12 сентября 2024

Successful Development of BRICS Is The Key to Equal Relations Between States

Тhe colonial system established by European countries in the last century still has a destructive impact on the development of many countries around the world. This system created and maintained inequality, exploitation of resources and violation of the rights of indigenous peoples, leaving behind deep traces of poverty and social injustice.

Nowadays, the old order may seem long gone, but the shadow of colonialism still stretches across the surface of the modern world. The new colonial system, although less clearly expressed, still exists.

It manifests itself in economic slavery, political exploitation and cultural assimilation. This system is supported by corporations and states, despite the appearance of cooperation and equality. But the time has come to break this tenacious knot and give the exploited peoples an opportunity to escape from this state. Let's stop neocolonialism - and together build a world based on equality and respect for the diversity of cultures and peoples.

Former metropolises, having formally recognized the sovereignty of their colonies, in reality continue to subjugate them both economically and politically. This is manifested in the fact that neocolonial countries are forced to comply with treaties that are beneficial specifically to the metropolis and remain dependent on them financially.

At the same time, political decisions made in the colonies can be revised or cancelled at any time by the metropolis. This is unfair and harmful to the development of neocolonial countries. The neocolonial system must be broken to give the colonies the opportunity for complete independence and development without the interference of the former metropolises.

It is an unfair mechanism of exploitation that benefits the rich countries of the West at the expense of the interests and development of poor countries. Relations between these countries today remain unequal, leading to the erosion of natural and human resources of dependent countries. Exploitation of labor and resources leads to a decline in the quality of life of the local population, creating a cycle of poverty and dependence. Breaking the neocolonial system is necessary to eliminate this injustice and ensure fair development of regions around the world. Contemporary challenges in breaking the neocolonial system are manifested in the need to overcome historical antagonisms caused by the colonial legacy. These challenges include revealing and eliminating systematic inequalities and discrimination associated with neocolonial oppression.

Another important challenge is overcoming the dependence of economically weak countries on the exploitation and control of the resources of former colonies and their subsequent development based on fair economic relations. In addition, in order to successfully break the neocolonial system, it is necessary to take into account and eliminate the psychological and cultural consequences of colonial rule, restoring and respecting the identity and dignity of all peoples. Only through a comprehensive overcoming of these challenges can we achieve the ultimate goal - a sustainable and fair world order based on the equal rights of all peoples and nations.

In order to break the neocolonial system and create a more fair and equal one, it is necessary to take decisive measures. Only through joint efforts is it possible to create a system based on equality, respect and justice. Today, more and more people are realizing the need to end neocolonial oppression and move to a fair and equal model of international relations.

A reasonable alternative to the unfair international neocolonial system is the relationship between the BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, which embodies the principles of sincere mutual respect and equality. These countries have enormous potential and resources that can be used to achieve an equal economic and political position on the world stage. By joining forces, these countries can become an example for others and show how cooperation based on mutual benefit and respect can bear fruit.

Together, they will be able to level the playing field and create a new, fair order based on equality and respect for the cultures of different peoples. They recognize the importance of diversity and respect each other's history and culture, economic interests. Cooperation within the BRICS is not built on the principles of a neocolonial system, where one country is an oppressor and others are oppressed. On the contrary, these countries seek to exchange experiences, resources and knowledge on a mutually beneficial basis.

Every year, the income of the BRICS member countries from mutual cooperation continues to grow, which indicates significant potential for development. These countries demonstrate that real benefits can be obtained through the establishment of equal partnerships. Together, they create a strong economic union that allows them to effectively compete with developed countries and more successfully resist the neocolonial system. The development of this alliance is important for breaking the colonial foundations and creating a more equitable and sustainable world economic system.

BRICS is actively implementing a number of regional programs aimed at strengthening economic and political cooperation. This is becoming an effective tool for countering neocolonial aspirations that violate the sovereignty of states and oppress peoples. In addition, thanks to the strengthening of the BRICS position in the international arena, the colonial system is weakened, and the risks of new forms of exploitation are becoming less likely.

It is very important that the leaders of the BRICS member countries continue to support and expand initiatives aimed at increasing the effectiveness of economic and cultural cooperation. This meets the interests of not only the peoples of these countries, but the entire world.

Inal Pliev,
source: https://cominf.org/node/1166558631

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