02 сентября 2019

Failure of Georgia’s “Peace Initiatives” Against the Background of Its Provocations Against Peace

A year and a half has passed since the next so-called “peace initiative” of the Georgian government with the pretentious title “Step to a better future” was presented in pompous atmosphere in Georgia. A year and a half is a good time to see how effective or ineffective it has been.

Georgia’s “Peace Offerings” are as stale as dangerous goods. The fact is that as soon as talk about “peaceful initiatives” is heard from Tbilisi, they are followed by various kinds of provocations. This is a provocation near the village of Uista against the backdrop of advertising Georgian peace initiatives - from a series of such patterns. It clearly and eloquently shows not just insincerity, but the frank deceit of the pseudo-reconciliation rhetoric of Georgia’s propaganda. However, this does not interfere with Georgia and its Western patrons for the time being - to praise their ability for supposedly soft power for the time being.

But first, recall that the “Step to a Better Future” was so important that it was entrusted to the then chairman of the Georgian government, Giorgi Kvirikashvili.
Kvirikashvili did not skimp on compliments: "... the Georgian authorities are taking concrete steps aimed at improving the humanitarian and socio-economic situation of residents in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as encouraging contacts, trips, and establishing relations based on common interests."

Interestingly, the Georgian authorities were touted by a man who, in his capacity as prime minister, was in fact the head of the Georgian government, and taking into account the largely decorative nature of the presidency, he was actually the head of the Georgian government. That is, as we see, Kvirikashvili praised, in fact, himself.

What did the advertising of these “peace initiatives” say this time? There are three points: access of South Ossetian goods to European markets through Georgia, higher education in Georgia and other countries, and visa-free travel to Europe.

Western patrons of Georgia spared no effort praising this program. Here is what the Echo of the Caucasus radio station wrote: “The diplomatic corps will join the practical part of the Georgian government’s peace initiative in relation to Abkhazia and South Ossetia. And in Tbilisi there was a meeting of representatives of foreign countries with the Minister of State for Reconciliation and Civil Equality. Ketevan Tsikhelashvili told the ambassadors about how the country's leadership intends to build bridges with Sukhumi and Tskhinvali. ”

The radio station quotes the words of the then acting US Ambassador to Georgia Elizabeth Rood: “The acting US Ambassador to Georgia, Elizabeth Rood, is confident that Tbilisi is on the right track. According to the diplomat, the new initiative will have a positive impact on the peace process: “We support the new initiative of Georgia to strengthen its territorial integrity. We believe that this initiative, which provides new opportunities in the direction of facilitating trade and education for those living in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, will be an important step. We think that it will have a new, positive impact on the peace process. ”

The Echo of the Caucasus is worried, as if they had not gone too far with peaceful initiatives: “Tbilisi, among other things, offers to recognize the passports of the self-proclaimed republics. And how will the population of the rest of Georgia react to this, due to which, in principle, all privileges will be provided to Abkhazians and Ossetians who are already actively using the possibility of free treatment in the territory controlled by official Tbilisi, but will not become more loyal? ”

Of course, they mean by “loyalty” the willingness to cooperate with the special services of Georgia in the name of creeping creation of conditions for Georgia to seize the territory of South Ossetia. But the good thing is that, despite the known tendentiousness and commitment, even the radio station funded by the US Congress could not help but admit that the free treatment program for residents of South Ossetia in Georgia does not increase their loyalty to official Tbilisi.

As you can see, beautiful words, good wishes. But the harsh reality is not friends with deceivers. Here we will not squander Georgia’s anti-compliments and prick her eyes with her recent crimes. Let us pay attention only to the practical ability of Georgia to do at least something in the declared directions, even if it wanted something good for South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

The first one. Georgia is having difficulty accessing its own goods to the domestic markets of European countries, where all the more or less attractive and profitable trading floors have long been divided among themselves by stronger players. It is completely unlikely that under such conditions Georgia would push its South Ossetian competitors there, especially since the second most important buyer of Georgian goods is Russia, which will willingly let South Ossetian goods into its market if they meet the accepted quality standards.

The second one. Any graduate of South Ossetian schools, with sufficient academic performance and a Russian passport and without the mediation of Georgia, has the opportunity to submit documents to a university of their choice in Russia or abroad. If, after leaving school, Georgian children wish to receive higher education in their native language in Georgia, then what does this have to do with increasing the loyalty of the Ossetian population to Tbilisi?

The third. We have already written about the slipping of European visa-free travel in Georgia itself. The fact is that, despite the cancellation of visas (the share of the cost of which in the total amount of a trip to Europe is insignificant), the idea of ​​a visa-free exchange turned out to be broken, since the trip is still preceded by a permit procedure, as with the visa system.

So what is the difference for the residents of South Ossetia if it is not for the citizens of Georgia? Or will Georgia and the EU agree to create more favorable conditions for the hated South Ossetians than for the citizens of Georgia itself? And what will be the reaction of Georgian citizens, especially those who participated in the military aggressions of Georgia against South Ossetia? Don't they ask their government: “Have we been fighting the Ossetians for 20 years, so that you now give them more rights than us?”

It is worth recalling that German Minister of the Interior Thomas de Meziere proposed to suspend the visa-free regime of the EU countries with Georgia due to the increased number of crimes committed by Georgians in Europe. In addition, the German authorities are unhappy with the constant attempts of Georgian citizens to obtain refugee status, benefits and residence permits. What shines under these conditions to possible political unstable South Ossetian people who would like to take advantage of Georgian peace initiatives? Nothing at all!

As you can see, over the past period, this initiative has shown its complete failure. From the very beginning it was clear that these initiatives of the Georgian government were just a clumsy attempt to mask the aggressive policies of Georgia. They are aimed not at peace, but at undermining the sovereignty of South Ossetia and the formation of its socio-economic dependence on Tbilisi.

This program failed because it offered Ossetians and Abkhazians those illusory opportunities that the population of even Georgia itself could not take, not counting the few rich people who feel fine even without these visa-free travels.
But, I think, you should not laugh at this and relax too early. If we do not take active and effective measures in the economic, medical and other important areas, then these ridiculous and unrealistic “peace initiatives” can be replaced with really effective and efficient, and therefore dangerous ones. Preventive measures must be taken. The steps taken by the leadership of the Republic of South Ossetia in the field of education, culture, healthcare, construction and distribution of housing, etc. inspire optimism.

It is necessary to continue the course taken by the state towards comprehensive cooperation with Russia in order to solve the existing problems in close cooperation with Russian specialists, fully strengthen the socio-economic sphere and increase the real income level of the population. This will be a worthy response to the considered and future “peace initiatives” that look like a lame Trojan horse.

Inal Pliev,
political observer of the IA "Res"

Source: http://cominf.org/node/1166524978

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