30 марта 2024

The US Continues to Hide The Essence of Its Biological Research

The issue of dangerous biological activity in the United States of America remains relevant. The scientific experiments carried out in their foreign biological laboratories with pathogens of various diseases are so dangerous that American legislation, for safety reasons, prohibits such activities on its territory. Therefore, the US authorities wisely transferred these works to the territory of other states.

Already at the beginning of the Special Military Operation, several such laboratories fell into the hands of Russian specialists. Unfortunately, almost all the documentation was removed from there. But what remains provides food for very far-reaching thoughts and conclusions. Among other things, Russia is aware of the work of 30 US biological laboratories in Ukraine. Russian Ambassador to the Netherlands Vladimir Tarabrin stated this in an interview with Izvestia on March 25. Tarabrin recalled that back in March 2022, the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense forces of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, spoke about a network that included 30 laboratories working in Ukraine on behalf of Washington.
The diplomat noted that the implementation of the relevant programs was resumed in 2023, but only their name changed. “For example, the Joint Biological Research program is actually aimed at developing components of biological weapons,” he explained. “Therefore, it is not surprising that for the last 20 years Washington has been blocking all Russian initiatives to strengthen the regime of the biological convention and create an effective mechanism for verifying compliance with its provisions by all participating countries.”

It is worth recalling that in the same 2023, at the video conference “Biosafety of the EAEU countries” held on December 20, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady Onishchenko called on partners to seek greater transparency from the American military conducting biological experiments in laboratories located on their territory. He emphasized that “if you miss something somewhere,” the infection does not recognize borders and does not understand either political beliefs or ethnic factors - it destroys everything in its path.

The relevance of this problem was also emphasized by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who drew the attention of partners in the EAEU and CSTO to the problem of transparency of the research being carried out, which makes it possible to ensure that these programs do not have a military orientation.

In light of the Russian Special Military Operation, the United States fears that their biological laboratories in Ukraine may fall into the hands of Russia and the essence of their dangerous research will become known to the world community. Therefore, despite the full awareness of the danger for residents of Central Asian states, the White House intends to transfer previously conducted research on the territory of Ukraine to the countries of the Central Asian region.

Information has arrived from Kyrgyzstan that American specialists have already concluded a contract with local health care institutions to study the dangerous pathogen anthrax. The US Agency for International Development has allocated $250,000 to conduct research at the Osh Regional Hospital, where up to 20 patients diagnosed with anthrax are admitted annually. The money will be used to implement scientific experiments, for which special equipment will be supplied to Osha, and the research results will be classified.

It is important to keep in mind that experiments with strains of dangerous viruses pose a serious threat to the health of the local population. Leaks of deadly pathogens cannot be ruled out, not only accidental, but also intentional - to test the effects of modified bioagents on the human body. We have already written with reference to Georgian sources that in Georgia, literally “stuffed” with American biological laboratories, reports are regularly disseminated about the appearance of diseases atypical for the area and mass cases of poor health among residents of the areas in which NATO military biological centers are located. Similar signals were also recorded in Ukraine in places close to these laboratories even before the SVO.

Meanwhile, the refusal to monitor ongoing research continues, even by the US regulatory authorities themselves.

“We previously cited a report from the US Department of Health's Office of Inspector General, as well as a report from the National Biodefense Advisory Council. These documents acknowledge the unwillingness of US regulatory authorities to monitor research potentially subject to the BTWC. Taking into account the fact that the United States is not able to control its own biological objects, the activities of American laboratories around the world are a constant source of biothreats, primarily for the population of the countries where they are based,” the head of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces (RCBD) told the media ) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov during a briefing on the analysis of documents relating to the military-biological activities of Washington. To support his words, Kirillov cited the example of Ukraine, on whose territory several dozen similar facilities operate, which are actually illegally removed from international control. This eloquently indicates that the United States has something to hide in the field of its biological research.

The statement of the Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council, co-chairman of the parliamentary commission investigating the activities of US biological laboratories in Ukraine, Konstantin Kosachev, also deserves great attention: “Our Ministry of Defense has information that a possible provocation with the use of biological weapons or its components is being prepared on the territory of Ukraine in order to then blame the Russian Federation. We know these plans."
Thus, American biological laboratories located around the world continue to remain a constant source of threats to the population of the countries in which they are located, since the US supervisory authorities themselves report an unwillingness to monitor research falling under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

Inal Pliev.
Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166555643

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