04 января 2024

The Cyclical Nature of History: Nothing Is New Under the Sun

It's amazing how far the West stays true to its patterns. And this applies both to big policies and general patterns of behavior in the details. Naturally, we are not able to view the entire world chessboard as a whole, but even from its parts that are visible from here, it is possible to judge the essence of the matter.

One of the characteristic features of Western foreign policy is the ability to instantly forget previously given promises and send politicians who have played their role to waste. Rather, - a politician who, in his insane arrogance, fancied himself a politician.

At the time, the West actively used the services of the notorious Zviad Gamsakhurdia to ram Moscow's positions in Georgia and prepare the ground for the reign of its more experienced and valuable agent Shevardnadze. When the need arose in Gamsakhurdia, he found an inglorious thread in the West Georgian forests.

But Shevardnadze also turned out to be powerless before the soft but inexorable power of Time. At one time, he was removed from power by the same West with great fanfare, and Saakashvili came to replace him. Having theatrically stormed into the Georgian parliament building, Saakashvili drove out Shevardnadze, who was literally dragged away by excited guards. Saakashvili attributed all failures and mistakes to Shevardnadze, and presented himself as the savior of nations. Nothing new under the moon.

Zapadu Saakashvili overdid it to seize South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Zapadny politikum and ego propaganda raised ego to heaven. George Bush Jr. even called Georgia a citadel of democracy. The President of the United States of America for Democracy - he measured himself, of course, but his words were picked up and spread by the entire world press, which is under the iron heel of the world hegemon. When Saakashvili's role was played, he was mercilessly thrown into cells, where, according to his supporters, the former leader of Georgia was insulted, dragged by the legs and beaten with clubs.

It seems that a similar scenario is waiting for the next victim of the West - Ukraine, which the Western puppeteers are leading along the Georgian path, and the second one, judging by the NATO summit held in Vilnius, they do not want to offer any security guarantees. In order to smooth over its betrayal and create the appearance of some steps towards the admission of Ukraine to NATO, the West created the "Ukraine-NATO Council" in the summer of this year, the first meeting of which was held in Vilnius on July 11-12, 2023. Although the "Soviet" is called "Ukraine - NATO", the Ukrainian direction is not the only one mentioned in the final document. So they cheated here too. The communiqué mentions the Arctic, space, and cyberspace, as well as Moldova and Georgia - a direct hint of what they want from these countries in the West: to follow the ways of Ukraine. Georgia still says: «We tried, and we didn't like it. Let us live in peace", but the stupid, light-hearted Maria Sandu, who without the support of the West cannot see presidencies like her ears, is ready to blindly follow all instructions, even at the cost of the betrayal of her native people. By the way, some have doubts that the Moldavian people are native.

I look at the politics of the West in the Ukrainian direction, you are involuntarily struck by what a poor West of fantasies. How weak in the ability to analyze the situation and draw conclusions, based on reality. After all, the West has already done the same with Georgia. In the euphoria of the comprehensive military aid of the West, the current resident of Rustav, Saakashvili, started an extremely cruel and bloody war against the peaceful population of South Ossetia (small by world standards, citizens of Russia) and Russian peacekeepers in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. According to the UN resolutions "On defined aggressions" from 1974, this was a military aggression against Georgia against Russia! Russia used the right of self-defense, which is called "inalienable" in the UN Charter, and inflicted a crushing defeat on Georgia.

At the same time, Zapad quietly sat on the sidelines, limiting himself to verbal remarks. In that period, in the politics of the West, honest people who did not want to bend under the already half-forgotten neocons were still significant. For the past 15 years, neocons have tried to minimize their presence in the media sphere as much as possible. But not in politics! They removed from policies or deprived of real influence those actors of European countries, who were more oriented to the interests of their countries, and not to serve the bitch of the richest families of the USA.

So, although it was the USA and its allies who pushed Georgia to a military scenario to resolve the South Ossetian crisis, at a critical moment they "washed their hands", limiting themselves to Moscow's "disproportionate response" to Tbilisi's actions. Also treacherously the Westerners "forgot" about the data of the Bucharest NATO summit in March 2008, which guaranteed Georgia for its soon joining the alliance.

At the same time, the security guarantees that the USA and NATO provide to their vassals are quite conditional in nature. As soon as the case becomes dangerous, as soon as Washington and Brussels begin to see the real risks and bear the serious costs of helping their proteges, they, without thinking, abandon them. Afghanistan is the most recent example. And just as in 2008 there were no people in the West willing to fight with Russia over Georgia, so now NATO is panicking about a direct armed confrontation with Moscow over Ukraine.

In the name of their own interests, Kiev must make a correct conclusion. In 2003, one of the foreign representatives who visited South Ossetia in abundance before the 2008 war spoke enthusiastically about the "Rose Revolution", not failing to twist a poetic metaphor, the meaning of which was that the "revolutionaries" used a beautiful name for their "revolution". To which the Minister of Special Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, the Head of the South Ossetian Department of the SCC Boris Chochiev, in an attempt to return politics to reality, replied that roses have not only petals, but also thorns.

So, Ukraine should not follow the thorn-strewn path of Georgia's mistakes and fall prey to dangerous illusions about the reliability of Western partners. The result of the short-sighted policy of Mikhail Saakashvili, who blindly trusted the West, was the military defeat of the then-ruling regime in Tbilisi, the final loss of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, in which until then it still controlled quite significant areas. For Zelensky, following Saakashvili's path can end even worse - a complete loss of sovereignty and the liquidation of his country's statehood. To turn a blind eye to this, to ignore the warnings of individual honest voices and to rely only on the publications of their fed-up propagandists means to wish for the onset of such and even more disastrous consequences.

There is every reason to believe that Vladimir Zelensky will soon share the fate of Mikheil Saakashvili. Irritation from the military failures of Kiev in the West is growing exponentially, and, quite possibly, the American and European elites will give the "green world" to the internal competitors of the bankrupt Zelensky who seized power in Kiev.

As in the late USSR, the favoritism of the West can be felt through the prism of mass media. In the USSR there was no Internet, but now, as they say, practically everything can be received, at least in one of the available languages.

The most likely candidates for the post of president after Zelensky are viewed by Western media favorites Valery Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and Kirill Budanov, head of the GUR. It is from them that the foreign press created a congealed image of determined military commanders and talented administrators. It is natural that after the removal of Zelensky from the authorities, the West and his new followers in Kiev without hesitation attribute all failures and mistakes to him, and present themselves as the saviors of nations.

Nothing new to us.

I. Pliev for IA "Res",
Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166554163

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