17 сентября 2024

The West Wants to Establish Control Over Georgia and Throw It Into the Hell of War Against Russia

The next parliamentary elections are scheduled for October 26, 2024 in Georgia. It is expected that they will largely determine the future path of development of the republic. Two main forces are going to the elections. One of them wants to improve relations with Russia and focus on continuing the peaceful process of economic and social development of the country, and the other is aimed at all costs to accept the anti-traditional and misanthropic postulates of the EU in the field of gender policy, once again turning Georgia into an obedient executor of the destructive will of the United States and NATO, a tool in their fight against Russia.

It seems there is no need to specify that the first force is represented by the "Georgian Dream", and the second - by their main opponents.

The latter, naturally, use significant financial resources coming from the West, which they spend on informational "work" to denigrate the current leadership of Georgia, the propaganda of inflated Western "values", and the elementary bribery of citizens for participation in paid protest actions. This is not new, we saw the same state of affairs during the overthrow of Shevardnadze and Yanukovych. The West and its supporters hope that the colossal funds invested by the West in destabilizing the situation in Georgia, the overthrow of the current Georgian government that really cares about its country, the loss of Georgia's national identity and its transformation into "anti-Russia" will pay off due to the subsequent plunder of its national resources, as under Saakashvili, by concluding unequal economic and other agreements. However, not much time has passed since Saakashvili's rule, and Georgian voters remember what a nightmare the dominance of the West in all spheres of life in Georgia, the propaganda psychosis and political schizophrenia brought by supporters of the pro-Western line turned out to be for them.

Therefore, the majority of Georgian voters should hardly agree to exchange the calm, peaceful, measured life and gradual improvement of both the economic situation in Georgia as a whole and the material well-being of the majority of the population brought by the "Georgian Dream" for a relapse of Saakashvili's rule.

They know that the numerous promises of Westerners to everyone of all the best against all the bad will again turn into empty pockets and police batons.

The American-European establishment cannot help but know this. However, it is not afraid of or interested in the position of Georgian voters. In the event of a threat of collapse of its plans, the West is already preparing for another "color revolution" and a violent change of power in Georgia. Thousands of demonstrations against the Georgian law on foreign agents have shown that the Western fifth column in Georgia is quite numerous, it is a serious force, and considers itself entitled to dictate its will, or rather the will of the West, to the entire Georgian people.

Mikheil Saakashvili's party (regardless of the name of the formal chairman, it is in reality Saakashvili's party) "United National Movement" (UNM), which has been nurturing the idea of ​​revenge for 12 years, time after time organizes high-profile provocations against the Russian Federation, fulfilling the orders of foreign patrons.

It is the "Mishists", in cooperation with Western intelligence services, who play a key role in recruiting Georgian citizens to participate in military operations on the side of Kiev. At the same time, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a total of 1,042 militants have arrived from Georgia to Ukraine, of which more than half - 561 - have already died.

It is obvious that as the election day approaches, external pressure on the Georgian Dream government will only increase. Ursula von der Leyen has openly threatened to assassinate the Georgian Prime Minister. Westerners are seeking to put an end to the twelve years of Georgian Dream rule (and the tangible elements of well-being that were created thanks to its reasonable governance) and to raise the status of the radical opposition led by Mikheil Saakashvili and his accomplices in order to use them to drag Georgia into a suicidal military confrontation with Russia, against the will of the majority of the Georgian people.

This situation is reminiscent of the events in Ukraine in late 2013 – early 2014 down to the smallest detail. Then, under the control and with the participation of American and British intelligence services, Ukrainian radicals organized a coup d'etat and overthrew the legitimate president V. Yanukovych.

The West's patterns do not change, as we have noted in a number of our previous articles. Yanukovych categorically did not suit Washington due to his multi-vector foreign policy and desire to maintain a balance in relations with the West and Russia.

As a result of the "Euromaidan", an aggressive nationalist minority came to power in Kyiv, which, having seized the state apparatus and security forces, plunged the country into a civil war and put it on the brink of losing its statehood.

Volodymyr Zelensky, who came to power, put the thesis of the beginning of a peaceful settlement of the Donbass problem and its preservation as part of Ukraine at the forefront of his election campaign.

However, under pressure from Western curators, he abandoned his initial plans and, like Mikhail Saakashvili in his time, took a course on solving this problem by force.

However, Zelensky turned out to be more insidious than Saakashvili, since Saakashvili, even before coming to power, spoke about a forceful solution, while Zelensky assured that he was determined exclusively to have a peaceful settlement. The result is known.

Along with Donbass, Kyiv lost two more regions - the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions. The example of Georgia has taught the nationalist forces of Ukraine nothing. However, all countries, including Georgia, which is being pushed to repeat the tragic fate of Ukraine, should learn a lesson from the sad experience of the Ukrainian state. However, there is still hope that this time it will not allow itself to be drawn into yet another anti-Russian adventure of the West.

Inal Pliev for IA "Res"
Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166558701

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