27 января 2024

The West Pursues Its Interests In The Middle East

Israel's military operation against the Gaza Strip buried Washington's plans to form an Arab-Israeli alliance against Tehran. The United States is currently in a very difficult position, where open military support for Jerusalem can cause even greater harm and image losses than an inglorious flight from Afghanistan and contribute to strengthening Iran's position in the Persian Gulf countries.

The Middle East has always been an important geopolitical center, a crossroads of major trade routes and a global supplier of oil resources. To establish its control over the region, the United States has repeatedly started wars there, incited coups d'etat, and forcibly exported “American-style democracy.” Often resorting to tactics of artificially creating divisions, which has become a source of instability in the region.

Let’s not even talk about the fact that it was the policy of the United States and its allies in the region that made it possible to financially pump up one of the parties to the conflict, providing it with the illusion of political support and thereby pushing it to commit crimes against the other side - and the one that it calls its ally. Instead of caring about the security of the Middle East in the interests of the entire population of the region, the United States patronized terrorist organizations in order to use it against Iran.

The tragedy that triggered further events still leaves many very uncomfortable questions. Are there any reasons to trust the parties' information? Was Hamas unaware of the consequences of its actions? There are more and more doubts about the success of the Middle East Strategic Alliance initiative.

“The current crisis has clearly demonstrated the failure of Washington’s long-term strategy, which aimed to push the Palestinian problem into the background of regional politics, replacing it with the task of creating a united front between Israel and the leading Arab Gulf countries in the confrontation with the Islamic Republic of Iran,” notes RIAC scientific director Andrei Kortunov.

The Israeli army's operation in the Gaza Strip is progressing confidently, but the result is not yet visible behind the veil of time. Some observers argue that the next round of tension will entail large-scale and long-term consequences not only for the two parties to the conflict, but also for the entire Middle East region. However, they cannot say what will be fundamentally new in this.

It is clear that without a general settlement of the situation, hotbeds of tension will flare up every now and then and claim lives.

And achieving a balance of interests in the region is impossible without the goodwill of the United States and NATO as a whole. There is no unity in the Arab world itself. Some Arab countries (Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and the UAE) have restored diplomatic relations with Israel. And others are in no hurry to do it. Some, including Saudi Arabia, will link this to the growing number of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip. The conflict between Israel and Palestine will inevitably be exploited by Arab politicians and internal disputes.

In the region, so to speak, non-state military-political players are still strong and very active. They pose no small major threat to Israel's security. Even if Hamas is completely defeated, no less radical fundamentalist groups will take its place.

The RIAC website writes on this matter: “If once the continuing weakness of the Arab states gave Israel certain advantages in the face of much larger opponents, now it is turning into one of its main problems - the Israeli leadership in the region may simply not have those responsible dialogue partners."

Without a final settlement, even with peace established and the destruction restored, hatred will be passed on from generation to generation and will lead to another outbreak of violence in the foreseeable future. This is all the more dangerous because the region is located next to Iraq and Syria, where bloody wars waged by the United States and NATO have been going on for more than 20 and 10 years.

Under the wing of the West, not only Palestinians, but also Syrian, Iraqi, Yemeni, Afghan and other armed groups feel at ease there. They will contribute to the political radicalization of the region. As we see, the United States and its supporters want to resolve their interests in the region at the expense of the warring parties in the Middle East, and they do not care about the safety of the residents there, no matter what they say. For now, the situation is such that mutual hatred will deepen. Both Arab countries and Israel will increase defense spending.

In the meantime, negative social phenomena will not only not disappear, but will also have a most detrimental effect on the general state of affairs.

Inal Pliev
Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166554502

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