29 января 2023

The US Play Moldova, the Bet Is Made on "Zero"

Alarming news comes from Moldova. Officials in this country are already openly talking about abandoning the neutral status and membership in the North Atlantic alliance. Pro-Western Moldovan politicians hypocritically cover up these provocative speeches with concern for democracy.
But what kind of democracy can we talk about if the majority of the country's population is categorically against joining any kind of military alliances, and even more so against being drawn into any armed conflict?!
Meanwhile, back in November, a public opinion poll was conducted in the country, which showed that 54.5% of Moldovans are against joining NATO. Another 47% are against unification with Romania. Only 35% of the respondents were in favor.According to the Moldovan constitution, power belongs to the government appointed by the parliament, and not to the president, however, the statement of the pro-American President Maria Sandu, who defends the interests of the United States so rabidly that she sometimes forgets which country she is the president, is indicative. So the other day she said that, allegedly, Moldova is "very vulnerable to Russian disinformation and propaganda."
The patriots of Moldova do not like these far-reaching plans, and they are trying to protest against them, but in Moldova, over the years of active propaganda of hostile ideas among the population, such a situation has developed that the sensible voice of the patriots is almost not heard, and does not have the proper influence at the political level.
The electronic information and analytical publication "News in Russia and the World" circulated the statement of Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the RANEPA Natalia Kharitonova: "If we consider all the events taking place in Moldova, including the abolition of the Russian-language media, the persecution of the opposition and pressure on Pridnestrovie, then we can safely say: the Republic Moldova follows the path of Ukraine.”
These, of course, are very disturbing signals: it is premature to talk about the admission of Moldova to NATO, but formal membership is not required to turn it into a factor of constant irritation and discrediting of Russia.
The West failed to draw Georgia into an armed confrontation with Russia, because in the years since the end of Saakashvili's power, the Georgian Dream and its domestic political allies have managed to significantly improve the living conditions of the population and improve the overall level of economic well-being in the country. Of course, responsible politicians do not want to break with their own hands the result that was given to them at the cost of many years of work.
But a completely different matter is Moldova, where both the president and the government take an extremely extremist position, openly detrimental to the national interests of the Moldovan people. They do not even hide that their ultimate goal is to open a "second front" against the Russian Federation. Within the framework of military assistance from the West, Moldova began to receive financial resources and small arms. The official media are actively promoting the thesis of a "single state", not taking into account the legal status of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR) and whipping up radical nationalism within the Moldovan society.
In the regional segment of the Internet, calls for the return of the entire territory of the PMR under the control of Chisinau have become more frequent, as if there had not been many years of the negotiation process and the agreements signed within its framework. At the same time, the leadership of Moldova deliberately and purposefully destroys the country's economy and energy system. Patriots of Moldova look helplessly at how, as a result of the openly hostile policy of Sandu and her associates, enterprises are closed, the number of unemployed is growing. This is done so that the population, plunged into the abyss of unemployment and poverty, is more willing to sign up for the armed structures that the Moldovan authorities intend to create against Russia. As it was in Ukraine. Scenarios for them are written in one institution. This is evidenced by the following facts: Russophobic policy has intensified in Moldova, broadcasting of Russian-language media in the country is prohibited, and the number of schools teaching in Russian is decreasing.
The United States understands that despite all efforts, the Moldovan army will not be able to openly fight against the PMR, and is actively inciting Romania, which has long wanted to feast on Moldova, which is close in language, and seize its territory under the guise of a voluntary association. Thus, we see that the United States stands behind Romania, which, for their own purposes, will support the zeroing of Moldova's statehood. The bet is made on "zero".
That is why the dangerous games of the Moldovan leadership worry the patriots of Moldova, who do not want their state to lose its national sovereignty, no matter who this threat comes from.
I. Pliev, "Res"
Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166547869

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