06 марта 2024

Ukraine As a Hostage to the US Presidential Elections

At the end of 2024, presidential elections will take place in the United States. This will be the 60th presidential election in the country's history. The election campaign will take place simultaneously with elections to the Senate and House of Representatives. Some states will also hold gubernatorial and legislative elections. But this is not the main thing. The intrigue here is that on November 15, 2022, the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced the start of his election campaign. 

On April 25, 2023, incumbent President Joe Biden also announced his candidacy. If, according to the results of internal party elections, Biden and Trump again become candidates from the two leading parties, the 2024 elections will be the first “replay” since the 1956 election campaign. Let us recall that in 1956 the same candidates also took part in the elections as in the previous elections of 1952. Namely, Republican Dwight Eisenhower and Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson, and Eisenhower won both times.

Naturally, the candidates have different approaches to solving a number of domestic and foreign policy issues. Domestic problems are of more concern to ordinary Americans, voters who, in fact, will make indirect decisions. Indirect because in the United States, the president and vice president are not elected by the voters themselves, contrary to the word “voter,” but by the electoral college. Who are the electors? These are mainly party activists, their elections take place at party conventions in each state or they are chosen by the state-level party leadership. Typically, the electors are senators and congressmen, popular politicians, or people personally close to the respective presidential candidate. But there are also independent electors (units).

Thus, by Election Day, each state has two slates of electors, represented by the Democratic and Republican parties. Some states put the names of electors on the ballot, others do not. After the vote is tabulated, the governor approves the list of electors submitted by the party whose candidate won the election in that state. If an independent candidate receives the majority of votes in a state, the procedure for appointing electors is carried out according to state law. Electors choose the president. In almost all states, electors are responsible to the party that appointed them. Formally, they must vote in accordance with the will of the voters, but there is no federal law with such a requirement, there is only a fine for voting not in accordance with the will of the majority, but the maximum fine under state law is one thousand dollars, that is, by the standards of big politics - mere kopeks. So far, no electors have been prosecuted for voting for another candidate.

So, if for American voters the internal problems of the United States are more important, mainly related to rising prices and a general decline in living standards, then for us the foreign policy of the United States is more important, namely, their position on Ukrainian issues. Therefore, we will consider this issue in more detail.

Donald Trump previously condemned President Joe Biden's decision to transfer cluster munitions to Kyiv, and has also repeatedly offered his efforts to find a peace agreement between Moscow and Kiev. From the very beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, he calls on the parties to peacefully resolve the conflict. On June 2, Trump said that if he wins the 2024 elections, he will organize direct negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv, which will give results within 24 hours: “We will help people. I want to stop the war, I don't want it to continue. I can stop this in 24 hours. I know the right way."

It is premature to say what kind of policies he will actually pursue if he returns to power, but the White House has concerns that the former president's peace-loving rhetoric could increase his votes in the elections. In the time remaining before the elections, the presidential administration wants to show the correctness of its position aimed at inflicting military defeat on Russia on the battlefield.

Because of this, driven by the upcoming elections, the American presidential administration is putting political pressure on the leadership of Ukraine to intensify hostilities. However, on the battlefield, the Ukrainian side is not showing the results that could increase Americans’ confidence in Biden. The failed Ukrainian “offensive” has undermined the already not very high rating of the Democratic Party, and the Republicans, led by D. Trump, intend to take advantage of this situation. Their representatives in both houses of the Senate are successfully blocking initiatives to allocate additional funds to Ukraine for the war.

Despite the actions of the Republicans, the US leadership continues to provide military assistance to the Ukrainian authorities in the interests of prolonging the armed conflict. According to The Washington Post, American officials are calling on Kyiv to intensify military operations along the entire front line. But how to activate it if Ukraine’s combat-ready population has catastrophically decreased?! Ukrainian military commissars received emergency powers. To carry out their monstrous plans and orders, they grab random people on the streets of Ukrainian cities and villages and send them to the trenches to certain death! The Internet is full of these heartbreaking videos. The expected failure of the widely publicized Ukrainian counteroffensive and the realization of its inability to achieve a military victory over Russia in a fair and open battle forces the Ukrainian regime to grossly overstep the methods and customs of warfare enshrined in international law and use methods of terror. The United States is forcing Ukraine to resort to tactics of mass terror in relation specifically to civilians in regions of Ukraine not controlled by Kyiv, new territories of Russia and border areas of the Russian Federation.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are repeatedly increasing the intensity of attacks on civilian targets on the territory of the Russian Federation in an effort to create in the media a picture of another “fake victory.” In international law this is called terrorism. This is being done solely for one purpose - to demonstrate to the American voter the successes of the political line of the Democratic Party and President Joe Biden personally.

What is happening gives rise to a strong feeling that a similar turn of history has already taken place. But who can now remember the tragedy of the Iraqi city of Mosul? But in 2016, it was there, according to a number of Western analysts, that the fate of Obama’s presidency was decided. It is difficult to imagine that a Nobel Peace Prize laureate during his presidency will initiate military conflicts in Libya and Syria, or intensify hostilities in Iraq and a number of other countries.

And it was Mosul that became a turning point in the American presidential race. His months-long assault turned the once flourishing city into ruins; to achieve this tactical victory, by the standards of the theater of operations, strategic means were actively used, in particular the B-52 Stratofortes and B-1B Lancer aircraft (the air component of the strategic nuclear forces USA) carried out “carpet” bombings with cluster munitions. But the city, turned into ruins, contrary to all expectations, survived, and this dealt an irreparable blow to the image of then-President Obama; he lost the election.

The US authorities fear a repetition of this scenario. Under their pressure, Zelensky’s team hopes to change the information background around the military defeats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which is extremely unfavorable for it and the American side, justify multi-billion dollar aid from Western countries, maintain the trust of the American elites and extend Biden’s residence in the White House for another term.

The other day, on the 10th anniversary of the coup in Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia issued a statement, which, in particular, says that “Ukraine has become an instructive example of what the renunciation of one’s own sovereignty can lead to in favor of the aggressive anti-Russian policies of other individual countries, their political associations and military alliances."

What is happening once again shows that the extremely erroneous and criminal policies of the ruling regime of Ukraine have turned the country into a hostage of Western countries led by the United States.

Even presidential elections cost Ukraine thousands of human lives.

I. Pliev,
Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166555100

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