02 апреля 2023

Great Britain - an attempt at a belated revenge

The other day, London announced its readiness to transfer nuclear weapons with depleted uranium to Kyiv. This uranium, if used, can accumulate in the soil and kill civilians even tens and hundreds of years after the end of the war. However, the British oligarchy, which has been holding its changing governments in a stranglehold for decades, is indifferent to the fate of the population of Ukraine.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an empire whose world possessions are so wide that every minute the sun illuminates at least one part of it. Less than a hundred years ago, as a result of the USSR-supported decolonization process, the Crown lost a number of its colonies in Africa and a leading role in the British-America bond. On the European continent, the weakened hegemon began to noticeably yield to France and Germany. The English establishment blames Moscow for this. Therefore, the hatred with which official London spreads Russophobia and actively works to limit Russia's international capabilities is not surprising.

Great Britain intends to take revenge for the loss of the status of a global power. Back in the years of his premiership, David Cameron delivered a keynote article "Securing Britain in an Age of Uncertainty: Strategic Defense and Security". Later, in 2018, this thesis took on a more concrete shape in the adopted concept of “Global Britain”.

The concept of a "Global Britain" emerged in the run-up to the country's exit from the European Union, and was most fully presented in a memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, issued in March 2018. The memorandum was presented to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the House of Lords in response to their request for priorities of British foreign policy in the changed world conditions. Taking a course to reconsider the country's place in the system of international relations and the priorities of its foreign policy, the kingdom's government has begun preparing a Comprehensive Review of Security, Defense and Foreign Policy after Brexit.

Initially, the completion and submission of the Comprehensive Review was scheduled for autumn 2020. The Royal United Institute for Defense Studies has been actively involved in the preparation of the Comprehensive Review through the RUSI Whitehall Reports - reports on the UK's foreign, defense and security policy. The first RUSI report asks the United Kingdom to withdraw from the fact that there is a single international system based on rules for interaction at the global level, the participants of which are obliged to comply with these rules. The report states that in order to solve serious international problems, it is much more important to rely on coalitions of major powers than to rely on a system of rules and binding obligations.

In simple terms, already in the late 1910s and early 1920s, the United Kingdom abandoned the rule-based international legal system that had developed at that time, which did not always work, but still somehow worked.

The ultimate goal is to return the dominant position of the British Empire throughout the world. The focus of the claims of the British did not go unnoticed and the traditionally "interesting" region for them - Transcaucasia, or, as it became possible to say after the collapse of the USSR - the South Caucasus. Moreover, after the start of the NWO, its “strategic” role, due to its geographical position, which ensures the transit of goods and cargo from Asia to Europe, bypassing Russia, has increased significantly.

Energy projects in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia sparkled with new colors with the potential for multiple growth. And even the fantastic project of laying a high-voltage electric cable along the bottom of the Black Sea, which seemed a few years ago, was supported by the largest financial instrument of the Old World - the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The growth in the volume of supplies of Azerbaijani oil to the terminals of the Georgian ports of Poti and Batumi for further transportation to Europe, as well as the prospects for building a pipeline to supply “clean” hydrogen to the EU countries, have revived the interest of major powers in using “soft” power here. The British seek to succeed and take advantage of their position by activating the activities of their political and financial structures in Georgia, of course, while limiting the possibilities of Russia in these matters.

This was confirmed by the visit to Georgia on March 16-17 this year. United Kingdom Foreign Secretary, the first since 2016. According to the press service of the Foreign Ministry, the parties discussed the growing importance of the Black Sea region and the special role of Georgia in ensuring the energy security of Europe, as well as a transit and logistics regional center.

At the same time, the disastrous situation in the economy of the Islands and a series of strikes by government employees are clearly out of proportion to the imperial ambitions of London and clearly demonstrate the internal problems of the United Kingdom. According to experts, the government should focus on the concept of an enlightened national interest as the basis for developing foreign policy strategies. In the meantime, we see only dreams of "Global Britain".

But these are not harmless dreams of a young college girl. These unfounded dreams of ambitious carriers of a low political culture can push the Crown into the arms of dangerous illusions about its own impunity in the case of arrogant experiments with the patience of the Russian Federation.


Inal Pliev,

IA "Res"


Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166549006

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