30 сентября 2020

Some results of the Russian operation in Syria

Exactly five years ago, the Federation Council approved the request of the Russian President to start a military operation in Syria. Syria is our friend, it recognized South Ossetia, and diplomatic relations have been established between us. Therefore, we are not indifferent to the processes that are developing there; we are not indifferent to the future of the Syrian people.

If we compare the state of Syria at the time of the first active actions of Russia with the current state of affairs, it is striking that peace reigns in most of the country. Also, the past years have brought great clarity to the question of who actually supports the gangs of international terrorists, whose aggression the Western countries and Turkey cover their far-reaching plans with regard to Syria.

In 2015, Bashar al-Assad, the legitimate president of Syria, which has been plagued by hordes of international terrorists armed to the teeth for several years, turned to Russia for help in defending his country. Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed and sent a request to the Federation Council. The unanimous approval by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation of the request of the President of Russia for the use of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria followed on September 30, 2015 - exactly five years ago. This decision formed the legal basis of the Russian Aerospace Forces operation against the terrorist groups ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra.

At the same time, the Russian president literally said: "We do not want to throw stones at anyone's garden, but still, for almost a year and a half, the coalition led by the United States has been striking there - over 11 countries took part, over 500 strikes were made on various targets, but the result no ... during this time the terrorists only strengthened their presence in Syria and Iraq, consolidated their positions on the borders where they used to be, and expanded their area of stay. "

The terrorists felt absolutely unpunished. Having gathered in their ranks the scum of the human race into one huge force, they committed heinous crimes, not even hesitating to film their atrocities on video and distribute them on the largest social networks and video hosting sites.

To give some idea of who Russia is facing in Syria, some of their chilling atrocities should be listed. This is the burning alive in an iron cage of a captured Jordanian pilot, and eating the still beating heart of a soldier of the Syrian army defeated in battle, and cutting off the head of a wounded Syrian child ... the atrocities of international terrorists and their sponsors against the Syrian people are innumerable.

Russia immediately inflicted a number of sensitive defeats on these powerful terrorist organizations that controlled vast territories. Thanks to the skill and bravery of Russian soldiers and officers, it was possible to cut the territory controlled by terrorists and significantly expand the territory controlled by the legitimate government of Syria with a series of well-considered crushing blows.

The air defense systems of the Syrian army, reinforced by Russian advisers, were significantly strengthened by the transfer of more advanced systems in Syria: the Pantsir-S1 and Tor-M1 mobile air defense systems, the S-300F complex of the Moskva cruiser, the S-400 air defense systems, whose radars could cover almost the entire territory of Syria and a significant area of neighboring countries, etc.

At the same time, Russia uses not only military force to build a lasting peace in Syria, but also various methods and forms of public diplomacy. It is the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties and its employees working in various parts of the country that played a significant role in the fact that tens of thousands of disoriented people laid down their arms and returned to peaceful life.

Some of the important outcomes of the Russian operation in Syria include:

Destruction of huge masses of terrorists and their infrastructure.

Rescue hundreds of thousands of civilians from previously occupied territories from the terrorist yoke.

Liberation of significant territories of the country that were under the control of international terrorists.

Training and equipping the personnel of the Syrian army, who have shown loyalty to their native people and the lawfully elected government of the country.

You can also name the testing of the latest types of Russian weapons, why not. The launch of missiles from the Caspian Sea along a complex trajectory through the airspace of the three states was especially impressive.

The Russian operation in Syria is a success, as it allowed the legitimate Syrian government to remain in power, which was a major challenge in the name of the supremacy of international law. It also made it possible to restore Russia's diplomatic weight, primarily in the Middle East.

Inal Pliev, expert "Res"


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