26 сентября 2021

In the "Crimean Platform" the West Sees New Opportunities for Robbing Ukraine And It`s Resources

The other day on the air of the Ukrainian TV channel "First Independent" director of the Ukrainian Institute for Analysis and Policy Management Ruslan Bortnik suggested that mass protests could await Ukraine early next year. According to him, at least 50 thousand people can take to the streets, and there will be no one to defend the president in such a situation due to his low rating.

“He does not have an ideological electorate who will come out to defend him and will clash with right-wing radical groups,” he explained. You can understand the director. Zelenskiy was elected for promises to end the war in Donbass, but under him the situation only began to worsen. Moreover, he wants to destabilize the situation around Crimea.

A month earlier, on August 23, the Crimean Platform summit took place at the Parkovy exhibition center in Kiev. High-ranking officials from 46 countries of the world came to Ukraine to take part in it. Among them are Charles Michel, President of the European Council; presidents of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova, Slovenia, Finland; prime ministers of Romania, Georgia, Croatia, Sweden; heads of parliaments of Switzerland and Czech Republic; the ministers of foreign affairs of Turkey, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland, Denmark, Bulgaria, Montenegro, North Macedonia; the ministers of defense of Great Britain and Portugal and other officials.

The summit, as its name implies, was dedicated to Crimea. More precisely, Kiev's efforts to regain control over the peninsula. In his speech, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy tried once again to sell his Russophobia to curators, accusing Russia of "occupying Crimea."

“7 years ago Russia occupied Crimea from my state, its area is larger than some countries of the world. Ukrainian lands were illegally seized by one of the states of the UN Security Council. Since the beginning of the occupation, Moscow has tripled its military presence on the peninsula, "he said and added that" the occupation of Crimea casts doubt on the effectiveness of the entire international security system. "

Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said that "Ukraine has suffered huge losses from the occupation of Crimea - more than $ 100 billion - these are lost natural resources, state assets, and industry." In my opinion, no one thought about why the inhabitants of the peninsula voted for independence from Ukraine and reunification with Russia. Money is more important to him than people.

Other participants also did not skimp on accusations against Russia and expressions of support for Ukraine.

Latvian President Egils Levits recalled in his speech that the Baltic states had been under Soviet occupation for 50 years, but they were able to restore their independence.

The Latvian wisely chose to keep silent about the fact that the Baltic lands, together with the population, were acquired by Russia from Sweden in 1721 for an amount equivalent to the entire annual budget of the latter.

Polish leader Andrzej Duda said: “The Poles understand you, your situation and suffering. You can count on our support. Ukraine needs international solidarity. Our meeting is an opportunity to express solidarity with the Ukrainian and Crimean peoples. We know very well from our own history what it feels like when the allies leave, how their indifference hurts. In 1945 we felt it ourselves. "

The question arises: why doesn't Andrzej Duda say how the Poles felt when the allies left them in 1939? The answer is simple: that year Germany also participated in the partition of Poland, and Duda did not dare to spoil the mood of the Minister of Economy and Energy of Germany who was present at the summit.

Charles Michel, President of the European Council, noted: “The European Union does not recognize the occupation of Crimea by Russia and will continue to oppose the violation of international law. The main task is not to allow the illegal actions of Moscow to be legitimized. Therefore, the position regarding the Ukrainian peninsula must remain at a high level. "

The politicians of Belgium, which still have not repented for the occupation of the Congo and the merciless exploitation of its people and natural resources, have no right to even look askance at Russia.

In addition, the electoral memory of the Belgian politician in particular, and of the entire Western politician in general, causes bewilderment. The Europeans and the Americans occupied Iraq, Afghanistan for many years, smashed Libya to pieces, tormented Syria for more than ten years, and did not notice a violation of international law in this. As it was not noticed in the bombing of Serbia, when the total number of civilians killed was over 1,700 people, including almost 400 children, about 10 thousand were seriously injured. And all for what? In order to tear away from Serbia its historical region of Kosovo and Metohija.

