03 июля 2023

Controlled chaos is the basis of the US world order

Recently, the government of South Ossetia allowed the use of weapons against unmanned aerial vehicles while guarding the state border.

This timely decision was taken against the backdrop of Georgia's ongoing claims to the sovereign territory of the Republic of South Ossetia and the unstable political situation within Georgia itself.

The source of this instability is the United States, dissatisfied with Georgia's unwillingness to unleash a war against Russia. The US hopes for the weakness of Georgia. The weakness of the political regime of Georgia and the susceptibility of the country's leadership to external pressure is also evidenced by the inability of state authorities to protect the population from the anti-people actions of certain politicians and media persons, as a result of which honest citizens have already been brought to such a boiling point that they are forced to defend their rights themselves.

So, over the past ten days, at least ten attacks have been carried out on the conductors of the Western political line (which has not brought anything good to the Georgian people and is unlikely to bring in the future), including in the sphere of ideology. That is, every day there is at least one attack. Behind these attacks are outraged citizens who see with their own eyes the disastrous consequences of this line for Georgia.

Although the opposition and civil activists are trying to instill in the population the idea that the Georgian Dream is a pro-Russian force, it is clear that this is just a ploy to discredit the authorities - after all, so many thousands of tons of printing ink and hours of television have been spent to discredit Russia over the past 30 years. and radio, that now it seems to them that it is enough to call the enemy pro-Russian in order to sweep him off the political board.

Beka Odisharia, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Diaspora Issues, said in Parliament on June 26: “Those who call us pro-Russian will be punched in the nose. At first they will get morally, and if they don’t calm down, they can get a little more.”

Irakli Kobakhidze, chairman of the ruling party, said: "These bastards should really call me a Putinist, but I shouldn't answer?"

In parallel with the preparations for the elections of 2024, along with slander, Westerners are banking on escalation to simultaneously suppress the voices of sane Georgians, as well as present the authorities with aggressive, unworthy support from the West. At the same time, they do not want to hear that it is their actions on American instructions to brainwash the population of Georgia that are the violence, as a result of which Georgia has come to such a difficult situation. This view was also expressed by MP Dmitry Samkharadze from Georgian Dream, who on Facebook said that the opposition, with the support of NGOs and ambassadors, is helping to foment violence. The Concrete Ambassador told young people that physical and verbal abuse is civic activism.

The position of the well-known Georgian politician Georgy Volsky, who in 2004-2006 was the Deputy State Minister of Georgia for Conflict Resolution, and also the Special Representative of the Georgian Foreign Ministry, is interesting. In the summer of 2006, he called "barbarism" the peaceful protest of students and the drawing of protest inscriptions by students with colored crayons in front of the OSCE office in Tskhinvali. And just the other day, being a member of the Georgian parliament from the current ruling party, he said that "the victims themselves are responsible for the anger caused by their unacceptable views."

These are the results of the US efforts to sway the situation in Georgia and plant an atmosphere of controlled chaos in it.

Roland Kelekhsaev, an expert of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of South Ossetia, a deputy of the Parliament of the IV convocation, recently pointed out internal instability in Georgia in one of his articles on the official website of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of South Ossetia: “The internal political situation in Georgia is restless. They are feared by their opposition forces, which, if they come to power, can start an armed conflict against South Ossetia. One can observe how some parties and organizations of the Georgian opposition are being used by the US to carry out a campaign to put pressure on the Georgian authorities to open a second front against Russia.”

The United States is a state wreaking havoc wherever it can reach. It always puts itself above the rest and does not accept compromises. Neither in relation to the indigenous Indian population in the past, nor to the nearest neighbors and distant "spheres of vital interests."

Over the past years, the States have demonstrated an inability to negotiate on a constructive basis and principles of mutual respect. Suffice it to recall the long and not so long wars with Mexico and its results - the entry into the American state of significant territories: Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah. And this is not a complete list. In exchange for all this, the Mexicans were paid $15 million.

This spring marked twenty years since the US invasion of Iraq. The intervention, which was based on unsubstantiated accusations of the creation of biological weapons, turned into a large-scale catastrophe of the 21st century. Vietnam, Grenada, Afghanistan, Serbia, Libya, South Ossetia, Syria, Ukraine... The pursuit of such an irresponsible policy pursues a single goal - the formation of American hegemony to solve their own interests, intimidate dissent and coerce the recalcitrant.

History shows us that only the decisive intervention of the USSR, and now - Russia, brought salvation to small states from military strikes from America and its allies. And the absence of Russian military intervention brings only blood and suffering to the peoples. Because Russia opposes the American ideology and the practice of “controlled chaos” to the ideology of the inviolability of international law binding on all with equal and indivisible guarantees of security for all.

We in South Ossetia have eloquently seen this on our own example, with our own eyes. State Adviser to the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Konstantin Kochiev said in his interview to the same publication: “In South Ossetia, Russia is associated with support and protection of the rights of our people, assistance in the days of mortal danger and in the most difficult times, the first recognition of independence and comprehensive assistance, without which there would be post-war reconstruction is impossible.”

As you can see, not only in South Ossetia, but also in other countries. Therefore, each of us must do everything in our power to strengthen Russia, strengthen its economic and military power.


Inal Pliev
for IA "Res"

Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166550884

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