10 декабря 2023

The West Has Already Answered Who Is Behind The Bombing of Nord Streams

Terrorism, the main scourge of the 20th century, has confidently migrated into the new millennium and does not think of stopping its bloody harvest around the world. The intelligence services of a number of countries are trying to protect their people from this evil, however, fighting only with the perpetrators, they lose sight of its customers and financiers.

The attention of the whole world is focused on the tragic events that unfolded in the Middle East. But very little space on the world news feeds is occupied by the question: how did it happen that all these years the respected, civilized, democratic, kind and fluffy West did not notice that the money it allocated went to strengthening the terrorist infrastructure in the region, including in Syria and Iraq ?

The extremely incorrect strategic approach of the West to this issue seems to the author of these lines not to be a methodological error, but a conscious choice of course to achieve the consequences that have occurred in order to intimidate opponents with a demonstration of its geopolitical power.

However, instead, by exposing his true face, the initiator suffered damage that exceeded the expected favorable results for himself, nullifying the colossal resource-intensive costs of creating such a thoughtlessly destroyed image.

Terrorists cannot be divided into “good” and “bad”, “moderate” and “immoderate”. Unfortunately, the West not only does not want to openly admit this, but no longer even thinks about hiding its involvement in terrorist activity.

Terrorism continues to be an integral part of the West's undeclared war against Russia. We are talking about both terrorist attacks against Russian citizens carried out by Western proxies, and terrorist attacks against international infrastructure facilities that are important for Russia, namely, both lines of the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

Sabotage at Russian energy infrastructure facilities is an act of international terrorism against the Russian Federation, as Russian President V.V. Putin rightly pointed out.

On the anniversary of the terrorist attacks, Russian Ambassador to Germany Sergei Nechaev said that European countries investigating the terrorist attack on gas pipelines have not yet presented any concrete results.

“It’s hard to believe that, having at their disposal the most modern means of intelligence and technical expertise, European countries were not able to uncover the largest terrorist attack that happened under their noses within a year,” he said, emphasizing that Russia continues to insist on the most transparent investigation possible .

Washington's attempts to blame Russia for the explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines have failed. According to the American newspaper Business Insider, the German leadership is aware of reliable facts of the involvement of Ukrainian government agencies, with the support of Poland and the United States, in undermining the SP-1 and SP-2 gas pipelines. However, the German government is aware of the possible political risks of publishing this information and therefore Berlin is trying to carefully hide this information from its own population.

German authorities are actively suppressing all attempts by the public to get an answer to this question and are taking harsh disciplinary measures against media workers (including prison sentences) who seek to convey the truth to the public.

Despite this, journalists from the ZDF television channel and the publication Der Spiegel reported that sources familiar with the investigation into sabotage claim that the traces go in one direction - to Ukraine. The head of the German Prosecutor General's Office, Wolfgang Schmidt, stated the same in a documentary film produced by SWR. German intelligence services warned their Dutch colleagues about a possible terrorist attack in June 2022, who had documents about planning sabotage on gas pipelines during the NATO Baltops exercise.

What is this – recognition or a desire to whitewash oneself and shift the blame onto Ukraine in order to appease Russia on the eve of a revision of its policy in this area?

After the explosions at the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, European industry and ordinary gas consumers actually fell into “energy bondage” to Washington and are forced to purchase American liquefied natural gas at prices that are multiples higher than the cost of Russian energy resources.

According to economists from the European Commission, at the end of 2022, EU countries experienced a reduction in production capacity by 30-40% compared to the previous year. Due to a severe shortage of hydrocarbons, the GDP of European countries decreased by 6.5% - 11.5%. The decline in production, in turn, provoked a crisis in the labor market and an increase in unemployment - more than 16 million Europeans lost their jobs.

Last summer, the authorities of Germany, Denmark and Sweden, in a letter distributed to the UN Security Council about national investigations into sabotage, stated that Russia was allegedly informed about their progress.

In a commentary by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, it was stated that this is not true: the authorities of these countries still stubbornly refuse to cooperate with the Russian side in the investigation of this terrorist act and do not provide any clear answers to numerous official requests from the Russian side.

All three states refused Russia's official requests for legal assistance and the creation of a joint investigative team.

The USA, Britain, France and the non-permanent (in every sense) members of the UN Security Council, which are directly dependent financially and politically on them, blocked Russia’s proposal to create an investigative commission. Moscow came to the logical conclusion that Western countries, which have not made the results of investigations public for a year, have something to hide, or they are simply covering up for the perpetrators of these terrorist acts.

Over the past year, foreign investigators have checked several versions and, despite Washington’s “recommendations”, as always, to declare the Russian Federation to be the culprit of all troubles, the facts this time turned out to be too stubborn.

Representatives of Sweden promised to complete the investigation in the fall of 2023, but it is already winter, and the Swedes have not kept their word, although its representatives are already openly declaring that the evidence and materials they collected point specifically to the Western trace in organizing the Nord Stream explosions.

As we see, there are decent people in some responsible positions in Western countries. They think about the future of their peoples, their states, and they consider it humiliating to spread lies. But, alas, they do not determine global Western policy, which continues to be based on the lies of double standards, violence and terrorism.

That is why it is quite obvious: with its dirty games around this issue, the West has given a very convincing and eloquent answer to the question of who is behind the undermining of Nord Streams.

Inal Pliev, for IA "Res".

Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166553737

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