Other participants spoke in a similar vein. What is common in the speeches made at the summit? Undisguised, malicious Russophobia, the refusal of the population of a certain region to freely express their will, the propaganda of long forgotten and seemingly obsolete ideologies of colonialism, national hatred, hostility and chauvinism.

Meanwhile, the independence of Crimea and its entry into Russia is based on the same principles on which the independence of the former Soviet socialist republics is based - namely, on the results of the referendum.

Non-recognition of the independence of Crimea by most countries of the world under the threat of the United States does not entail legal consequences, because recognition-non-recognition is not a criterion for the existence of states. And after the proclamation of independence, any state has the right to join the Russian Federation, which was done. According to the FKZ dated March 21, 2014 No. 6-FKZ "On the acceptance of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation of new subjects within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol", the territory of the Republic of Crimea is determined by the boundaries of its territory that existed on the day acceptance of the Republic of Crimea into the Russian Federation and the formation of a new subject within the Russian Federation.

In the speeches at the summit, as we have already mentioned, no one touched upon the socio-political situation in Crimea and in Ukraine as a whole at the time of making the decisions that were in the center of attention of the participants. Meanwhile, it is not out of place to recall that it is precisely the repeated threats of reprisals against the Crimeans by various armed detachments and the messages spread in the media about the formation of a “train of friendship” from Kiev to Simferopol. The fact that these were not jokes or pranks can be seen in the example of the brutal beating for several hours on February 20, 2014, of passengers of the Anti-Maidan buses (Korsun-Shevchenkovsky pogrom). The Maidanites dragged them out, put them on their knees in the mud and beat the passengers. Some of the Crimeans tried to hide in the forests and disappeared, perhaps they were killed (no intelligible investigation was carried out in Ukraine). Of course, if a coup d'etat takes place in your country and the new government openly says that it will respond to your discontent with "trains of friendship" and beatings, then no one wants to live with such a government and such a state. Everyone wants to stay away from them, which was shown by the events in Crimea.

Wouldn't it be better to say to your fellow citizens of other nationalities: “we respect you and we will protect your language, we will give it an official status,” instead of looking for allies among our historical enemies against our fellow citizens? In small South Ossetia, despite almost 20 years of military-political confrontation with Georgia, the Constitution enshrines the official status of the Georgian language in places of compact residence of the Georgian population. Is it really impossible in big Ukraine? However, the summit participants are not interested in this. They are interested in Ukraine, weakened by wars, which does not resist the plunder of its natural and human resources. In the years since the seizure of power in 2014, many of Ukraine's national wealth has pretty much flowed into the western pockets. But this is not enough for them. Therefore, they will do their best to encourage both the war in Donbass and the aggravation of the situation around Crimea. They also want to impose loans on enslaving terms on Ukraine, which has fallen into a difficult situation (especially after the start of Nord Stream-2 operation). Not a mythical concern about international law, about which they constantly wipe their feet, but the prospect of a new robbery of Ukraine makes their eyes shine and rub their hands in advance.

We are all hurt by this development of the situation. Many have close people both in the Ukrainian Republic and in the Crimea. There is always a large stratum of people who are alien to politics. Ordinary citizens visit each other in both directions. Including the Ukrainians, they have traveled and still go to Crimea on vacation, to visit friends and relatives. Is that what an occupation looks like, is it possible to freely visit and leave any really occupation zones in different parts of the world? Wanting to aggravate the situation around Crimea, Zelensky and his associates want to endanger the well-being of these people.

Therefore, Ruslan Bortnik can be understood. Zelensky was elected in the hope of bringing peace to Donbass and raising the living standards of the population. But instead, the population has become even poorer, the war in Donbass does not even think to stop, and the president wants to open a new front against Crimea. Who wants a president like that? Of course, his rating will fall and the number of his opponents will grow.

Inal Pliev


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