17 октября 2021

The failure of the United States and NATO in Afghanistan has led to an increase in the leading role of Russia in resolving conflicts in the Middle and Middle East

We recently witnessed the full-scale geopolitical defeat of the United States of America and its allies in Afghanistan. The twenty-year military operation, which began with great pomp and pompous pearls in 2001 after a staged or real attack on the now infamous Twin Towers in New York, culminated in complete failure and shame.

This operation can rightfully be called a genocide of the population of this long-suffering country, exhausted by endless wars and terrorist attacks. None of the soldiers and officers of NATO countries and their accomplices have not been punished for the murder of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Afghanistan. During these 20 years, who among the slaves of the United States has not been noted for participation in the open genocide of the Afghan people! Georgia was no exception, which rejoiced that earlier Muslim countries tormented it with endless raids and invasions, and now Georgian troops themselves act as foreign invaders in the Muslim countries of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Many glorious representatives of the Ossetian youth laid down their heads in the ranks of the Limited contingent of Soviet troops for a peaceful, progressive future of Afghanistan. Therefore, we are not indifferent to the fate of this hardworking but unhappy people.

Over the 20 years of the occupation of Afghanistan, the United States and its allies have covered themselves with indelible shame. But every cloud has a silver lining. The only grain of good in this matter was that the majority of the population had a good opportunity to compare the attitude of the USSR and the United States. While the USSR was building power plants, factories and factories, schools and hospitals, agricultural enterprises and economic infrastructure, the United States and its sycophants destroyed everything that brings at least some serious income, stimulated the cultivation of narcotic plants, production and illegal drug trafficking, and even tried to plant LGBT people!

It is no wonder that in the end they were thrown out by the rebellious people. However, although the Taliban are not one hundred percent independent force (it is believed that Iran and Pakistan are behind them), the active strata of the Afghan population supported them, because saw no other opportunity to get rid of twenty years of alien military oppression.

President Ghani appointed the Minister of the Interior as his successor, boarded the plane and flew safely to another country. And tens of thousands of military and civilian specialists, who ensured the vital activity of certain political and economic mechanisms of the state organism, were left to fend for themselves.

The fear of the expected terror of the Taliban, who ruined their reputation by mass executions of unwanted and their families regardless of gender and age, forced mothers at the Kabul airport, resigned to inevitable death, to throw their young children over the fence in the hope that the fleeing US soldiers would take them with them. and save their lives, even if they do not know their name and origin.

The twenty-year occupation of Afghanistan by Western countries and their satellites has plunged the country into such an abyss of barbarism, medieval religious obscurantism and ignorance that millions of people have very bizarre and fantastic ideas about the natural laws of nature, extremely far from reality. A tragic, but very eloquent illustration of this is that a huge number of people sincerely believed that they could fly out of the country, sitting on the wings of aircraft, or by grabbing onto their landing gear. The whole world was covered in horrifying footage of the fatal fall of people from a great height, when the plane picked up speed, entering the cold layers of the atmosphere ...

And such a failure in Afghanistan - one of the most cultured countries of the not yet very distant past - is observed as a result of the barbaric Western occupation in absolutely all spheres.

Unlike the genocidal policy of the United States and its parasites, Russia pursued a sensible, progressive policy in the country that would meet the long-term interests of the Afghan people. Unfortunately, this became clear to wide sections of the Afghan population only years after the withdrawal of Soviet troops, when the Afghans saw the true goals and objectives of the West in the country. Today Russia's reputation in Afghanistan is much better than that of all Western countries combined.

Taliban representatives said that they are negotiating with Moscow on the recognition of their government in Afghanistan, as well as on the work of diplomatic missions. Gazeta.Ru learned from experts why the Taliban has not yet been recognized even by their traditional allies.

Despite the capture of Kabul and even the presidential palace, no one in the world has yet recognized the Taliban. On October 11, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid noted that they are still trying to establish diplomatic relations with all states. Separately, he highlighted negotiations with Russia, noting that it is important for Afghanistan economically. “Afghanistan has been destroyed during the war, Russia and other countries could help rebuild it. We welcome such assistance and hope for financial support, ”Mujahid said. Among the subject of negotiations with Moscow, he singled out the issue of "recognition of the government and the opening of embassies."

The last point refers to the possible appearance of a representative office of the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" with a subsequent personnel change.

In the meantime, representatives of the ousted pro-American Afghan government, who do not obey the Taliban, work in all embassies around the world and in the UN. After all, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has not yet been formally abolished.

The head of the Center for the Study of Afghan Politics Andrei Serenko did not rule out that even before the Taliban is officially recognized as the legitimate Afghan government, a representative office of this organization may appear in Moscow.

This speaks of the growth of the already high prestige of Russia, which plays a leading role in resolving conflicts in the Middle East, which is eloquently evidenced by the success of the peacekeeping operation in Syria, where the Russian Reconciliation Centers of the warring parties are pursuing a policy of not suppression, but of reconciliation between the parties in the internal Syrian conflict, and terrorists fed from abroad are destroyed by precision strikes.

Inal Pliev,
political commentator, IA "Res"

Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166539289

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