04 марта 2024

The US Trying to Break the international Legal System

The extremely difficult situation emerging in the modern world is increasingly approaching a dangerous line every day due to Western countries ignoring the results of the Second World War and the fundamental foundations of the post-war world order. This is largely due to the geopolitical concessions of the Soviet Union, which voluntarily handed over to the West significant territories and a rather serious military-industrial potential of the socialist countries of Europe.

And to be precise, it’s not even farmed out, but simply a gift. Naturally, the most serious player among the world powers aimed at revising, that is, revising the world order system that emerged after the Second World War, is the United States of America. They are the driving force behind the desire to adapt the rules that embody the legitimacy of the world order to their changing interests. This is revisionism.

We remember very well the promises made by the West not to expand NATO to the east. Today the West denies these promises only on the grounds that they were not formally recorded on paper. However, a promise is a promise, and failure to keep it risks breaking trust.

But the obligation not to deploy NATO forces and structures on that part of the territory of a united Germany that was previously part of the German Democratic Republic is recorded in writing, in the treaty on German unification. However, after unification, this agreement is grossly violated, and Germany does not feel any concern about this.

The behavior of the West shows that it underestimated the military-economic power of the Russian Federation and considered it useless to value its trust.

The admission of the European allied countries and some republics of the USSR into their unequal political-economic union and aggressive military-political bloc, the unleashing of a rabid Russophobic campaign in them, that is, a complete psychological transformation (psychological reformatting, zombification) of the population was actually a new type of occupation. The beauty of the game was that these countries themselves seemed to be asking to join the political-economic union of the EU, which was obviously harmful to them, and the downright dangerous NATO bloc. They have already led to the destruction of their industry, pumping out natural and national wealth for next to nothing, primarily human resources, leading to the destruction of their traditional national culture, traditional ideas about life and brought them to the brink of war with a great nuclear power. And the establishment of completely obedient governments in them, performing only formal, ritual and decorative functions, can be called nothing more than a new form of annexation. This also should not be overlooked when talking about US revisionist policy.

Over the past 25 years, Washington has repeatedly, by its actions, actually denied the UN Charter and other international documents of legal relations between states, involving its allies in this. The most tragic in this regard were the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999. It was these bombings that were the first case of NATO military aggression against a sovereign European state. Next, let us recall the invasions of Afghanistan in 2000, Iraq in 2003, Syria in 2012 and a number of others carried out in circumvention of UN decisions and contrary to the decisions of its General Assembly and the UN Charter itself.

The UN and its Security Council periodically, albeit with very weak results, take some steps within the framework of their main idea of creation - the avoidance of nuclear war. Unfortunately, in many other aspects one can see how multilateral organizations centered on Western states fall prey to manipulation by these countries. The location of the head offices and headquarters of these organizations on the territory of the United States and Western European countries leads to the fact that in the apparatus of these organizations pressure begins from the “master” side on representatives of small and medium powers. Unfortunately, this does not allow the UN to be a truly independent and multilateral platform, and to less and less reflect the diversity of international relations.

In contrast to the United States and its “friends,” the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China are pursuing a balanced international policy aimed at returning to respect for the foundations and principles of international law.

American revisionism wants to replace the existing norms of international law, which have not been legally abolished by anyone. His attempts to give his illegal aggressive actions some kind of “legitimacy” are extremely dangerous.

The United States and its allies and satellites have even coined the term “rules-based order” and are actively promoting it. It a priori has absolutely no legal force. And they know this very well. However, the United States and its allies want to create a situation where the global security architecture is like an elite club, where they themselves determine these notorious “rules”, while exempting themselves from their implementation.

That is, to legitimize relations of domination and subordination among states, as in the era of predatory colonialism.

Inal Pliev

Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166555108

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