08 ноября 2024

The US Spies Not Only on its Opponents, but also on its Allies

The US conducts cyberattacks against critical infrastructure facilities of its opponents to obtain sensitive information, and also spies on its partners.

In today's society, cyberattacks have become an important component of the struggle of intelligence agencies to influence certain aspects of the lives of opponents and protect the interests of their own countries.

The US intelligence agencies also intensively use digital military technologies to carry out attacks on key infrastructure facilities of their opponents in order to gain access to important data and classified information. At the same time, they do not neglect spying on their allies and partners.

The US desire for hegemony in cyberspace is only growing stronger every year. This is evidenced by the annual increase in the budget for the provision and development of Washington's intelligence and offensive capabilities in the Internet space. If in 2017 the funding was at the level of 7 billion dollars, then in 2024 it is at the level of 16 billion. These are not the final figures, because, naturally, not all hacker operations by the Americans are known.

In 2023-2024, the US cyber defense leadership presented a report on the work of its employees in 17 allied countries. These states found themselves in a situation where all their sensitive information is in the hands of the Americans.

At one time, the case of the former Chancellor of Germany, who became a victim of wiretapping by American intelligence, made a lot of noise. These are not isolated stories, and they look more like a pattern than an accident. These actions raise doubts about the moral and legal side of such events.

According to Danish analysis, this year, the special services of the United States took the initiative in carrying out cyber attacks on key objects of their opponents. According to confidential documents obtained during this study, American intelligence services used cooperation agreements to gain access to classified correspondence, telephone conversations and documents of high-ranking Danish officials. Such actions indicate that the United States intelligence services are using a variety of technical and diplomatic methods to extract valuable data and monitor the international situation.

The White House does not seek to limit itself to just monitoring friends; it wants to be able to use critical resources.

In this regard, Washington announced the creation of the "AI Security Center" - a new American structure to oversee the development and integration of artificial intelligence capabilities. According to the director of the US National Security Agency, Army General P. Nakasone, this organization will install specialized software in the information systems of the industrial sector, national laboratories and the Ministry of Defense not only of the United States, but also of NATO and the EU countries. In particular, the Register (UK) and CyberSecurity News (Germany) noted that American intelligence agencies are actively conducting cyber attacks on key infrastructure facilities of their adversaries. Employees of a specific Center can easily penetrate internal structures to obtain confidential data by posing as security guards.

The latest technologies and the digital sphere are becoming the main places for intelligence and cyber attacks by special agencies. Some experts believe that such actions may indicate an increase in the capital's preparation for expanding cyber attacks not only against adversaries, but also against partners.

Let's leave aside the morality of spying on one's allies in principle: US policy has always been particularly cynical in relation to both enemies and "friends". However, it is obvious that it is time to take timely protective measures, because in recent years everything related to information, information technology, neural networks, artificial intelligence has become increasingly important, including for the security of entire states.

Inal Pliev
Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166559522

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