the appearance in Georgia of the US biological laboratory named after the American Russophobic Senator Lugar, there was no need to talk about such exotic viruses in our area.
the Alekseevka biolaboratory on the outskirts of Tbilisi is not the only
American biolaboratory in the world. The United States prefers to build its
dangerous facilities away from its territory. By the way, this is a good reason
for the citizens of Georgia to think about the real attitude of the United
States towards them. All in all, the Stars and Stripes "empire of
good" has more than 200 secret military biological laboratories around the
world. Why are they so secret? Is it because of the biblical principle of doing
good in secret from prying eyes? Apparently the opposite is true.
Various facts periodically emerge or become the property of all sorts of leaks. So at one time, the Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaitandzhieva revealed many internal documents indicating that Lugar's Tbilisi laboratory is conducting experiments on people and creating biological weapons.
Leaked emails between the Lugar Center, the US Embassy in Georgia and the Georgian Ministry of Health reveal new information about the US government's secret biological research program in this former Soviet country, which is worth $ 161 million. Additional evidence on the matter includes the following: memoranda, official letters, and details of US government projects at the Lugar Center and funding.
It became known that the Lugar Center is recruiting applicants for biological experiments.
In the article “What is known about US biological experiments in Georgia”, the news site News Front writes: “The US military has launched the project“ Epidemiology of Human Diseases and Surveillance of Particularly Dangerous Pathogens in Georgia ”(GG-21) at the Lugar Center. A 56-year-old housewife, a resident of southern Georgia, was included in a febrile illness surveillance study and her condition worsened during hospitalization ... An internal document says that in 2013, the US military launched the project "Epidemiology and Ecology of Tularemia in Georgia" ( GG-19). For the GG-19 project, many blood samples were collected in Samtskhe-Javakheti and Kakheti. The Pentagon Biolaboratory discovered coronaviruses in bats back in 2014! An internal document says that in 2014, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) launched the New Zoonotic Pathogens in Georgian Bats (G-2101) project at the Lugar Center. The virus of the West Caucasian bats was isolated from insectivorous bats in the Russian part of the Greater Caucasus Range, about 300 km from the border with Georgia.
Such an extensive quote was needed in order to remind the reader again about the not so long ago detained citizen of Georgia who illegally entered the territory of South Ossetia, wishing to catch bats. The above quote sheds light on the motive of his interest in bats living in South Ossetia. Indeed, if you catch even one of them, infect and release it, it will take a course for its habitat, carrying a deadly virus with it. Georgia's interest in South Ossetia's bats is an eloquent confirmation of its far-reaching plans. The military-political leadership of such an underdeveloped, unstable country like Georgia can easily sacrifice the security of the ecological system of South Ossetia to its momentary political ambitions without thinking about the fact that it is closely connected with the ecosystem of Georgia.
According to the investigation by Dilyana Gaitandzhieva, coronaviruses similar to the epidemic coronaviruses SARS and MERS were found in the Lugar Center, according to the head of the G-2101 project and virologist of the Lugar Center Lela Urushadze.
These results were published by Lela Urushadze in her dissertation. Seven of the Georgian scientists who participated in the G-2101 project were previously engaged in biological weapons, who previously worked on the creation of biological weapons. Among them, according to News Front, is Paata Imnadze, director of the Lugar Center.
Two years ago, information leaked to the press that former Georgian Security Minister Igor Giorgadze appealed to US President Donald Trump to investigate the experiments on people that are being carried out on the territory of the Lugar center in Tbilisi. A number of documents were at the disposal of the ex-official, which testify to the mass death of laboratory patients.
According to data for December 2015, 30 people were treated in the laboratory and died of hepatitis C. At the same time, according to documents, 24 patients died on the same day. Another 30 people died in April 2016, 13 people died in August of the same year. The name of each of the patients was hidden, they were assigned a laboratory number. No investigations were carried out into their deaths. In the column "cause of death", everyone says "unknown". But is it possible to believe the word "unknown" if these tragedies took place not in a rural dispensary, where one always drunk mad paramedic runs everything, but in a modern high-tech biological laboratory of the richest country in the world equipped with the latest science?
The opaque, secret US activities in Georgia in the military biological field are very similar to the development of biological weapons and pose a threat to the inhabitants of South Ossetia, the North Caucasus and other nearby regions of Russia.
Inal Pliev,
political commentator, IA "Res"
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