28 сентября 2020

Georgia Has No One to Blame for The Political and Legal Separation from South Ossetia but Itself

These days the 75th anniversary of the UN is celebrated. On this occasion, various international events are being held, which serve as a kind of platform for dialogue, allowing the heads of state and government to once again come up with their vision of the existing realities and ways to resolve crisis issues.

President of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili, during her speech at a high-level meeting on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations (UN) on September 21, said: “Despite the fact that Georgia daily sees the consequences of isolation in the territories occupied by Russia, our country is not ready to put up with the damage that was inflicted on life and human rights as a result of the occupation. "

This short sentence contains several statements at once that are not true. What's the matter? Madam President is not aware of the true state of affairs? This cannot be: Salome Zurabishvili, as in the period of his election, and today, in terms of his intellectual level, is higher than all other representatives of the Georgian political establishment. An experienced representative of one of the oldest diplomatic schools - the French one - she cannot but understand that according to all laws - both the laws of historical development and international normative legal acts that form a fancifully woven fabric of international law - Georgia has no reason to claim the territory of South Ossetia ...

Nevertheless, following (not having the right not to follow) in line with the age-old expansionist policy of Georgia towards Ossetia, citizen Zurabishvili is forced to repeat phrases about "occupied territories", which have already become clichés and groundless ritual insults towards South Ossetia and Russia.

And the former chairman of the Georgian parliament, now the head of the United Georgia - Democratic Movement political party, Nino Burjanadze said: “... I can take concrete steps to stop illegal borderisation on the territory of Georgia at the first stage and then, at subsequent stages, do everything to to remove barbed wire from the territory of the country ”.

What can I say here? As you can see, both politicians in their statements proceed from the fact that South Ossetia is currently part of Georgia, and that it is allegedly occupied by someone and is not fencing off from Georgia, remembering its aggressive criticism, but is building which are the borders on the territory of Georgia itself.

Of course, the idea that both the representatives of the Georgian political leadership and the opposition parties want to create is a sense of the unfairness of the delimitation of South Ossetia and Georgia. At the same time, they are guided by the desire to impose on their audience an agreement on the need to establish Georgian authority over the territory of South Ossetia.

Such aspirations and plans do not take into account the processes that have been taking place in and around South Ossetia for more than 30 years - since 1988, when the first emissaries of anti-Soviet organizations began to arrive from Tbilisi to Tskhinvali and demand strikes and other measures against Moscow, to secede from the USSR , abandon the Russian and Ossetian languages, switch to the Georgian language of office work, and so on.

Meanwhile, the people of South Ossetia on their way to independence have gone through all the political and legal stages of a comprehensive demarcation from Georgia. Oddly enough, Georgia itself helped him in this. However, there is nothing strange in this. Having created an incredible atmosphere of chaos and lawlessness in the legal field in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Georgia itself adopted regulations, which ensured the political and legal separation of South Ossetia from it. This did not bother her at all, since by the introduction of her legal and illegal armed detachments into the territory of South Ossetia in January 1991, she hoped to perpetuate the subordination of South Ossetia by force of arms, without thinking about the legal consequences of her steps.

In addition, the terrible crimes and brutal atrocities committed by Georgia against the Ossetian people exclude the possibility of returning to the realities of 1990. Georgia has no one to blame for the political and legal separation from South Ossetia but itself.

Over the 28 years that have passed since 1992, we have had many opportunities to discuss these issues with representatives of the Georgian side, who were unable to competently substantiate their claims to the territory of South Ossetia, both from a legal and historical point of view.

And this is understandable: how can you justify what is not?

We started this article by mentioning the UN, and we want to end it with the same topic. The first article of the charter of this authoritative international organization consists of four points:

“The United Nations is pursuing the Goals:

1. Maintain international peace and security and, to this end, take effective collective measures to prevent and eliminate threats to peace and suppress acts of aggression or other violations of the peace and carry out by peaceful means, in accordance with the principles of justice and international law, the settlement or resolution of international disputes or situations that could lead to the disruption of the peace;

2. Develop friendly relations between nations based on respect for the principle of equality and self-determination of peoples, as well as take other appropriate measures to strengthen global peace;

3. To carry out international cooperation in resolving international problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian nature and in the promotion and development of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, and

4. To be a center for coordinating the actions of nations in achieving these common goals. "

Georgia is a member of the UN and at the same time uses all the opportunities available to it to actively hinder the implementation of these high principles with respect to South Ossetia. Tbilisi's deception, its true attitude to the UN and the values of this organization is clearly understandable even from ignoring the provisions of the first article of its charter.

Georgian politicians should remember this before accusing South Ossetia and Russia of anything.

Inal Pliev,
political commentator for IA "Res"


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